Browsing Institutt for fysikk by Title
Now showing items 947-966 of 2798
Fabricating and imaging room temperature thermally active ASI structures using FIB and STEM-DPC
(Master thesis, 2024)Kunstig spin-is (ASI) er geometriske sammensetninger av nanomagneter som virker på hverandre i et såkalt frustrert system. Disse magnetene har justerbare egenskaper, og har et betydelig potensial for anvendelse i ulike nye ... -
Fabrication and Characterisation of Porous Coatings Enriched with Copper on CP Titanium Grade 2 under Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In the present paper, coatings obtained on CP Titanium Grade 2 samples by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) in electrolyte containing concentrated phosphoric acid H3PO4 with copper nitrate Cu(NO3)2∙3H2O, are studied with ... -
Fabrication of Diffractive Honeycomb Structures on Silicon Using Photolithography and Maskless Aligner and Investigation of Optical and Electrical Properties of the Structures
(Master thesis, 2018)Surface texturing is an important method for increasing absorption of light in solar cells. This is done by creating surface structures that increase the optical path-length of photons within the cell, through light-trapping ... -
Fabrication of monodisperse alginate microgel beads by microfluidic picoinjection: a chelate free approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Micron-sized alginate hydrogel beads are extensively employed as an encapsulation medium for biochemical and biomedical applications. Here we report on the microfluidic assisted fabrication of calcium alginate (Ca-alginate) ... -
Fabrication of platinum mushroom-shaped microelectrode array for in vitro studies of neural networks and neural network pathologies
(Master thesis, 2021)Feltet elektrofysiologi opplever store fremskritt i anvendelsen av mikroelektro de arrayer (MEA) for bedre forståelse av mekanismene som ligger til grunn for komplekse hjernefunksjoner. Ulike opptak plattformer med ... -
Faceted interfacial structure of {1011} twins in Ti formed during equal channel angular pressing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)The boundary structure of {1011} deformation twins formed in commercial pure titanium (CP-Ti) during the initial pass ECAP processing has been studied by TEM and HRTEM. A new twining mode with twinning dislocation of b3/3, ... -
Fare inspection optimization in train networks
(Master thesis, 2014)In this thesis we present the inspector scheduling problem set in the local train network around Oslo serviced by Norges Statsbaner (NSB). We review current literature on the subject and present our own solution method ... -
A fast semi-analytical method for propagating leaky Lamb wavefields
(Chapter, 2021)A fast method is presented for calculating the wavefields from initialized leaky Lamb waves on plates immersed in sufficiently light fluids. The method works by precomputing the dispersion relation and attenuation, and ... -
The fate of hydrocarbon leaks from plugged and abandoned wells by means of natural seepages
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)When a well reaches the end of its productive life, it is permanently plugged and abandoned. Even though new technology and verification methods are being evaluated, it is evident that operational, barrier material and ... -
Favorable effects on arterial stiffness after renal sympathetic denervation for the treatment of resistant hypertension: a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Aims: Renal sympathetic denervation (RDN) has recently been suggested to be a novel treatment strategy for patients with treatment-resistant hypertension. However, the latest randomized studies have provided conflicting ... -
Feasibility of Using Phototherapy with Sunlight for Treatment of Neonatal Jaundice in Low-Income Countries
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis aimed to investigate the feasibility of using sunlight exposure as treatment for neonatal jaundice in low-income countries. The investigation answered four questions: 1. Is it feasible to treat infants with ... -
Feasibility of Water Equivalent Path Length Analysis in Adaptive Proton Therapy of Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
(Master thesis, 2022)Introduksjon: Intensitetsmodulert protonterapi (IMPT) kan potensielt gi betre behandling av lokalavansert ikkje-småcella lungekreft (LA-NSCLC) samanlikna med intensitetsmodulert stråleterapi (IMRT) med foton, som er dagens ... -
Feasibility study of the permeability and uptake of mesoporous silica nanoparticles across the blood-brain barrier
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Drug delivery into the brain is impeded by the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) that filters out the vast majority of drugs after systemic administration. In this work, we assessed the transport, uptake and cytotoxicity of promising ... -
Felles publiseringstjeneste i UH-sektoren: Rapport fra arbeidsgruppe utnevnt av UHR-Bibliotek
(Research report, 2021) -
Femtosecond Cr2+-based lasers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)We review a novel class of femtosecond Cr2+-doped ZnSe and ZnS lasers, which operates in a very important for applications wavelength range between 2 and 3.5 μm and which generates ultrashort optical pulses that are only ... -
Femtosecond Cr:ZnS laser at 2.35 µm mode-locked by carbon nanotubes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)We report the solid-state Cr:ZnS laser mode-locked by CNT-based saturable absorber. The absorber was deposited on a protected silver mirror used as a high reflector mirror in a standard 250-MHz cavity with chirped mirror ... -
Femtosecond laser writing of the depressed cladding buried channel waveguides in ZnS crystal
(Chapter, 2018)We report the first direct laser-writing of buried channel waveguides in ZnS. A depressed cladding waveguide with propagation loss of 0.62 dB/cm at 1030 nm allowed to obtain spectral broadening under femtosecond-pumping ... -
Femtosecond Operation and Random Quasi-Phase-Matched Self-Doubling of Ceramic Cr:ZnSe Laser
(Chapter, 2010)A 100-fs Cr:ZnSe laser, based on a ceramic active medium, generates 100 mW at 215 MHz repetition rate around 2450 nm. Co-propagating second-harmonic pulse at 1225 nm is simultaneously generated due to random quasi-phase-matching ... -
Femtosecond operation and self‐doubling of Cr:ZnS laser
(Chapter, 2011)Prismless dispersion‐controlled Cr:ZnS laser generates first femtosecond (110 fs) pulses at 180 MHz repetition rate around 2400 nm with average power 200 mW. Copropagating second‐harmonic pulse at 1200 nm is simultaneously ... -
Femtosecond SESAM-modelocked Cr:ZnS laser
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)We report self-starting femtosecond operation of a 180-MHz SESAM-controlled prismless Cr:ZnS laser around 2400 nm at open air and room temperature. Dispersion compensation was achieved by a combination of bulk materials ...