Browsing Institutt for psykisk helse by Title
Now showing items 851-870 of 1310
A Narrative Case Study of How Individuals Construct Meaning Concerning Their Situation Through Their Meetings with Work Counsellors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Unemployed individuals with health problems may need extensive work counselling to return to work. Narrative meaning-making processes provide possibilities for healing and change; however, we do not know enough about how ... -
Narrative Imagination: Staff's stories of relational change
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Milieu therapy is an occupation-based treatment aimed at enhancing recovery in mental health patients that is grounded in the healing function of being and doing habitual and creative occupations together, thus transcending ... -
A narrative study of mental health recovery: Exploring unique, open-ended and collective processes.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: Guided by narrative theory and by use of a narrative-in-action approach, the aim of this study was to explore how mental health recovery unfolds through individuals’ engagement in everyday activities. Method: ... -
Nasjonal anbefaling for utredning og behandling av døgnrytmelidelser
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for søvnsykdommer (fra 2023: Nasjonalt senter for søvnmedisin) nedsatte høsten 2022 en arbeidsgruppe for å utvikle en nasjonal anbefaling for utredning og behandling av døgnrytmelidelser. Gruppen ... -
Naturens påvirkning på ungdoms psykiske helse: Hvordan kan vernepleiere bruke friluft i miljøterapi for ungdom med psykiske helseutfordringer?
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Denne studien er en litteraturstudie med formål å undersøke hvordan ungdom påvirkes av naturen, og hvordan vernepleiere kan bruke friluft i miljøterapi for ungdom med psykiske helseutfordringer. Gjennom systematisk ... -
Navigating the development and dissemination of internet cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) for anxiety disorders in children and young people: A consensus statement with recommendations from the #iCBTLorentz Workshop Group
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Initial internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) programs for anxiety disorders in children and young people (CYP) have been developed and evaluated, however these have not yet been widely adopted in routine ... -
"Når noe ikke stemmer" - En kvalitativ studie av hvordan helsepersonell på barneavdelinger erfarer situasjoner med mistanke om vold og overgrep mot barn.
(Master thesis, 2021)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Vold og overgrep mot barn er et alvorlig samfunnsproblem, som har store konsekvenser for barn og unges psykiske helse. Helsepersonell på barneavdelinger på sykehus har en viktig rolle og posisjon i å ... -
Når omsorg blir en byrde
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Problemstilling: Hvordan påvirker det medavhengige å være familiemedlem til en med rusproblematikk? Introduksjon/bakgrunn: Rusmiddelproblematikk påvirker ikke bare brukeren selv, men også familien som et system. Behandlingen ... -
Når smertebildet er sammensatt: Psykomotorisk fysioterapi til mennesker med traumeerfaring - En kvalitativ intervjustudie
(Master thesis, 2018)Bakgrunn og hensikt: Pasienter med sammensatte lidelser utgjør en betydelig helseutfordring i samfunnet. Det er sammenheng mellom det sammensatte symptombildet og traumeerfaring fra oppveksten. Det finnes så langt lite ... -
Neglisjering og resiliens
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Sammendrag Problemstilling: Hvordan påvirker neglisjering i barndommen resiliens i voksen alder? Introduksjon/bakgrunn: Neglisjering er en av formene for omsorgssvikt som kan være både vanskelig å definere og finne forskning ... -
Nepali Version of Geriatric Depression Scale-15 - A Reliability and Validation Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Geriatric depression is a significant problem in both the developed and the developing world. To identify this condition, Geriatric Depression Scale has been used in different languages and cultural settings; ... -
Nettverksutfordringer hos barn og unge med høytfungerende autisme
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Sammendrag Tittel: Nettverksutfordringer hos barn og unge med høytfungerende autisme. Introduksjon/bakgrunn: Med årene har det blitt satt mer søkelys på å skape et mangfoldig samfunn der alle skal inkluderes uavhengig ... -
Neurocognitive function and associations with mental health in adults born preterm with very low birthweight or small for gestational age at term
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objectives: To assess neurocognitive function in adults born with low birthweight compared with controls and to explore associations between neurocognitive function and psychopathology in these groups. Methods: In this ... -
Neuromuscular morphometric characteristics in low back pain with unilateral radiculopathy caused by disc herniation: An ultrasound imaging evaluation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: Little is known about the neuromuscular morphometric characteristics in patients with sciatica. Objective: To evaluate the possible changes of nerve and muscle structures in patients with low back pain with ... -
Neuropsychological Dysfunction in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Relation between Objective and Subjective Findings
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objective: This study aimed to explore the relationship between self-reported cognitive difficulties, objective neuropsychological test performances, and subjective health complaints in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and ... -
Non-disclosure of suicidal ideation in psychiatric inpatients: Rates and correlates
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The study explored how common non-disclosure of suicidal ideation is in a sample of adult psychiatric inpatients (N = 171) plus associated patient characteristics. A large percentage (51.5%) withheld some information on ... -
Norwegian Clinicians’ Experiences of Learnability and Usability of SCID-II, SCID-5-PD and SCID-5-AMPD-I Interviews: A Sequential Multi-Group Qualitative Approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The DSM-5 presents two competing diagnostic frameworks for personality disorders: the standard categorical model and the Alternative Model of Personality Disorders (AMPD). The AMPD was initially criticized for being too ... -
The Norwegian remote intervention program for problem gambling: Short- and long-term outcomes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Abstract Background and aim: Although problem gambling typically involves substantial distress, few seek face-to-face treatment. In Norway, problem gamblers can participate in a governmental supported internet- and ... -
Not engaged in education, employment or training (NEET) in an Arctic sociocultural context: the NAAHS cohort study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objectives The purpose of the study is to explore the prevalence and predictors of not engaged in education, employment or training (NEET) status in a multicultural young adult population in Northern Norway. Design and ... -
Nursing student's views on the duty of care: A cross-sectional study in two countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)ABSTRACT Background: The shortage of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic made it necessary to recruit nursing students to provide care. Although research suggests that the care that students provided was invaluable, their ...