Now showing items 1455-1474 of 2332

    • Neural Response Analysis of Head Direction Cells 

      Stenwig, Eline (Master thesis, 2019)
      Teoretisk analyse og modellering av nevroner er verktøy brukt til å gi en bedre forståelse av nervesystemet — en forståelse som forhåpentligvis forkorter veien til å finne behandlingsmetoder og kurer, samt måter å forhindre ...
    • New Development in Fiber Technologies 

      Thai, Luan Thanh (Master thesis, 2013)
      Optical fiber technologies has gone through tremendous developmentssince its first installation in the 1970s. Three decadeslater it has become the backbone of the global telecommunicationsnetwork, providing high speed ...
    • Next generation compression algorithm 

      Rørvik, Kåre-Benjamin Hammervold (Master thesis, 2022)
      Kompresjon har en viktig rolle i dagens datasystemer. Neste generasjons kompressorer forsøker å tilfredsstille dagens økende krav om å kunne håndtere stadig økende datamengder. På tross av rask utvikling innen programvarebaserte ...
    • Next generation geophysical sensing: exploring a new wave of geophysical technologies for the energy transition 

      Ringrose, Philip; Landrø, Martin; Potter, John; Eidsvik, Jo; Wienecke, Susann; Bouffaut, Léa; Oye, Volker; Dong, Hefeng; Elster, Anne C.; Johansen, Ståle Emil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    • Next generation network real-time kinematic interpolation segment to improve the user accuracy 

      Ouassou, Mohammed; Jensen, Anna B.O.; Gjevestad, Jon Glenn Omholt; Kristiansen, Oddgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This paper demonstrates that automatic selection of the right interpolation/smoothing method in a GNSS-based network realtime kinematic (NRTK) interpolation segment can improve the accuracy of the rover position estimates ...
    • NIRCA MkII DevKit Firmware Development 

      Øfsti, Gjermund Sollien (Master thesis, 2024)
      NIRCA MkII Development Board(NM2DB) er en PCB med NIRCA MkII(NM2), en ASIC brukt til kontroll og utlesning av infrarøde sensorer. PCBen har også en Trenz FPGA "system-på-modul" brukt til kontroll av ASICen, LDOer og for ...
    • Noise Robustness in Small-Vocabulary Speech Recognition 

      Haflan, Vetle (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne masteroppgaven omhandler små-vokabular talegjenkjenning, og mer spesifikt støyrobusthet i systemer designet for dette formål. Tradisjonelle og moderne gjenkjenningssystemer har blitt trent på relativt store mengder ...
    • Noise transfer functions and loop filters especially suited for noise-shaping SAR ADCs 

      Garvik, Harald; Wulff, Carsten; Ytterdal, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Oversampling and noise-shaping have in recent years been introduced to SAR ADCs to improve the conversion accuracy. Similar to delta-sigma ADCs, this is done by means of a feedback loop containing a loop filter. In this ...
    • Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete 

      Holt, Magnus Iben (Master thesis, 2021)
      Målinger av variasjonen i ultrasonisk lydhastighet i betong, som funksjon av påtrykt tøyning ble foretatt 17. Juni 2021, ved SINTEF formasjonsfysikk. Betongprøvene var plassert i en kompresjonsramme med kompresjon på 28 ...
    • Non-Hermitian Random Matrix Theory for MIMO Channels 

      Cakmak, Burak (Master thesis, 2012)
      The propagation mechanism of signals for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channels can be explained via a random matrix. Random matrix theory is a very powerful tool to understand behaviour of such channels and analyse ...
    • Non-invasive Ultrasonic Inspection Through Steel Pipes Using the SURF Method 

      Rake, Håkon Haugenes (Master thesis, 2014)
      The main objective of this thesis has been to study the possibility to establisha simulation tool for Second Order Ultrasonic Field (SURF) based on finiteelement modeling implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics. The SURF methodis ...
    • Non-invasive waveform analysis for emergency triage via simulated hemorrhage: An experimental study using novel dynamic lower body negative pressure model 

      Nesaragi, Naimahmed; Høiseth, Lars Øivind; Qadir, Hemin Ali; Rosseland, Leiv Arne; Halvorsen, Per Steinar; Balasingham, Ilangko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The extent to which advanced waveform analysis of non-invasive physiological signals can diagnose levels of hypovolemia remains insufficiently explored. The present study explores the discriminative ability of a deep ...
    • Nonlinear adaptive filtering with kernel set-membership approach 

      Chen, Kewei; Werner, Stefan; Huang, Yih-Fang; Kuh, Anthony (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This paper develops nonlinear kernel adaptive filtering algorithms based on the set-membership filtering (SMF) framework. The set-membership-based filtering approach is distinct from the conventional adaptive filtering ...
    • A nonlinear control strategy for robust tracking under exogenous vibrations for in-line nano-metrology 

      Messineo, Saverio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper proposes a novel, observer-based, nonlinear control strategy aimed at facilitating the pursuit of nanomechanical measurements within the noisy environments of industrial production lines. The investigation makes ...
    • Nonlinear dynamical systems for automatic speech recognition 

      Warakagoda, Narada Dilp (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2001:39, Doctoral thesis, 2001)
      In this thesis, we investigate the possibility of using some ideas from nonlinear dynamical systems theory in practical ASR. The work presented in this theses is centered around a speech production model called Chained ...
    • Nonlinear dynamics of dipoles in microwave electric field of a nanocoaxial tubular reactor 

      Kapranov, Sergey Viktorovich; Kouzaev, Guennadi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      A novel analytical pseudo-nonadiabatic approach to dynamics of rotating dipolar molecules in high-gradient microwave electric fields and applications for manipulating molecules in hollow coaxial nanoreactors are considered. ...
    • Nonlinear filtering in digtal image processing 

      Johansen, Michael (Master thesis, 2011)
      In this thesis an application named ImageLab have been developed. Image-Lab is an image filtering application focusing on the use of nonlinear filteringprocesses. During development of the software it became clear that ...
    • Nonlinear optical response and structural properties of MBE-grown Fe:ZnS films 

      Polyakov, Stanislav; Karhu, Eric Andrew; Zamiri, Reza; Moisset, Charles; Iliopoulos, Konstantinos; Vullum, Per Erik; Österberg, Ulf; Gibson, Ursula (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Fe-doped ZnS films of high optical quality were fabricated using vacuum vapor deposition. Preferential crystalline orientation and phase purity of the host ZnS films were increased by the addition of small amounts of Fe, ...
    • Nonlinear Pulse Propagation in Optical Fibers 

      Fructuoso Garcia, Alvaro (Master thesis, 2012)
      The project objective is to see how a pulse propagates along an optical fiber. This will take into account the linear effects of the fiber, as well as the nonlinear effects. Also be checked several commercial fiber types. ...