Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk
Recent Submissions
Development of a Simultaneous Localiza- tion and Mapping Navigation System for the Otter Uncrewed Surface Vessel
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven foreslår et navigasjonssystem basert på Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), og brobygger gapet mellom teoretiske fremskritt innen SLAM-algoritmer og deres praktiske anvendelse. Otter Uncrewed Surface ... -
Automated/AI planning for autonomous vehicles in industrial inspection and emergency handling
(Master thesis, 2024)Automatisering innen robotikk har blitt mer utbredt til å hjelpe med industrielle arbeidsoperasjoner. Spesielt, arbeidsoperasjoner som fremkaller en større utfordring for mennesker, blandt annet arbeidsoperasjoner som er ... -
Embedded controller for ultra-low power LPWAN marine monitoring buoy
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven har som mål å prøve å realisere en nyttig, robust innebygd enhet som vil være praktisk i virkelighetens bruk. Applikasjonen er rettet mot å overvåke smolt eller fisk i oppdrettsanlegg ved trådløst å overføre ... -
Minimum-Time Trajectory Planning Strategies for a Four-Degree-of-Freedom Picking Robot
(Master thesis, 2024)Innenfor robotautomatisering er utvikling av optimale bevegelsesplanleggingsalgoritmer en av de store utfordringene. Tradisjonelt har de fleste utviklede algoritmene delt opp problemet i baneplanlegging og i å lage en ... -
Dancing with uncertainty: A cynernetic exploration of inflation dynamics in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Effektiv makroøkonomisk politikk er avhengig av gode prognoser, spesielt for inflasjon, som har stor innvirkning på samfunnets velstand. Tradisjonelle økonometriske modeller sliter imidlertid med å fange opp den kompliserte ... -
Dancing with uncertainty: a cybernetic exploration of inflation dynamics in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Effektiv makroøkonomisk politikk er avhengig av gode prognoser, spesielt for inflasjon, som har stor innvirkning på samfunnets velstand. Tradisjonelle økonometriske modeller sliter imidlertid med å fange opp den kompliserte ... -
Dancing with uncertainty: A cybernetic exploration of inflation dynamics in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Effektiv makroøkonomisk politikk er avhengig av gode prognoser, spesielt for inflasjon, som har stor innvirkning på samfunnets velstand. Tradisjonelle økonometriske modeller sliter imidlertid med å fange opp den kompliserte ... -
A Scalable Front-end for the Social Media of Domestic Energy
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen presenterer utviklingen av en skalerbar \gls{front-end} for \Gls{powiot} prosjektet og er beregnet på å brukes til \gls{onboarding} av bruker slik at de får muligheten til å utnytte seg av funcksjonalitetene ... -
Revamping the Micromouse: Revision, Assembly, and Testing of a Maze-Navigating Robot With a Focus on Small Scale Prototyping and Repair
(Master thesis, 2024)This project involves the hardware revision, assembly, and testing of a maze-navigating robot. The robot’s main goal is to compete in the international robotics competition Micromouse. The revised design aims to allow for ... -
Robust Hole-Detection in Triangular Meshes Irrespective of the Presence of Singular Vertices
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In this work, we present a boundary and hole detection approach that traverses all the boundaries of an edge-manifold triangular mesh, irrespectively of the presence of singular vertices, and subsequently determines and ... -
ROV recovery with wave-motion compensation using model predictive control
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Recovery of ROVs with a moonpool-based launch-and-recovery system on a small surface vessel is studied. We assume the ROV recovery takes place within the moonpool, where the negatively buoyant ROV/latchbeam assembly is ... -
Use of an uncrewed surface vehicle and near infrared hyperspectral imaging for sampling and analysis of aquatic microplastics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Data on MP in aquatic environments have low resolution in space and time. Scaling up sampling and increasing analysis throughput are the main bottlenecks. We combined two approaches: an uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) and ... -
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The effect of waves in the ship's autopilot is commonly considered as a part of the control system using a wave filter. The task of the wave filter is to remove the wave-induced motions from the measurements before they ... -
The Role of Rapid Changes in Weather on Phytoplankton Spring Bloom Dynamics From Mid-Norway Using Multiple Observational Platforms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The spring phytoplankton bloom plays a major role in pelagic ecosystems; however, its dynamics are not well understood due to insufficient, highly resolved observational data. Here we investigate the start, peak, and decline ... -
Exploration of COLREG-relevant parameters from historical AIS-data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Reliable anti-collision control algorithms conforming with the rules regulating traffic at sea, the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), are essential for the deployment of autonomous vessels ... -
From Do-It-Yourself Design to Discovery: A Comprehensive Approach to Hyperspectral Imaging from Drones
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This paper presents an innovative, holistic, and comprehensive approach to drone-based imaging spectroscopy based on a small, cost-effective, and lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) payload intended for remote sensing ... -
Data-driven method for hydrodynamic model estimation applied to an unmanned surface vehicle
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) are increasingly appealing for gathering metocean data, including directional sea spectra. This paper presents new developments towards estimating the response amplitude operators (RAOs) ... -
Quantitative analysis of control-themed Advent calendar questions based on the using-explaining taxonomy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This paper considers data collected for a control themed advent calendar quiz in 2023. The created calendar consists of one problem for each of the 24 days before Christmas. We analyze the difficulty of the questions based ... -
Analysis of Participants’ Feedback on a control-themed Advent calendar
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In 2023, a group of control academics joined to create a control themed advent calendar, which was open for participants from several European universities. A survey was used to collect participants’ feedback at the end ... -
Energy Efficient Temperature and Humidity Control in Building Climate Systems
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Energy Efficient building climate control involves maintaining thermal comfort across a wide range of environmental conditions while minimizing energy usage. However, the design of energy Efficient control poses a significant ...