Video Games: Game AI
The goals of this project was to learn the industry standards of what good and challenging game AI was. The author reviewed literature on the topic and had personal correspondence where the research questions was answered by professionals within the field. The availability of open literature and the openness of the professionals really helped with understanding the industry standards to game AI.Using the information from the research a prototype system adhering to the industry standard was made with the intention of expanding it into an experimental prototype using unorthodox techniques to achieve the appearance of intelligence. By practical application of the methods learned it became apparent certain theoretical ideas was not optimally compatible with the provided framework. And a redesign of the conflicting module was nescecary.The system implemented performed well within the industry standards. But no experimental prototyping of unorthodox methods could be made with the system due to lack of time to implement such features. A couple of optimality tweaks been discovered since the end of the implementation phase of the project and the author will keep theese in mind when continuing work on the system in the future.