Browsing Institutt for fysikk by Title
Now showing items 1017-1036 of 2772
Gamma-ray counterpart of the IceCube neutrinos
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)A γ-ray excess at high Galactic latitudes starting at energies 300 GeV was recently discovered in the data of the Fermi telescope. The multi-TeV γ-ray emission found has spectral characteristics at both low and high Galactic ... -
Gamma-ray counterparts of 2WHSP high-synchrotron-peaked BL Lac objects as possible signatures of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray emission
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We present a search for high-energy γ-ray emission from 566 Active Galactic Nuclei at redshift z > 0.2, from the 2WHSP catalogue of high-synchrotron peaked BL Lac objects with 8 yr of Fermi-LAT data. We focus on a redshift ... -
Gamma-ray observations of MAXI J1820+070 during the 2018 outburst
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)MAXI J1820+070 is a low-mass X-ray binary with a black hole (BH) as a compact object. This binary underwent an exceptionally bright X-ray outburst from 2018 March to October, showing evidence of a non-thermal particle ... -
GAMMA-RAYS FROM SPIDER BINARIES - A search for gamma-ray emission around the nearby compact binary millisecond pulsar PSR J1720-0533
(Master thesis, 2023)Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) har ført til en drastisk økning i antall oppdagede kompakte binære millisekundpulsarer i Melkeveien (også kjent som "spiders"). Majoriteten av de kjente spider-pulsarene viser gammastråle-emisjon, ... -
GAN Based Super-Resolution of Near-Surface 3D Atmospheric Wind Flow with Physics Informed Loss Function
(Master thesis, 2023)I møte med økende behov for grønn energi er det forventet med stor økning i vindkraftutbygging de neste årene. Billig høyoppløslig vinddata kan hjelpe vindutviklere å optimere produksjon og redusere risiko ved vindutbygging. For ... -
Gas Exchange at an Interface
(Master thesis, 2024)Dette prosjektet undersøker virkningen av overflatedynamikk på gassutveksling over en luft-væske-grenseflate gjennom flerfase Direkte Numeriske Simuleringer (DNS). For dette formålet er Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) turbulens ... -
Gauge Dependence of the Quantum Field Theory Effective Potential
(Master thesis, 2013)Using the absolute stability requirement of the Standard Model vacuum, we compute the Higgs mass bound for the 1-loop Standard Model effective potential with gauge dependence in the $R_\xi$ gauges together with 3-loop beta ... -
Ge-capped SiGe core optical fibers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)CO2 laser processing offers the possibility to inscribe structures within glass-clad SiGe-core fibers by altering the spatial distribution of the Si and Ge. Spatial segregation of Ge to the end of a fiber is shown via ... -
Gelling kinetics and in situ mineralization of alginate hydrogels: A correlative spatiotemporal characterization toolbox.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Due to their large water content and structural similarities to the extracellular matrix, hydrogels are an attractive class of material in the tissue engineering field. Polymers capable of ionotropic gelation are of special ... -
Gender Differences in Norwegian Engineering Students’ Understanding of Newtonian Mechanics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)An investigation of the gender gap in engineering students’ understanding of Newtonian physics has been done. The results indicate a noticeable gender gap, in addition to an effect due to differences in preparation, i.e. ... -
General boundary conditions for quasiclassical theory of superconductivity in the diffusive limit: Application to strongly spin-polarized systems
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Boundary conditions in quasiclassical theory of superconductivity are of crucial importance for describing proximity effects in heterostructures between different materials. Although they have been derived for the ballistic ... -
General bulk-viscous solutions and estimates of bulk viscosity in the cosmic fluid
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)We derive a general formalism for bulk viscous solutions of the energy-conservation equation for ρ(a,ζ) ρ(a,ζ) , both for a single-component and a multicomponent fluid in the Friedmann universe. For our purposes, these ... -
General solution of 2D and 3D superconducting quasiclassical systems: Coalescing vortices and nanoisland geometries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)An extension of quasiclassical Keldysh-Usadel theory to higher spatial dimensions than one is crucial in order to describe physical phenomena like charge/spin Hall effects and topological excitations like vortices and ... -
Generalization of the Recursive Green's Function Approach to Spin-Orbit Coupled Graphene
(Master thesis, 2021)I denne avhandlingen har vi generalisert den Rekursive Green’s Funksjons-metoden for å studere ladning- og spinnstrømmer samt deres romfordeling i nanoflak av grafen. For å kunne simulere et realistisk system hvor ... -
Generative Adversarial Networks in X-ray Computed Tomography
(Master thesis, 2021)Computertomografi (CT) med røntgenstråler åpner opp for ikke-destruktiv bildetaking av interne strukturer i materialer. Prosessen for å ta CT-bilder består av å måle røntgenprojeksjoner av en prøve, for deretter å ... -
Geometric Aspects of Quantum Entanglement
(Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:253, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Summary: Entanglement is a strange feature contained in the quantum mechanical framework, first observed theoretically by Erwin Schrödinger and Albert Einstein. An inherent attribute of entanglement is non-locality, and ... -
Giant Anisotropy in the Josephson Effect and Magnetization Dynamics in Spin-Orbit Coupled Antiferromagnetic Josephson Junctions
(Master thesis, 2021)Vi benytter en Hubbard-modell til å beskrive en to-dimensjonal antiferromagnetisk Josephson kobling med Rashba-type spinn-bane kobling, og bruker modellen til å studere Josephson-strømmen og den frie energien i koblingen. ... -
Giant triplet proximity effect in π-biased Josephson junctions with spin-orbit coupling
(Journal article, 2015)In diffusive Josephson junctions the phase difference φ between the superconductors strongly influences the spectroscopic features of the layer separating them. The observation of a uniform minigap and its phase modulation ... -
Gifted students’ experiences with participation in enrichment programs at talent centers in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Gifted students may be at risk of school disengagement due to lacking intellectual challenges. Four talent centers were established to offer makerspace enrichment programs, because makerspace activities promote engagement ... -
Gigahertz Femtosecond Cr:ZnS Laser
(Chapter, 2014)We demonstrate the first Cr:ZnS laser with a gigahertz pulse repetition rate. The passively mode-locked by the graphene-based mirror laser provides 105 mW output power with 180 fs pulse duration and 110 pJ pulse energy.