• Endringsprosesser i en hjørnesteinsvirksomhet. Effketer av organisasjonsendringer og nedbemanning: Et Deskriptivt Fenomenologisk Studie 

      Klungseth, Astrid (Master thesis, 2012)
      Denne rapporten handler om arbeidstageres erfaringer med suksessive endringsprosesser og nedbemanning i en hjørnesteinsvirksomhet. Data ble innhentet samtidig som effekten av en global finanskrise (2008) betunget nye ...
    • ENED-GEM: A Conceptual Framework Model for Psychological Enjoyment Factors and Learning Mechanisms in Educational Games about the Environment 

      Fjællingsdal, Kristoffer S.; Klöckner, Christian A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Based on a thorough review of psychological literature, this article seeks to develop a model of game enjoyment and environmental learning (ENvironmental EDucational Game Enjoyment Model, ENED-GEM) and delineate psychological ...
    • Energy efficiency in Norwegian households - identifying motivators and barriers with a focus group approach 

      Kløckner, Christian; Sopha, Bertha Maya; Matthies, Ellen; Bjørnstad, Even (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This paper describes the theoretical background and results of a focus group study on determinants of energy related behaviour in Norwegian households. 70 Norwegians between 18 and 79 years of age participated in eight ...
    • Energy efficiency renovations and public policies. 

      Egner, Lars Even (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:342, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Private household space heating represents 17% of all European final energy consumption. Therefore, it has a large environmental footprint and is a central piece of the puzzle for creating a sustainable world. Energy ...
    • Energy equality and energy sufficiency: new policy principles to accelerate the energy transition 

      Pellegrini-Masini, Giuseppe (Chapter, 2019)
      Energy equality (EE) is a novel concept, and its tentative definition was recently presented as follows: “Providing all individuals with equal opportunities of using energy services, energy technologies, and consuming ...
    • Energy Justice and Intergenerational Ethics: Theoretical Perspectives and Institutional Designs 

      Pellegrini-Masini, Giuseppe; Corvino, Fausto; Löfquist, Lars (Chapter, 2020)
      In this work, we discuss how both contractualism, in the Western tradition, and communitarianism, in the African interpretation based on the idea of Ubuntu, conceptualise intergenerational justice. Even though both ...
    • Engaged or Obsessed? Examining the Relationship between Work Engagement, Workaholism and Work-Related Health via Work- Home Interaction. 

      Innstrand, Siw Tone; Christensen, Marit; Helland, Eyvind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The purpose of the present study is to examine the mediating role of work-home interaction (conflict and facilitation) in the relationship between work engagement, workaholism (working compulsively and excessively), and ...
    • Engasjement på jobb: arbeidsrelatert mestringstro og motiverende arbeidsklima 

      Føre, Ragnhild Mathilde (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Jobbengasjement har vist seg som en viktig faktor for både individ og organisasjon, med mange helsefremmende effekter og gode forretningsresultater. Arbeidsklimaet og individets tro på egne evner har vist seg å være faktorer ...
    • Engruppes oppfølgingsstudie: Kvantitativt mindre ryggsmerter etter psykomotorisk fysioterapi : 

      Alstad, Ellinor; Stiles, Tore C; Fladmark, Anne Margrethe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Hensikt: Fordi over halvparten av pasientene som oppsøker psykomotorisk fysioterapi rapporterer om lave ryggsmerter (LBP) i betydelig grad, utforsket vi kvantitative endringer i smerteintensitet, fleksibilitet og avspenning ...
    • Enhetsledernes opplevelse av sykefraværsproblematikken i Trondheim kommune : en kvalitativ undersøkelse 

      Stokkenes, Stina Sofia (Master thesis, 2015)
      Denne studien er utviklet i samarbeid med Arbeidsmiljøenheten i Trondheim kommune. Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke enhetsledernes opplevelse av sykefraværsproblematikken i Trondheim kommune. Det ble valgt en kvalitativ ...
    • ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of the brain in health and disease across more than 40 countries 

      Thompson, Paul M.; Jahanshad, Neda; Ching, Christopher R.K.; Salminen, Lauren E.; Thomopoulos, Sophia I.; Bright, Joanna; Baune, Bernhard T.; Bertolin, Sara; Bralten, Janita; Bruin, Willem B.; Bulow, Robin; Chen, Jian; Chye, Yann; Dannlowski, Udo; de Kovel, Carolien G.F.; Donohoe, Gary; Eyler, Lisa T.; Faraone, Stephen V.; Favre, Pauline; Filippi, Courtney A.; Frodl, Thomas; Garijo, Daniel; Gil, Yolanda; Grabe, Hans J.; Grasby, Katrina L.; Hajek, Tomas; Han, Laura K.M.; Hatton, Sean N.; Hilbert, Kevin; Ho, Tiffany C.; Holleran, Laurena; Homuth, Georg; Hosten, Norbert; Houenou, Josselin; Ivanov, Iliyan; Jia, Tianye; Kelly, Sinead; Klein, Marieke; Kwon, Jun Soo; Laansma, Max A.; Leerssen, Jeanne; Lueken, Ulrike; Nunes, Abraham; O'Neill, Joseph; Opel, Nils; Piras, Fabrizio; Piras, Federica; Postema, Merel C.; Pozzi, Elena; Shatokhina, Natalia; Soriano-Mas, Carles; Spalletta, Gianfranco; Sun, Daqiang; Teumer, Alexander; Tilot, Amanda K.; Tozzi, Leonardo; van der Merwe, Celia; van Someren, Eus J.W.; van Wingen, Guido A.; Völzke, Henry; Walton, Esther; Wang, Lei; Winkler, Anderson M.; Wittfeld, Katharina; Wright, Margaret J.; Yun, Je-Yeon; Zhang, Guohao; Zhang-James, Yanli; Adhikari, Bhim M.; Agartz, Ingrid; Aghajani, Moji; Aleman, André; Althoff, Robert R.; Altmann, Andre; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Baron, David A.; Bartnik-Olson, Brenda L.; Bas-Hoogendam, Janna Marie; Baskin-Sommers, Arielle R.; Bearden, Carrie E.; Berner, Laura A.; Boedhoe, Premika S.W.; Brouwer, Rachel M.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Caeyenberghs, Karen; Cecil, Charlotte A.M.; Cohen, Ronald A.; Cole, James H.; Conrod, Patricia J.; De Brito, Stephane A.; de Zwarte, Sonja M.C.; Dennis, Emily L.; Desrivieres, Sylvane; Dima, Danai; Ehrlich, Stefan; Esopenko, Carrie; Fairchild, Graeme; Fisher, Simon E.; Fouche, Jean-Paul; Francks, Clyde; Frangou, Sophia; Franke, Barbara; Garavan, Hugh P.; Glahn, David C.; Groenewold, Nynke A.; Gurholt, Tiril Pedersen; Gutman, Boris A.; Hahn, Tim; Harding, Ian H.; Hernaus, Dennis; Hibar, Derrek P.; Hillary, Frank G.; Hoogman, Martine; Hulshoff Pol, Hilleke E.; Jalbrzikowski, Maria; Karkashadze, George A.; Klapwijk, Eduard T.; Knickmeyer, Rebecca C.; Kochunov, Peter; Koerte, Inga K.; Kong, Xiang-Zhen; Liew, Sook-Lei; Lin, Alexander P.; Logue, Mark W.; Luders, Eileen; Macciardi, Fabio; Mackey, Scott; Mayer, Andrew R.; McDonald, Carrie R.; McMahon, Agnes B.; Medland, Sarah E.; Modinos, Gemma; Morey, Rajendra A.; Mueller, Sven C.; Mukherjee, Pratik; Namazova-Baranova, Leyla; Nir, Talia M; Olsen, Alexander; Paschou, Peristera; Pine, Daniel S.; Pizzagalli, Fabrizio; Rentería, Miguel E.; Rohrer, Jonathan D.; Sämann, Philipp G.; Schmaal, Lianne; Schumann, Gunter; Shiroishi, Mark S.; Sisodiya, Sanjay M.; Smit, Dirk J.A.; Sønderby, Ida Elken; Stein, Dan J.; Stein, Jason L.; Tahmasian, Masoud; Tate, David F.; Turner, Jessica A.; van den Heuvel, Odile A; Van Der Wee, Nic J.A.; van der Werf, Ysbrand D.; van Erp, Theo G.M.; van Haren, Neeltje E.M.; van Rooij, Daan; van Velzen, Laura S.; Veer, Ilya M.; Veltman, Dick J.; Villalon-Reina, Julio E.; Walter, Henrik; Whelan, Christopher D.; Wilde, Elisabeth A.; Zarei, Mojtaba; Zelman, Vladimir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This review summarizes the last decade of work by the ENIGMA (Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta Analysis) Consortium, a global alliance of over 1400 scientists across 43 countries, studying the human brain in ...
    • ENIGMA brain injury: Framework, challenges, and opportunities 

      Dennis, Emily L.; Baron, David; Bartnik-Olson, Brenda L.; Caeyenberghs, Karen; Esopenko, Carrie; Hillary, Frank G.; Kenney, Kimbra; Koerte, Inga K.; Lin, Alexander P.; Mayer, Andrew R.; Mondello, Stefania; Olsen, Alexander; Thompson, Paul M.; Tate, David; Wilde, Elisabeth A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of disability worldwide, but the heterogeneous nature of TBI with respect to injury severity and health comorbidities make patient outcome difficult to predict. Injury severity ...
    • ENIGMA's simple seven: Recommendations to enhance the reproducibility of resting-state fMRI in traumatic brain injury 

      Caeyenberghs, Karen; Imms, Phoebe; Irimia, Andrei; Monti, Martin M.; Esopenko, Carrie; de Souza, Nicola L.; Dominguez D, Juan F.; Newsome, Mary R.; Dobryakova, Ekaterina; Cwiek, Andrew; Mullin, Hollie A.C.; Kim, Nicholas J.; Mayer, Andrew R.; Adamson, Maheen M.; Bickart, Kevin; Breedlove, Katherine M.; Dennis, Emily L.; Disner, Seth G.; Haswell, Courtney; Hodges, Cooper B.; Hoskinson, Kristen R.; Johnson, Paula K.; Königs, Marsh; Li, Lucia M.; Liebel, Spencer W.; Livny, Abigail; Morey, Rajendra A.; Muir, Alexandra M.; Olsen, Alexander; Razi, Adeel; Su, Matthew; Tate, David F.; Velez, Carmen; Wilde, Elisabeth A.; Zielinski, Brandon A.; Thompson, Paul M.; Hillary, Frank G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) provides researchers and clinicians with a powerful tool to examine functional connectivity across large-scale brain networks, with ever-increasing applications ...
    • ENIGMA-Sleep: Challenges, opportunities, and the road map 

      Tahmasian, Masoud; Aleman, André; Andreassen, Ole; Arab, Zahra; Baillet, Marion; Benedetti, Francesco; Bresser, Tom; Bright, Joanna; Chee, Michael W.L.; Chylinski, Daphne; Cheng, Wei; Deantoni, Michele; Dresler, Martin; Eickhoff, Simon B.; Eickhoff, Claudia R.; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Feng, Jianfeng; Foster-Dingley, Jessica C.; Ganjgahi, Habib; Grabe, Hans J.; Groenewold, Nynke A.; Ho, Tiffany C.; Bong Hong, Seung; Houenou, Josselin; Irungu, Benson; Jahanshad, Neda; Khazaie, Habibolah; Kim, Hosung; Koshmanova, Ekaterina; Kocevska, Desi; Kochunov, Peter; Lakbila-Kamal, Oti; Leerssen, Jeanne; Li, Meng; Luik, Annemarie I.; Muto, Vincenzo; Narbutas, Justinas; Nilsonne, Gustav; O’Callaghan, Victoria S.; Olsen, Alexander; Osorio, Ricardo S.; Poletti, Sara; Poudel, Govinda; Reesen, Joyce E.; Reneman, Liesbeth; Reyt, Mathilde; Riemann, Dieter; Rosenzweig, Ivana; Rostampour, Masoumeh; Saberi, Amin; Schiel, Julian; Schmidt, Christina; Schrantee, Anouk; Sciberras, Emma; Silk, Tim J.; Sim, Kang; Smevik, Hanne; Soares, Jair C.; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Stein, Dan J.; Talwar, Puneet; Tamm, Sandra; Teresi, Giana l.; Valk, Sofie L.; Van Someren, Eus; Vandewalle, Gilles; Van Egroo, Maxime; Völzke, Henry; Walter, Martin; Wassing, Rick; Weber, Frederik D.; Weihs, Antoine; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Wright, Margaret J.; Wu, Mon-Ju; Zak, Nathalia; Zarei, Mojtaba (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Neuroimaging and genetics studies have advanced our understanding of the neurobiology of sleep and its disorders. However, individual studies usually have limitations to identifying consistent and reproducible effects, ...
    • Ensomhet og resiliens i sin betydning for symptomer på depresjon og angst - En prospektiv studie av ensomhet og resiliens som prediktorer for endringer i symptomer på depresjon og angst 

      Aaker, Lars (Master thesis, 2017)
      Innledning Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke betydningen ensomhet og resiliens har for endringer i symptomer på depresjon og angst. Ensomhet, definert som subjektive mangler i sosialt nettverk, ble forventet å ...
    • Environmental Art for Environmental Engagement - Can Visual Art Change The Way We Think & Feel About Global Environmental Issues? 

      Roosen, Liselotte (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:1, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      So far there has been limited research on visual art as a way to communicate environmental change and the benefits it may have over other forms of communication. This thesis consists of a thorough review of the literature ...
    • Environmental norms and sustainable transport mode choice on children’s school travels: The norm-activation theory 

      Mehdizadeh, Milad; Nordfjærn, Trond; Mamdoohi, Amir Reza (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The increasing use of car in developing countries is an important reason for traffic congestion and pollution. Using a car may partly reflect a normative choice, but the majority of previous studies that used the Norm-Activation ...
    • EPDS setter mors psykiske helse på dagsordenen 

      Håberg, Cathrine Hystad; Storholt, Helene Høve (Master thesis, 2018)
      Dette prosjektet ble utarbeidet med bakgrunn i de negative konsekvensene av en uoppdaget barseldepresjon og Trondheim kommunes implementering av Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) som rutine i sin plan for ...
    • Equal rights. Equal minds? Evolutionary psychology in a gender egalitarian society: Tests of predictions derived from SST and SRT in Norwegian samples 

      Grøntvedt, Trond Viggo (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:154, Doctoral thesis, 2015)
      Summary: Despite evolutionary psychology’s considerable theoretical and empirical contribution during the last 30 years, the field is still subjected to criticism. Parts of this criticism relates to the use of certain ...
    • Er bekymring en adapsjon: Bekymring, fargegjenkjenning og ulykker sett i eit Evolusjonspsykologisk paradigme 

      Løland, Svein Bjarte (Master thesis, 2011)
      Oppgåva tar for seg i kva grad bekymring er å rekne som ein adapsjon eller ikkje. Tidlegare empiri og forsking på Generalisert Angstlidelse, bekymring, Environment of Evolutionairy Adaptedness, Evolusjonspsykologi og Young ...