This paper examines how video games can be applied in the ESL classroom, with particular emphasis on the benefits and challenges ESL teachers face when using video games in classroom settings. The method used was a thematic literature review that provided an overview of international empirical research on how video games are used in the ESL classroom. The current thesis operates with theories of game-based learning, gamification and implicit learning to discuss how video games can function as a tool for language learning in the ESL classroom. The literature review revealed video games give students motivation to learn, as a result the engagement of the students increases in activities with the use of video games. In addition, it also revealed a pattern of students’ performance being positively affected by video games in the ESL classroom. Lastly, the literature review disclosed that ESL teachers generally have a positive or neutral attitude towards using video games in educational settings. The main reason ESL teachers cited for not using video games was the lack of knowledge about video games. In addition, there was a lack of pedagogical and technical support. Even with neutral attitudes towards video games, some ESL teachers wish the support on how to apply video games in the classroom for better learning outcomes. There seems to be a great deal of benefits for using video games in the ESL classroom. For future research, a broader study can be conducted, while aiming for the attitude and beliefs of Norwegian teachers. This way one can perhaps see if the findings from this research are applicable in Norway, and if there is a need for more teacher training so the sue of video games can increase in the Norwegian schools.