Now showing items 1819-1838 of 2332

    • RF MEMS Switches and Switch Circuits: Modeling of RF MEMS switches and development of RF MEMS capacitive switches and MEMS tunable filters 

      Saha, Shimul Chandra (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2008:230, Doctoral thesis, 2008)
    • RF-datainnsamler for programmerbar ammunisjon 

      Egge, Sondre Hånes; Myhre, Jørgen Sørebø; Tollefsbøl, Martin; Algarheim, Kjetil Korsmo (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
    • Risk Analysis for the Design of a Safe Artificial Pancreas Control System 

      Kölle, Konstanze; Fougner, Anders Lyngvi; Lundteigen, Mary Ann; Carlsen, Sven Magnus; Ellingsen, Reinold; Stavdahl, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Closed-loop glucose control has the potential to improve the glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1. Such an artificial pancreas (AP) should keep the user safe despite all disturbances and faults. The ...
    • Robot-assisted magnetic capsule endoscopy; navigating colorectal inclinations 

      Mahmood, Salman; Schostek, Sebastian; Schurr, Marc O.; Bergsland, Jacob; Balasingham, Ilangko; Fosse, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Purpose: To investigate the interaction of a robot assisted magnetically driven wireless capsule endoscope (WCE) with colonic tissue, as it traverses the colorectal bends in the dorsal and ventral directions, relying only ...
    • Robot-supervised Learning of Crop Row Segmentation 

      Bakken, Marianne; Moore, Richard J.D.; From, Pål Johan; Omholt Gjevestad, Jon Glenn; Ponnambalam, Vignesh Raja (Chapter, 2021)
      We propose an approach for robot-supervised learning that automates label generation for semantic segmentation with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for crop row detection in a field. Using a training robot equipped ...
    • Robotisert tilberedning av kaffe og kaker 

      Mørkeng, Karoline Margrethe; Klemetsdal, Renate Heierstad; Wold, Astrid Meen (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Det er laget et robotisert system for tilberedning av kaffe og kake. Det fungerer som en demonstrasjon på hvordan tilberedning av kaffe og kake kan automatiseres på sykehjem for å frigjøre verdifull tid for pleierne. En ...
    • Robotlæring for slangeroboter 

      Monzo Brandvold, Christian (Master thesis, 2011)
      Robots shaped as snakes snake robots have a vast potential within areas such as seach and rescue, and inspection and maintenance. Snake robots with active wheels are a specialized form of snake robots. The active wheels ...
    • Robust and Reconfigurable On-Board Processing for a Hyperspectral Imaging Small Satellite 

      Langer, Dennis David; Orlandic, Milica; Bakken, Sivert; Birkeland, Roger; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Hyperspectral imaging is a powerful remote sensing technology, but its use in space is limited by the large volume of data it produces, which leads to a downlink bottleneck. Therefore, most payloads to date have been ...
    • Robust Distance Estimation of Remotely-Operating Underwater Drones for Monitoring Applications 

      Waleed Azam (Master thesis, 2020)
      Denne oppgaven introduserer bruken av maskinlæring-algoritmer, mer presist «deep learning», for å lage en algoritme som på en robust måte estimerer distansen til «Remotely Operating Vehicles (ROV)». Dette er i forhold til ...
    • Robust Networked Federated Learning for Localization 

      Mirzaeifard, Reza; Venkategowda, Naveen K. D.; Werner, Anders Stefan (Chapter, 2023)
      This paper addresses the problem of localization, which is inherently non-convex and non-smooth in a federated setting where the data is distributed across a multitude of devices. Due to the decentralized nature of federated ...
    • Robust phase retrieval with non-convex penalties 

      Mirzaeifard, Reza; Dasanadoddi Venkategowda, Naveen Kumar; Werner, Anders Stefan (Journal article, 2023)
      This paper proposes an alternating direction method of multiplier (ADMM) based algorithm for solving the sparse robust phase retrieval with non-convex and non-smooth sparse penalties, such as minimax concave penalty (MCP). ...
    • Robust Speech Recognition in the Presence of Additive Noise 

      Pettersen, Svein Gunnar (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2009:14, Doctoral thesis, 2009)
      It is well known that additive noise can cause a significant decrease in performance for an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system. For an ASR system to maintain an acceptable level of performance in noisy conditions, ...
    • rockphypy: An extensive Python library for rock physics modeling 

      Yu, Junbo; Mukerji, Tapan; Avseth, Per Åge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Rock physics aims to understand the relationship between the physical properties of rocks and geophysical observables under various conditions. The generic knowledge provides valuable insights into the behavior of subsurface ...
    • Romakustikk i øvingslokaler for skolekorps og risiko for hørselskader 

      Meling, Trine Erfjord (Master thesis, 2015)
      Den 9. mai 2014 skrev Stavanger aftenblad en artikkel om risiko for hørselskader ved korpsmusikk. Risiko var knyttet til dårlige øvingslokaler for skolekorps. På bakgrunn av dette engasjerte Sandnes kommune Sinus AS og ...
    • Room Acoustic Conditions for Audio and Video Conferencing 

      Gundersen, Erlend Inge (Master thesis, 2012)
      A video conferencing situation combines the acoustical properties of two rooms. As the talker is located in a one room, the sound reaching the listener in an other room will be colored by the acoustical characteristics of ...
    • Room acoustic conditions in primary schools 

      Bolstad, Erlend (Master thesis, 2019)
      Lydtrykknivå har blitt målt ved 8 barneskular i Trondheim, og sortert for dei følgjande kategoriane: plenumsaktivitet, individuelt- gruppe- og praktisk arbeid, samt film. Lydmålingar og observasjon av aktivitet vart utført ...
    • A room-temperature formaldehyde sensor based on hematite for breast cancer diagnosis 

      Zhang, Rui; Liu, Chuanqun; Wang, Pu; LI, Yang; Su, Yue; Dai, Jianxun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Formaldehyde (HCHO) is regarded as one kind of indoor pollutant. Additionally, HCHO serves as a biomarker in the exhaled breath of breast cancer patients. Early warning and management are crucial for the environment and ...
    • RSA krypterings-system for AHEAD 

      Hervig, Vidar Eikrem (Master thesis, 2007)
      I denne masteroppgaven er det blitt designet en RSA-modul for forskningsprosjektet AHEAD. Dette er en modul som gjennomfører en kryptografialgoritme. RSA-modulen omformer klartekst til chiffertekst, (kryptering), og tilbake ...
    • RSS-Based Secret Key Generation in Wireless In-body Networks 

      Awan, Muhammad Faheem; Kansanen, Kimmo; perez, Sofia; García-Pardo, Concepción; Cardona, Narcís (International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology;, Chapter, 2019)
      Secure communication is considered as an integral part of next generation wireless implantable medical devices. In this work, we provide the symmetric cryptographic key generating approach by exploiting the randomness in ...
    • RTL Power Estimation Flow and Its Use in Power Optimization 

      Nesset, Sondre Rennan (Master thesis, 2018)
      The increased complexity and low-power requirements of integrated circuit design demands reliable and accurate power estimations in the RTL phase, for effective design tradeoffs early in the design phase. This thesis ...