Now showing items 2051-2070 of 2350

    • Supporting Utilities for Heterogeneous Embedded Image Processing Platforms (STHEM): An Overview 

      Sadek, Ahmad; Muddukrishna, Ananya; Kalms, Lester; Djupdal, Asbjørn; Podlubne, Ariel; Paolillo, Antonio; Goehringer, Diana; Jahre, Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The TULIPP project aims to simplify development of embedded vision applications with low-power and real-time requirements by providing a complete image processing system package called the TULIPP Starter Kit. To achieve ...
    • Suppression of Radar Echoes produced below the Liquid Surface close to the Base of a Storage Container for LNG 

      Andersen, Arne Helge (Master thesis, 2007)
      Bunn absorbent ble designet til å matche overliggende mediet.
    • Surface Roughness in Metallic Thin Films and its Effects on the Magnetic Properties of Permalloy Thin Films 

      Årdal, Håvard Mattias (Master thesis, 2022)
      Ferromagnetisk permalloy (Py) tynnfilmer ser omfattende bruk i en rekke applikasjoner, som for eksempel i magnetisk datalagring og kunstig spinn-is systemer. Etter hvert som dimensjonene på enhetene blir mindre, blir også ...
    • Surface-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy for Optical Fiber Sensing 

      Fuglerud, Silje Skeide; Milenko, Karolina Barbara; Aksnes, Astrid; Hjelme, Dag Roar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Visible and near-infrared spectroscopy are widely used for sensing applications but suffer from poor signal-to-noise ratios for the detection of compounds with low concentrations. Enhancement by surface plasmon resonance ...
    • Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering for Biosensor Probes 

      Kjeldby, Snorre Braathen (Master thesis, 2018)
      In this work, several possible configurations of a glucose biosensor based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) were investigated. The glucose biosensor is intended for measurements of blood glucose levels in ...
    • Surveillance of Marine Resources by use of Stationary Platforms and Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUVS) 

      Patel, Ruben (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:10, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      In this thesis I investigate, describe and demonstrate new platform technology and its application in fisheries research. The first task was to prepare an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for payload integration (Paper ...
    • Survey on Communication and Networks for Autonomous Marine Systems 

      Zolich, Artur Piotr; Palma, David; Kansanen, Kimmo; Fjørtoft, Kay Endre; Sousa, João; Johansson, Karl H.; Jiang, Yuming; Dong, Hefeng; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The rapid development of autonomous systems and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) create new opportunities for maritime activities. Existing autonomous systems are becoming more powerful and utilise the ...
    • A survey on deep reinforcement learning architectures, applications and emerging trends 

      Balhara, Surjeet; Gupta, Nishu; Alkhayyat, Ahmed; Bharti, Isha; Malik, Rami Q.; Mahmood, Sarmad Nozad; Abedi, Firas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      From a future perspective and with the current advancements in technology, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is set to play an important role in several areas like transportation, automation, finance, medical and in many ...
    • SUSHIMAP (Survey strategy and methodology for marine habitat mapping) 

      Christensen, Ole (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2006:64, Doctoral thesis, 2006)
      Bathymetrical mapping performed using multibeam sonar systems is widely used in marine science and for habitat mapping. The incoherent part of the multibeam data, the backscatter data, is less commonly used. Automatic ...
    • Sustainability in project-based learning: Project themes and self- perceived competencies 

      Bolstad, Torstein; Lundheim, Lars Magne; Orlandic, Milica; Strømberg, Anders; Zimmermann, Pauline Hardeberg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Project-based learning can be a suitable arena in which to integrate sustainability. In this work, we study what effect choosing a project theme related to sustainability has on the students’ own assessment of integration ...
    • Switching in multipliers 

      Kalis, Jakub Jerzy (Master thesis, 2009)
      Digital multipliers are an important part of most of digital computation systems, such as microcontrollers and microprocessors. Multiplication operation is a quite complex task, thus there is many different solution varying ...
    • Synaptic Communication Engineering for Future Cognitive Brain-machine Interfaces 

      Veletic, Mladen; Balasingham, Ilangko (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Disease-affected nervous systems exhibit anatomical or physiological impairments that degrade processing, transfer, storage, and retrieval of neural information leading to physical or intellectual disabilities. Brain ...
    • Synchronisation of Speech and Text for the Norwegian Book Industry 

      Birkeland, Edvard (Master thesis, 2022)
      En kobling mellom lydbøker og digitale e-bøker vil gjøre flere navigeringsmuligheter mulig, blant annet navigasjon i e-bøker ved tekstsøk og muligheten til sømløs bytting mellom bokformatene hvor tjenesten automatisk husker ...
    • Synchronization in Digital Receivers 

      Barzideh, Faraz (Master thesis, 2013)
      Estimating the frequency of received signals is an attractive topic in communicationtheory. In this work, some of these estimators are introduced. Also, a generalization oftwo of these estimators are derived. Performance ...
    • The Syncline Model - Analyzing the Impact of Time Synchronization in Sensor Fusion 

      Jellum, Erling Rennemo; Bryne, Torleiv Håland; Johansen, Tor Arne; Orlandic, Milica (Chapter, 2022)
      The accuracy of sensor fusion algorithms are limited by either the intrinsic sensor noise, or by the quality of time synchronization of the sensors. While the intrinsic sensor noise only depends on the respective sensors, ...
    • Syntese av komplekse oksider med pulset laser deponering 

      Lauvmo, Stig (Master thesis, 2006)
      Norges første pulset laser deponerings (PLD) lab ble påbegynt høsten 2005 av NTNU i samarbeid med Sintef og ble ferdigstilt våren 2006. Pulset laser deponering brukes til deponering av komplekse oksider som SrRuO3(SRO) og ...
    • Synthesis and characterization of (111)- oriented perovskite oxide heterostrctures 

      Bolstad, Torstein (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:14, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      The limits of silicon in semiconductor devices are fast approaching, with feature sizes reaching the realm where quantum effects start to dominate. A promising approach is to include materials with new functionality such ...
    • Synthesis and characterization of (111)-oriented BaTiO3 thin films 

      Bolstad, Torstein; Kjærnes, Kristoffer; Raa, Kristoffer S.; Takahashi, Ryota; Lippmaa, Mikk; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The synthesis of (111)-oriented BaTiO3 thin films on Nb-doped SrTiO3 and bilayers of BaTiO3 and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 on SrTiO3 are investigated. With increasing thickness the films are found to exhibit a decreasing out-of-plane ...
    • Synthesis and Characterization of multiferroic epitaxial Perovskite Oxide thin Film Heterostructures - Implications of [111] epitaxy of STO, BTO and LSMO 

      Engh, Matthias Michael (Master thesis, 2014)
      A surge of research on perovskite oxide heterostructures has been excited by the invention of deposition techniques, such as pulsed laser deposition and the need for novel solutions in order to sustain Moores rate for ...
    • Synthesis of low-energy near-threshold SHMAC processor core 

      Zapatero, Miguel (Master thesis, 2015)
      In this project an AMBER processor s ALU is synthesized to operate in the near/subthreshold region. The main motivation for this work is to study the possibility of implementing near/subthreshold modules in the SHMAC ...