Browsing Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 3935
150 Years of the Mass Action Law
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This year we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the law of mass action. This law is often assumed to have been “there” forever, but it has its own history, background, and a definite starting point. The law has had an ... -
2-D Passive Compass Biped Walker: Analysis and Robustness of Stable Gait
(Master thesis, 2013)The compass-gait biped is a deceptively simple walking machine that is often used as a standard benchmark for testing new concepts and methods in legged locomotion. This study will focus on developing a procedure for finding ... -
3D AUV Collision Avoidance
(Master thesis, 2007)An underlying requirement for any Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) is to navigate through unknown or partly unknown environments while performing certain user specified tasks. The loss of an AUV due to collision is ... -
3D Coordinated Path Following with Disturbance Rejection for Formations of Under-actuated Agents
(Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes 2015;CDC 2015, Chapter, 2015)In this paper coordinated path following for formations of under-actuated agents in three dimensional space is considered. The agents are controlled to follow a straight-line path whilst being affected by an unknown ... -
3D Inspection for quality control with Robot Manipulator - Using open source software and freeware to make an automatic 3D scanning application
(Master thesis, 2017)As modern industry is automated the need for robots performing complex tasks increases. To achieve fully automated production both making the product and inspecting it for quality assurance needs to be automated. Robotic ... -
3D Printing with Robot Manipulator
(Master thesis, 2022)I det siste tiåret har additiv produksjon (AP) blitt et stadig mer fremtredende tema innen robotikk. Mens subtraktive produksjonsmetoder er avhengige av å fjerne materiale for å forme det endelige produktet, former AP ... -
A 3D reactive collision avoidance algorithm for underactuated underwater vehicles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Avoiding collisions is an essential goal of the control system of autonomous vehicles. This paper presents a reactive algorithm for avoiding obstacles in a three‐dimensional space, and shows how the algorithm can be applied ... -
3D Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Echocardiography Based on Deep Learning
(Master thesis, 2020)3D ekkokardiografi har blitt et nyttig verktøy for nøyaktig segmentering og volummåling av venstre ventrikkel, da ultralyd anses som trygt og tilgjengelig sammenlignet med andre medisinske avbildningsmetoder. Manuell sporing ... -
3D-LiDAR Localization and SLAM on a Multirotor UAV for Inspection
(Master thesis, 2019)Selv om LiDAR-teknologi har vært brukt i stor grad innen forskning i robotikk, har 3D-LiDARer i stor grad vært for tunge og kostbare for å kunne brukes på mobile og lette roboter. Men nye utviklinger innen LiDAR-teknologi ... -
A 3DOF Path-Following Controller for a Non-Directionally Stable Vessel with Slow Thruster Dynamics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this paper, a 3DOF path-following controller for an electric double-ended passenger ferry prototype is presented. The controller is formulated through a 3-step backstepping approach, taking into consideration several ... -
3DOF Undervannsmanipulator
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg utviklingen av en undervannsgripper for Vortex NTNU sin deltakelse i TAC Challenge 2024. Vortex er en studentorganisasjon ved NTNU som utvikler autonome undervannsfartøy. Formålet med ... -
A 3D motion planning framework for snake robots
(Chapter, 2014)This paper presents a motion planning framework for three-dimensional body shape control of snake robots. Whereas conventional motion planning approaches define the body shape of snake robots in terms of their individual ... -
A 3D Reactive Collision Avoidance Algorithm for Nonholonomic Vehicles
(Chapter, 2018)This paper presents a 3D reactive collision avoidance algorithm for vehicles with nonholonomic constraints. The algorithm steers the heading and pitch angle of the vehicle in order to maintain a constant avoidance angle ... -
A 3D Reactive Collision Avoidance Algorithm for Underactuated Vehicles
(Chapter, 2018)This paper presents a 3D reactive collision avoidance algorithm for vehicles with underactuated dynamics. The underactuated states cannot be directly controlled, but are controlled indirectly by steering the direction of ... -
A 3D Reactive Collision Avoidance Algorithm for Underactuated Vehicles
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper presents a 3D reactive collision avoidance algorithm for vehicles with underactuated dynamics. The underactuated states cannot be directly controlled, but are controlled indirectly by steering the direction of ... -
A Benchmarking Framework for Control Methods of Maritime Cranes Based on the Functional Mockup Interface
(Journal article, 2017)A benchmark framework for advanced control methods of maritime cranes is presented based on the use of the functional mockup interface. The system integrates different manipulator models, all the corresponding hydraulic ... -
A Camera-based Perception System for Autonomous Quadcopter Landing on a Marine Vessel
(Master thesis, 2020)Små, ubemannede luftfartøyer (UAVer) har tiltrukket seg mye oppmerksomhet de siste årene, og et av de mest studerte UAVene er quadcopteret. Et quadcopter går også under kategorien VTOL-fartøy som er et begrep som brukes ... -
A classification scheme for electrocardiogram based meal onset detection
(Master thesis, 2023)Den kunstige bukspyttkjertelen er et system som kombinerer en glukosemåler, en styringsalgoritme og en insulininfusjonsenhet som kan hjelpe med å optimalisere glykemisk kontroll hos pasienter med diabetes. For at et slikt ... -
A common software framework for a CubeSat with multiple payloads
(Master thesis, 2021)Overvåking av verdenshavene er nødvendig for å øke vår kunnskap om effekten av klimaendringene. Et tverrfaglig team jobber sammen på SmallSatLab ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige univer- sitet (NTNU). Teamet har som ...