• Correlated Structural and Optical Characterisation of Individual AlGaN Nanowires on Graphene 

      Hansen, Ingvild (Master thesis, 2019)
      III-nitrider viser lovende egenskaper for bruk innen ultrafiolette optoelektroniske enheter, men en betydelig utfordring for fremtidig utbedring er lav effektivitet for enheter med kort bølgelengde. Med en økende etterspørsel ...
    • Correlated subgrain and particle analysis of a recovered Al-Mn alloy by directly combining EBSD and backscatter electron imaging 

      Ånes, Håkon Wiik; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Marthinsen, Knut (Journal article, 2022)
      Correlated analysis of (sub)grains and particles in alloys is important to understand transformation processes and control material properties. A multimodal data fusion workflow directly combining subgrain data from electron ...
    • Correlated transmission electron microscopy and micro-photoluminescence studies of GaAs-based heterostructured semiconductor nanowires 

      Todorovic, Jelena (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:319, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      The focus of this work was to study the nanowire (NW) optical and structural properties on a single NW level. The GaAs-based heterostructured semiconductor NWs, grown by Au-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), were studied ...
    • Correlating laser energy with compositional and atomic-level information of oxides in atom probe tomography 

      Hunnestad, Kasper Aas; Hatzoglou, hatzoglou; Vurpillot, F.; Nylund, Inger-Emma; Yan, Z.; Bourret, E.; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Meier, Dennis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Atom probe tomography (APT) is a 3D analysis technique that offers unique chemical accuracy and sensitivity with sub-nanometer spatial resolution. There is an increasing interest in the application of APT to complex oxides ...
    • Correlation between the mean wind in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere and solar cycles 

      Svendsen, Ingvild (Master thesis, 2021)
      Middelvinden i den midtre atmosfæren transporterer kjemiske spesier som er sentrale for energibalansen i atmosfæren. Sterk avhengighet mellom de ulike lagene i atmosfæren gir motivasjon for å utforske middelvinden i ...
    • Corrigendum to “Circulating exosomal miR-141-3p and miR-375 in metastatic progression of rectal cancer” [Transl Oncol 12 (8) (2019) 1038-1044] 

      Meltzer, Sebastian; Bjørnetrø, Tonje; Lyckander, Lars Gustav; Flatmark, Kjersti; Dueland, Svein; Samiappan, Rampradeep; Johansen, Christin; Kalanxhi, Erta; Ree, Anne Hansen; Redalen, Kathrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
    • Cosmic Ray Diffusion in the Hamiltonian Guiding Center Approximation 

      Nervik, Odd-Einar Cedervall (Master thesis, 2019)
      Forå konstruere en metode tilå teste nøyaktigheten til den Hamiltonske føringssen- terapproksimasjonen undersøkes diffusjonskoeffisientene av kosmiske stråler propa- gert i et turbulent magnetisk felt. Målet er å reprodusere ...
    • Cosmic ray models 

      Kachelriess, Michael; Semikoz, DV (Journal article, 2019)
      We review progress in high-energy cosmic ray physics focusing on recent experimental results and models developed for their interpretation. Emphasis is put on the propagation of charged cosmic rays, covering the whole range ...
    • Cosmic Rays from Pair-Instability Supernova Remnants 

      Foss, Marie Kristine (Master thesis, 2015)
      Pair-instability supernovae are the most energetic thermonuclear explosions in the Universe, up to 100 times more energetic than type Ia supernovae. Around redshift z > 6 approximately one out of ten supernovae was a ...
    • Cosmic-ray antinuclei as messengers of new physics: Status and outlook for the new decade 

      Von Doetinchem, Doetinchem; Perez, K.; Aramaki, T.; Baker, S.; Barwick, S.; Bird, R.; Boezio, M.; Boggs, S. E.; Cui, M.; Datta, A.; Donato, Fiorenza; Evoli, C.; Fabris, L.; Fabbietti, L.; Bueno, E. Ferronato; Fornengo, N.; Fuke, H.; Gerrity, C.; Coral, D. Gomez; Hailey, C. J.; Hooper, D.; Kachelriess, Michael; Korsmeier, M.; Kozai, M.; Lea, R.; Li, N.; Lowell, A.; Manghisoni, M.; Moskalenko, Igor V.; Munini, R.; Naskret, M.; Nelson, T.; Ng, K.C.Y.; Nozzoli, F.; Oliva, A.; Ong, R. A.; Osteria, G.; Pierog, T.; Poulin, Vivian; Profumo, S.; Pöschl, T.; Quinn, S.; Re, V.; Rogers, F.; Ryan, J.; Saffold, N.; Sakai, K.; Salati, P.; Schael, S.; Serksnyte, L.; Shukla, A.; Stoessl, A.; Tjemsland, Jørgen; Vannuccini, E.; Vecchi, M.; Winkler, M.W.; Wright, D.; Xiao, M.; Xu, W.; Yoshida, T.; Zampa, G.; Zuccon, P. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The precise measurement of cosmic-ray antinuclei serves as an important means for identifying the nature of dark matter and other new astrophysical phenomena, and could be used with other cosmic-ray species to understand ...
    • Cost Optimality of Energy Systems in Zero Emission Buildings in Early Design Phase 

      Løtveit, Sjur Vullum (Master thesis, 2013)
      The building sector accounts for a significant proportion of industrial countries total energy use, thus a cut in this sector has been regarded necessary to reach future climate goals. An important measure in this context ...
    • Coupling in the middle atmosphere related to the 2013 major sudden stratospheric warming 

      De Wit, Rosmarie Johanna; Hibbins, Robert; Espy, Patrick Joseph; Hennum, Endre Asheim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The previously reported observation of anomalous eastward gravity wave forcing at mesopause heights around the onset of the January 2013 major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) over Trondheim, Norway (63° N, 10° E), is ...
    • Covariant Quantum Electrodynamics in Terms of a Possible Ether Flow 

      Brevik, Iver Håkon (Theoretical Physics Seminar in Trondheim;4, Chapter, 1971)
      This paper from 1971 has a special history. At that time the present author was working with the covariant quantization procedure for an electromagnetic field in a dielectric medium. In such a theory, the commutator for ...
    • Cr-doped ZnS for Intermediate Band Solar Cells 

      Nematollahi, Mohammadreza (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:274, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      Intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs) can potentially be highly efficient solar cells. This thesis presents the growth and characterization of highly doped chromium doped zinc sulfide (Cr:ZnS) films for use in IBSCs. The ...
    • Cr/Fe ratio by XPS spectra of magnetoelectropolished AISI 316L SS fitted by Gaussian-Lorentzian shape lines 

      Rokosz, Krzysztof; Hryniewicz, Tadeusz; Raaen, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      In the paper, the analyses of Fe2p3/2 and chromium Cr2p3/2 XPS spectra with fitting by symmetrical and asymmetrical line shapes, are presented. The calculations are performed on AISI 316L SS biomaterial after magnetoelec ...
    • Cr4+: YAG chirped-pulse oscillator 

      Sorokin, Evgeni; Kalashnikov, Valdimir L; Mandon, Julien; Guelachvili, Guy; Picque, Nathalie; Sorokina, Irina T (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      We demonstrate chirped-pulse operation of a Cr :YAG passively mode-locked laser. Different operation regimes of the laser are extensively investigated in the vicinity of zero dispersion both experimentally and numerically. ...
    • Cr:ZnSe Bulk and Cr:ZnSe Thin Disk cw Lasers 

      Renz, Guenther; Speiser, Jochen; Giesen, Adolf; Sorokina, Irina T; Sorokin, Evgeni (Chapter, 2012)
      A Thulium-fiber-laser pumped Cr:ZnSe bulk cw laser with an output power of 6.5W as well as a Thulium-fiber-laser or diode-laser-stack pumped Cr:ZnSe thin disk cw laser with almost 2W of output powers will be presented.
    • Cr:ZnSe thin disk cw laser 

      Renz, Guenther; Speiser, Jochen; Giesen, Adolf; Sorokina, Irina T; Sorokin, Evgeni (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      A Thulium fiber laser pumped or InP diode laser stack pumped Cr:ZnSe thin disk cw multimode laser at 2.4 µm with an output power of 5 and 4 W, respectively, and with optical-tooptical efficiencies of 10% will be presented. ...
    • Crack localization and the interplay between stress enhancement and thermal noise 

      Sinha, Santanu; Roy, Subhadeep; Hansen, Alex (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We study the competition between thermal fluctuations and stress enhancement in the failure process of a disordered system by using a local load sharing fiber bundle model. The thermal noise is introduced by defining a ...
    • Creation of entangled atomic states by an analogue of the Dynamical Casimir effect 

      Lange, Karsten; Peise, Jan; Lucke, Bernd; Gruber, T; Sala, Arnau; Polls, Artur; Ertmer, Wolfgang; Julia-Diaz, Bruno; Santos, Luis; Klempt, Carsten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      If the boundary conditions of the quantum vacuum are changed in time, quantum field theory predicts that real, observable particles can be created in the initially empty modes. Here, we realize this effect by changing the ...