• Programvaredefinert radio: Mulige hyllevareløsninger for DSRC-anvendelser 

      Thorsrud, Einar (Master thesis, 2009)
      Utviklingen innen radiokommunikasjon går i retning av rekonfigurerbare programvaredefinerte radioer, der funksjonaliteten og signalbehandlingen er implementert i programvare. Fremveksten av standardiserte maskinvareplattformer ...
    • Progress Monitoring of Fish Skins During Pretanning With an Optical Sensor System 

      Høyvik, Erik Evjen; Lokøy, Mats Rodahl (Master thesis, 2021)
      Abstract will be available on 2024-07-01
    • Progress Monitoring of Fish Skins During Pretanning With an Optical Sensor System 

      Høyvik, Erik Evjen; Lokøy, Mats Rodahl (Master thesis, 2021)
      Abstract will be available on 2024-07-01
    • Progressing the exploration of portable impulse response using the Sony Spresense 

      Mörlin, Joel (Master thesis, 2023)
      Mens teknologien utvikler seg i raskt tempo, reduseres arealkravene for store beregninger. Dette gjør det mulig for en tidligere omfattende operasjon, som for eksempel signalbehandling, å bli bærbar. Resultatet er en ...
    • Progressive Image Transfer and Handheld Devices in Emergency Communications 

      David-Andersen, Jan Peder (Master thesis, 2008)
      Image communications solutions tailored for Crisis Management are today needed and requested by many. The availability of such solutions are however limited. In this project we improve an existing Emergency Communications ...
    • Propagation Measurements for IQRF Network in an Urban Environment 

      Bouzidi, Mohammed; Mohamed, Marshed Kassim; Dalveren, Yaser; Moldsvor, Arild; Alaya Cheikh, Faouzi; Derawi, Mohammad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Recently, IQRF has emerged as a promising technology for the Internet of Things (IoT), owing to its ability to support short- and medium-range low-power communications. However, real world deployment of IQRF-based wireless ...
    • Propagation of anthropogenic noise in the ocean 

      Hovem, Jens Martin; Tronstad, Tron (Chapter, 2012)
      Acoustic modeling technique is used to study long range propagation of airgun signals with emphasis on the low frequencies having impact on fish species of commercial interest, the frequency range from 25 Hz to 300 Hz. The ...
    • Propagation properties of spin wave in Co2FeAl Heusler alloy ultrathin films 

      Singh, Suraj Kumar; Gupta, Nanhe Kumar; Hait, Soumyarup; Chaudhary, Sujeet; Tybell, Thomas; Wahlström, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We report an investigation of spin wave propagation in ion beam sputtered Co2FeAl Heusler alloy thin film on Si(100) substrate. The spin wave transmission spectra measured at fixed frequencies by sweeping the external ...
    • Properties of channel aging in massive MIMO for rich scattering environments 

      Niels Margot (Master thesis, 2020)
      Channel aging is a troublesome aspect of Massive MIMO as it forces the base station to learn the characteristics of the channel over and over. This thesis investigates the behaviour of a rather uncomplicated environment ...
    • Prototype av sky-tilkoblet målesystem for EAQI, basert på nRF9160 SiP med energihøstingssystem 

      Berthelsen, Patric André; Kristiansen, Jacob; Henriksveen, Sigurd Ranheim; Aanensen, Eskild Jonatan Krumsvik (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Internet of Things (IoT) teknologi kan være et sentralt hjelpemiddel for å løseproblemer som måling av luftkvalitet over urbane områder, spesielt med tanke påtrådløse sensornettverk. I den anledning bestemte vi oss for å ...
    • Prototype for microwave communication 

      Kolloen, Even Kristoffer (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      [Untatt offentligheten] Denne rapporten vil beskrive spesifikasjonene og fremgangsmåten inkludert resultater for bachelorgruppen ELE7 sitt prosjekt. Prosjektet som omtales var basert på å produsere en funksjonell prototype ...
    • Psychoacoustic evaluation of noise from metro trains 

      Broks, Andris (Master thesis, 2019)
      De klassiske tilnærmingene som blir brukt til å analysere T-bane støy fungerer bra i de fleste tilfellene, men noen ganger forklarer de ikke hvorfor en bestemt støykilde opplevessom svært plagsom. Den nye teknologiske ...
    • Pulsed Laser Deposition of ZnO Nanostructures for Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Solar Cells 

      Skåre, Daniel Gundersen (Master thesis, 2009)
      Au catalyst ZnO nanostructures have been grown on the a- and c-plane sapphire substrate by PLD. Influence of substrate lattice orientation, substrate surface and different substrate annealing temperature have been characterized ...
    • Pushing the limits of beam-steering lens arrays 

      Johnsen, Håkon Jarand Dugstad; Aksnes, Astrid; Torgersen, Jan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      An essential part of a concentrated solar power system is the solar tracker. Tracking is usually implemented by rotating the entire optical system to follow the sun, adding to the bulk and complexity of the system. ...
    • QoE Aspects of Motion Tracking in Sensor Based Digital Storytelling 

      Smith, Øystein Andre (Master thesis, 2016)
      Storytelling is, and always will be, an important part of cultures all around the world. It is used for education, to entertain and to preserve history. Sen- sor based digital storytelling is a new concept within Interactive ...

      Borowiak, Adam D. (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:69, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      Subjective quality assessment of multi-modal services depends on a number of external factors that affect the final judgment, e.g. user expectations, user fatigue, room environment or methodology used in the evaluation ...
    • Quality Evaluations and algorithmic Improvement of the next Generation Video Coding - HEVC 

      Flå, Morten (Master thesis, 2011)
      The increased processing power and screen sizes of mobile devices has made it desirable to watch multimedia presentations on the go. On such devices the data network bandwidth is usually the limiting factor, which imposes ...
    • Quality of Aesthetic Experience and Implicit Modulating Factors 

      Mansilla, Wendy Ann C. (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:59, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      Since the Dadaist refusal of the conventional standards in art, followed by several movements rejecting art as a commodity, and recently, the popularity of Internet and digital art, artworks have become difficult to recognize ...
    • Quality of Experience for Digital Cinema Presentation 

      Rahayu, Fitri N (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:277, Doctoral thesis, 2011)
      Multimedia presentations of digital media services and devices are meant for human consumption and interaction. Before consumption by the user, the multimedia signal usually goes through several processing stages. Depending ...
    • Quality of Service for Network on Chip 

      Ersland, Ivar (Master thesis, 2009)
      Moderne enbrikkesystemer bygges i større og større grad opp av heterogene strukturer der ulike applikasjoner med forskjellige oppgaver kommuniserer med hverandre. Strenge krav stilles til pålitelighet i form av korrekthet, ...