Now showing items 2224-2243 of 2351

    • Ultrasonic Imaging through Solids 

      Samuelsen, Elly (Master thesis, 2016)
      Ultrasonic testing is a widely used method, in the industry, for non destructive inspection of materials. The most commonly used technique is the pulse-echo technique where ultrasound is introduced into a test object and ...
    • Ultrasound Contrast Imaging - Improved Tissue Suppression in Amplitude Modulation 

      Hofstad, Erlend Fagertun (Master thesis, 2006)
      The ability to image myocardial perfusion is very important in order to detect coronary diseases. GE Vingmed Ultrasound uses contrast agent in combination with a pulse inversion (PI) technique to do the imaging. But this ...
    • Ultrasound Contrast Imaging - Improved Tissue Suppression in Amplitude Modulation 

      Hofstad, Erlend Fagertun (Master thesis, 2006)
      The ability to image myocardial perfusion is very important in order to detect coronary diseases. GE Vingmed Ultrasound uses contrast agent in combination with a pulse inversion (PI) technique to do the imaging. But this ...
    • Ultrasound Examination of Steel Pipes 

      Driveklepp, Anders (Master thesis, 2007)
      Non-intrusive testing of pipelines has become a growing industry, and is expected to keep growing as the demands on quality control and safety keep increasing. In order to meet the oil industry s demands for pipe monitoring ...
    • Ultrasound image processing using deep generative models 

      Mercado Valls, Hector (Master thesis, 2020)
      Speckle er blant de mest forstyrrende elementene i medisinske ultralydbilder. Fenomenet forvrenger signalet som legene ønsker å undersøke og gjør det vanskeligere å oppdage små somatiske anomalier. Dette prosjektet søker ...
    • Ultraviolet Optoelectronic Devices Based on GaN/AlGaN Nanowires Grown on Graphene Substrates 

      Toftevaag, Håvard Hem (Master thesis, 2020)
      Dioder av gruppe III-nitrid halvledermateriale har utstrakte anvendelser innen den synlige delen av det elektromagnetiske spekteret. Feltet som omhandler bruken av ultrafiolette optoelektroniske komponenter er mindre modent, ...
    • Uncovering Patterns in Teleconference Call Data: An Analysis using Clustering Method 

      Koren, Kaja (Master thesis, 2023)
      Videokonferanser har blitt en integrert del av vår kommunikasjonslandskap, spesielt i sammenheng med fjernarbeid og virtuelle samarbeid. Behovet for å undersøke lyd- og videokvaliteten i videokonferansesamtaler har blitt ...
    • Understanding ocean acoustics by eigenray analysis 

      Hovem, Jens Martin; Dong, Hefeng (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Acoustics is important for all underwater systems for object detection, classification, surveillance systems, and communication. However, underwater acoustics is often difficult to understand, and even the most carefully ...
    • Undersøkelse av bevegelsesmønsteret til en oseanografisk bøye ved hjelp av Kalmanfiltrering 

      Goldstein, Eirik Staff (Master thesis, 2009)
      Hensikten med denne oppgaven har vært å lage et Kalmanlter for beregning av tilstandsvektoren til en osceanogrask bøye. Under arbeidet har det blitt brukt kjente bølgedata for simulering og for å kontrollere og sammenligne ...
    • Undervannsovervåking ved hjelp av fiberoptisk hydrofon: Underwater surveillance using a fiber optic hydrophone 

      Grønhaug, Joachim (Master thesis, 2014)
      Since the 1970s fiber optics has been introduced as a replacement in many industrial areas, especially in the field of communications. Another field which has been and is greatly researched is the use of fiber optic cables ...
    • Underwater Communications: An OFDM-system for Underwater Communications 

      Gregersen, Svein Erik Søndervik (Master thesis, 2007)
      In the fall 2006 NTNU (The Norwegian University and Science and Technology) initiated a strategic project in cooperations with SINTEF where the aim is to gain more knowledge about underwater acoustic communications. This ...
    • Underwater Radio Communication 

      Fjuk, Per Øyvind Eid (Master thesis, 2013)
      In subsea applications, there is a growing demand for high-speed wireless communication links for transmitting data between different equipment. Radio communication is constrained by the high attenuation in seawater. Only ...
    • Underwater Radio Communication 

      Fjuk, Per Øyvind Eid (Master thesis, 2013)
      In subsea applications, there is a growing demand for high-speed wireless communication links for transmitting data between different equipment. Radio communication is constrained by the high attenuation in seawater. Only ...
    • Underwater Source Localization and Geoacoustic Inversion based on Machine Learning 

      Zhu, Xiaoyu (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:246, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Marine environmental information is vital for marine engineering applications. Underwater acoustic remote sensing is a common approach to obtaining marine environmental information by acoustic waves. With the development ...
    • Underwater Wildlife Monitoring Station 

      Aguto, Erjok; Kristiansen, Torstein; Malkenes, Henrik; Ræder, Filip (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Planeten vår er i konstant endring, og menneskelig påvirkning har store konsekvenser for økosystemer over hele kloden. For å sikre bærekraftige kystsamfunn, bevare havets økosystemer og støtte bærekraftig økonomi er det ...
    • Underwater Wildlife Monitoring Station 

      Aguto, Erjok; Kristiansen, Torstein; Malkenes, Henrik; Ræder, Filip (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Planeten vår er i konstant endring, og menneskelig påvirkning har store konsekvenser for økosystemer over hele kloden. For å sikre bærekraftige kystsamfunn, bevare havets økosystemer og støtte bærekraftig økonomi er det ...
    • Uniaxial Néel vector control in perovskite oxide thin films by anisotropic strain engineering 

      Kjærnes, Kristoffer; Hallsteinsen, Ingrid; Chopdekar, R. V.; Moreau, Magnus; Bolstad, Torstein; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Selbach, Sverre Magnus; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Antiferromagnetic (AF) thin films typically exhibit a multidomain state, and control of the AF Néel vector is challenging, as AF materials are robust to magnetic perturbations. In this paper, uniaxial Néel vector control ...
    • Universal Programmable State Machine 

      Steensland, Asbjørn (Master thesis, 2019)
      Tilstandsmaskiner (FSM-er) blir utstrakt brukt i digital maskinvaredesign. Ettersom markedet for integrerte kretser og brikke-systemer er økende m ̊a designene følge etter. FSM-er blir ofte spesiallaget og hardkodet for ...
    • Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for IoT-Based Multivariate Time Series: Existing Solutions, Performance Analysis and Future Directions 

      Belay, Mohammed Ayalew; Blakseth, Sindre Stenen; Rasheed, Adil; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The recent wave of digitalization is characterized by the widespread deployment of sensors in many different environments, e.g., multi-sensor systems represent a critical enabling technology towards full autonomy in ...
    • Unsupervised machine learning applied to scanning precession electron diffraction data 

      Martineau, B. H.; Johnstone, D.N.; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Midgley, Paul A.; eggeman, A.S (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Scanning precession electron diffraction involves the acquisition of a two-dimensional precession electron diffraction pattern at every probe position in a two-dimensional scan. The data typically comprise many more ...