Browsing Institutt for fysikk by Title
Now showing items 1571-1590 of 2790
N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills thermodynamics from effective field theory
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The free energy density of N ¼ 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four space-time dimensions is derived through second order in the ’t Hooft coupling λ at finite temperature using effective-field theory methods. The ... -
Nano- and microscale control of alginate interactions and assembly
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:259, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Hydrogels are materials primarily comprised of water and are extensively applied to mimic the extracellular matrix surrounding the cells in our body. Alginate, a naturally derived biopolymer shows great promise in this ... -
Nano-scale characterisation of sheared β” precipitates in a deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper compares the nano-scale structure of β” precipitates in a peak-aged Al-Mg-Si alloy before and after deformation. Three complementary advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques are used to reveal the ... -
Nanocrystal segmentation in scanning precession electron diffraction data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Scanning precession electron diffraction (SPED) enables the local crystallography of materials to be probed on the nanoscale by recording a two‐dimensional precession electron diffraction (PED) pattern at every probe ... -
Nanofabrication and properties of gold and platinum nanostructures on graphite
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:379, Doctoral thesis, 2013)This Thesis presents studies of modern aspects of nanotechnology where the size and density of nanostructures play a huge role for further technological advances of our life. As an example of this is heterogeneous catalysis ... -
Nanoflow of Protons and Water in Polymer Electrolyte Membranes
(Master thesis, 2013)This master thesis studies the applicability of continuum mean-field theories such as the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations and the Stokes equation. In particular, we investigate electro-osmotic flow of water and protons in ... -
Nanomanufacturing of dielectric metasurfaces supported by spectroscopic Mueller Matrix Ellipsometry
(Master thesis, 2022)Metamaterials are artificially structured composites. They can be used to modulate electromagnetic waves. The structural dimensions must be determined by being smaller than the working wavelength. Metasurfaces are multi- ... -
Nanomedicine and Sonopermeation in the Treatment of Cancer
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:98, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Treatment of cancer is an enormous challenge that involves multiple biological barriers and drugs with limited specificity, which makes treatment both ineffective and debilitating to the patient. One of the approaches that ... -
Nanometer-Resolution Mask Lithography with Matter Waves: Near-Field Binary Holography
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Mask-based pattern generation is a crucial step in microchip production. The next-generation extreme-ultraviolet- (EUV) lithography instruments with a wavelength of 13.5 nm are currently under development. In principle, ... -
Nanoparticle delivery to the brain - By focused ultrasound and self-assembled nanoparticle-stabilized microbubbles
(Journal article, 2015)The blood–brain barrier (BBB) constitutes a significant obstacle for the delivery of drugs into the central nervous system (CNS). Nanoparticles have been able to partly overcome this obstacle and can thus improve drug ... -
Nanoparticle Dynamics in Composite Hydrogels Exposed to Low-Frequency Focused Ultrasound
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Pulsed focused ultrasound (FUS) in combination with microbubbles has been shown to improve delivery and penetration of nanoparticles in tumors. To understand the mechanisms behind this treatment, it is important to evaluate ... -
Nanoparticle uptake by brain endothelial cells and focused ultrasound-mediated transport across the blood-brain barrier
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:3, Doctoral thesis, 2016)More and more people in the world suffer from various brain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and brain cancer. One of the reasons it is so difficult to treat them is the blood-brain barrier (BBB) ... -
Nanoparticle-hydrogel composites: From molecular interactions to macroscopic behavior
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Hydrogels are materials used in a variety of applications, ranging from tissue engineering to drug delivery. The incorporation of nanoparticles to yield composite hydrogels has gained substantial momentum over the years ... -
Nanoparticle-loaded microbubbles for treatment of lung cancer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers and a leading cause of death, with poor prognosis and high unmet clinical need. Chemotherapy is a common part of the treatment, either alone or in combination with other treatment ... -
Nanoparticle-Mediated Wound Closure of Human Skin
(Master thesis, 2018)Nye studier tyder på at nanopartikler kan brukes til å lukke sår. Denne metoden kan muligens være både rask og enkel, og lukkede sår kan åpnes og justeres igjen. For at dette skal være mulig må nanopartiklene ha en sterk ... -
Nanoparticle-stabilized microbubbles for multimodal imaging and drug delivery
(Journal article, 2015)Microbubbles (MBs) are routinely used as contrast agents for ultrasound imaging. The use of ultrasound in combination with MBs has also attracted attention as a method to enhance drug delivery. We have developed a technology ... -
Nanoparticles for Wound Closure
(Master thesis, 2018)Studies have shown the potential of the application of nanoparticles in wound closure. In some cases, the nanoparticles have shown to aggregate in the wound, delaying the natural healing processes, which involve cell ... -
Nanoparticles in dilute solution: Theory and experiments
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:49, Doctoral thesis, 2004)My thesis focuses on nanoparticles in dilute solution. The nanoparticles that interest us the most are biopolymers (DNA, RNA, proteins, and polysaccharides). Biopolymers are molecules of biological origin. Biopolymers are ... -
Nanoparticles in dilute solution:: A numerical study of rotational diffusion
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2008:209, Doctoral thesis, 2008) -
Nanopartikkel-stabiliserte mikrobobler og fokusert ultrasound for levering av kreftmedisin til tumorer - Karakterisering i den korioallantoiske membran-modellen
(Master thesis, 2019)Formålet med dette arbeidet var å undersøke oppførselen til nanopartikkel-stabiliserte mikrobobler (NPMBer) når de ble utsatt for pulsert ultralyd (UL) i både normale og kreftutsatte blodkar. Alle NPMB-batcher ble laget ...