Browsing Institutt for fysikk by Title
Now showing items 1788-1807 of 2798
³¹P NMR- and high-resolution ¹H MAS NMR studies of intact cancer and bacterial cells : an experimental investigaton of the effects induced by the Ca2+-ionophore A23187, daunorubicin and ALA-PDT
(Doctoral thesis, 2001)NMR studies on cells have shown alterations in metabolic processes by the induction of apoptosis. The main purpose of the present study was to use NMR spectroscopic techniques to further elucidate metabolic and physiological ... -
p-wave triggered superconductivity in single layer graphene on an electron-doped oxide superconductor
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Electron pairing in the vast majority of superconductors follows the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer theory of superconductivity, which describes the condensation of electrons into pairs with antiparallel spins in a singlet state ... -
Palladium alloy model systems forunderstanding the surface properties of Pd-based membranes and catalysts
(Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:9, Doctoral thesis, 2014)Palladium has high solubility, permeability and selectivity for hydrogen, thus being a suitable membrane material for hydrogen separation. In addition, palladium is a versatile catalyst with applications in industrial ... -
Parallel Instabilities in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
(Master thesis, 2014)Two immiscible fluids flowing in parallel with respect to the interface separating them in a two-dimensional porous medium has been studied using a dynamic network model. Two immiscible fluids, one wetting and the other ... -
Parallel integration of aligned carbon strings in polymer composite: Dielectrophoretic preparation, finite element simulation, and electrical characterization
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)We report on dielectrophoretic alignment of carbon black particles into radially arranged string-like assemblies in oligourethane mixtures followed by photopolymerization. Using finite element modelling and optical microscopy ... -
Parallel Integration of Aligned Carbon Strings in Polymer Matrix: Dielectrophoretic Preparation, Electrical and Electromechanical Characterisation
(Master thesis, 2012)Carbon black particles have been aligned into string-like assemblies by dielectrophoresis. Particles were dispersed in Dymax Ultra Light-Weld 3094 oligomermixture, with 0.1 vol.% filler content. This mixture was spread ... -
Parallelization of Coherent Point Drift for patient registration
(Master thesis, 2019)Punktskyregistrering er en sentral del i enhver anvendelse der det er ønskelig å vite hvordan to sett av punkter hører sammen, for eksempel data fra medisinske undersøkelser. Det finnes et stort utvalg av ulike algoritmer ... -
Parallell partikkeltransport implementert i Python med MPI
(Master thesis, 2017)Det er skrevet et program i Python for å beregne parallell partikkeltransport. Som numerisk integrator ble fjerdeordens Runge-Kutta-metode brukt for å beregne partikkeltransporten i et hastighetsfelt gitt ved et analytisk ... -
Paramagnetic Meissner Effect and Non-Equilibrium Vortices in Superconductor/Normal-Metal Structures
(Master thesis, 2023)Proksimitetseffekten mellom en superleder og et normalt metall fører til at noe av superledningen lekker inn i normalmetallet. Dette betyr at superledende virvler kan oppstå i normalmetallområdet. Vi studerer superleder- ... -
Parameterizations of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A fundamental variable characterizing immiscible two-phase flow in porous media is the wetting saturation, which is the ratio between the pore volume filled with wetting fluid and the total pore volume. More generally, ... -
Parametric model of the Mueller matrix of a Spectralon white reflectance standard deduced by polar decomposition techniques
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Decomposition methods have been applied to in-plane Mueller matrix ellipsometric scattering data of the Spectralon reflectance standard. Data were measured at the wavelengths 532 nm and 1500 nm, using an achromatic optimal ... -
Parametrisering av Kraftfelt for ReaxFF
(Master thesis, 2008)Denne oppgaven tar for seg innsamling av data for optimerte geometrier, energier og ladninger for molekylstrukturer av aluminium, indium (gruppe 3-atomer) og arsen (gruppe 5-atom), samt hydrogen. All informasjon er samlet ... -
Parametrisering av kraftfelt for ReaxFF med H, C, Si og Ge
(Master thesis, 2008)Sammenligning av DFT og ReaxFF beregninger for å kunne validere gjorte beregninger som input til paramtreisering av kraftfelt i ReaXFF for C, Si og Ge. -
Partial Discharges on an Epoxy Surface due to Water Droplets
(Master thesis, 2011)Offshore wind turbines are exposed to a very harsh environment and can sustain significant damage during operation. In this thesis work, the possibilities of partial discharges in an insulation system of an offshore wind ... -
Particle Assembly Guided by Electrohydrodynamics and Dielectrophoresis
(Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:121, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Norwegian: Vanlige utfordringer i forbindelse med oljeutvinning og produksjon av blant annet mat, medisin og kosmetikkprodukter er å hindre at dråper vokser sammen. Prøver man å blande to ikke-blandbare væsker (som ... -
Particle creation in vacuum states using quantum field theory
(Master thesis, 2021)I denne masteravhandlingen introduserer vi en kvantisert felt-teori. Det kvantiserte feltet brukes til å vise at partikler blir skapt i tilstander som opprinnelig er vakum-tilstander, som betyr at det er ingen partikler ... -
Particle Production in Gravitational Fields
(Master thesis, 2013)In this thesis, we discuss the phenomenon of particle production in gravitational fields. We present the general framework in flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes and apply it to an asymptotically static model in two ... -
Patient-Reported Experiences and Associated Factors in a Norwegian Radiotherapy Setting: An Explorative Cross-Sectional Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Introduction Radiotherapy is the main treatment modality in cancer. There is sparse knowledge on how patients with cancer experience their radiotherapy trajectory, and which factors might be associated with patients’ ... -
Patterned cell arrays and patterned co-cultures on polydopamine-modified poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Live cell arrays are an emerging tool that expand traditional 2D in vitro cell culture, increasing experimental precision and throughput. A patterned cell system was developed by combining the cell-repellent properties of ... -
Påvirkningen av temperaturgradienter for tolkningen av rotasjonstemperaturer
(Master thesis, 2018)Hydroksyl (OH) utstråling er en fotokjemisk reaksjon som skjer i et relativt tynt område ($\sim$5 km) sentrert rundt ca 90 km høyde. I denne oppgaven ble det laget et syntetisk spektrum ved hjelp av en steady-state kjemimodell ...