• 3D Reconstruction of GI Regions from Single Images 

      Ahmad, Bilal; Floor, Pål Anders; Farup, Ivar; Kresović, Milan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      3D shape reconstruction from images is one of the problem under investigation in the field of computer vision. Shape-from-shading (SfS) is an important approach which requires the reflectance properties of surface and light ...
    • 3D Reconstruction of the Human Colon from Capsule Endoscope Video 

      Floor, Pål Anders; Farup, Ivar; Pedersen, Marius (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In this paper we investigate the possibility of constructing 3D models of longer sections of the human colon using image sequences obtained from wireless capsule endoscope (WCE) video to provide enhanced viewing for ...
    • 3D Shape Reconstruction from Capsule Endoscopy Video 

      Ahmad, Bilal (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:125, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) has revolutionized the field of gastroenterology by providing an alternative to traditional endoscopy, as it is less invasive and requires no sedation. It is a patient-friendly procedure ...
    • 3D ultrasound reconstruction algorithms from analog and digital data 

      Solberg, Ole Vegard; Lindseth, Frank; Bø, Lars Eirik; Muller, Sebastien; Meland, Janne Beate Lervik; Tangen, Geir Arne; Hernes, Toril A. Nagelhus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Freehand 3D ultrasound is increasingly being introduced in the clinic for diagnostics and image-assisted interventions. Various algorithms exist for combining 2D images of regular ultrasound probes to 3D volumes, being ...
    • 3D Visualisering av Komplekse Datastrukturer 

      Butt, Zohaib; Holt, Kent Wincent; Torkelsen, Eldar Hauge (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Kodebaser kan fort bli store og komplekse. Dette gjør at det kan ta veldig lang tid å få et overblikk over koden. Vi fikk i oppgave av Frantz, Christopher å implementere et system som kunne ta imot en Git URL og visualisere ...
    • 3D Visualisering av Komplekse Datastrukturer 

      Butt, Zohaib; Holt, Kent Wincent; Torkelsen, Eldar Hauge (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Kodebaser kan fort bli store og komplekse. Dette gjør at det kan ta veldig lang tid å få et overblikk over koden. Vi fikk i oppgave av Frantz, Christopher å implementere et system som kunne ta imot en Git URL og visualisere ...
    • 3d visualisering av konseptkart 

      Hvaale, Ole Kristian (Master thesis, 2006)
      I denne oppgaven er målsetningen å utvikle en metode for å organisere og visualisere en rekke med dokumenter (tradisjonelle dokumenter, læringsobjekt og kunnskapsobjekt) I oppgaven framhever jeg at automatisk genererte ...
    • 3D Visualization and Simulation of the Human Navigation System 

      Hjelle, Henrik (Master thesis, 2015)
      The aim of this thesis is to investigate how 3D visualizations and virtual reality can be used to make the human navigation system understandable for the general public. To do this, a 3D visualization of the human navigation ...
    • 3D Visualization of X-ray Diffraction Data 

      Falch, Thomas Løfsgaard (Master thesis, 2012)
      X-ray diffraction experiments are used extensively in the sciences to study the structure, chemicalcomposition and physical properties of materials. The output of such experiments are samples of thediffraction pattern, ...
    • 3D-Fingerprint Augment based on Super-Resolution for Indoor 3D WiFi Localization 

      Liu, Zhaoni; Wang, Xianmin; Chen, Zhikun; Zhao, Ming; Zhang, Sihai; Li, Jingyue (Chapter, 2021)
      Recently, 3D indoor positioning technology has attracted wide attention in smart medical treatment, intelligent robot and other application fields. Traditional 3D positioning technology requires to utilize the special-dedicated ...
    • 3D-visualisering : valg av teknologi og programvare 

      Holt, Tomas; Nilsen, Jan H.; Sandstrak, Grethe; Ljosland, Mildrid; Fretland, Truls (HiST/AITeL-rapport, Research report, 2007)
    • 802.11ac 

      Brubak, Tonje; Svevad, Per Kristian (Bachelor thesis, 2013)
      NORSK: Denne bacheloroppgaven har som formål å anbefale for ITjenesten ved HiG konkrete tiltak for å utbedre høgskolens nett med hensyn til brukernes krav. Det ble gjennomført en spørreundersøkelse som viser at brukerne ...
    • A (k, p)-anonymity Framework to Sanitize Transactional Database with Personalized Sensitivity 

      Zhang, Binbin; Lin, Chun Wei; Liu, Qiankun; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; Djenouri, Youcef (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In recent years, analyzing transactional data has become an important data analytic task since it can discover important information in several domains, for recommendation, prediction, and personalization. Nonetheless, ...
    • A 91-Channel Hyperspectral LiDAR for Coal/Rock Classification 

      Shao, Hui; Chen, Yuwei; Yang, Zhirong; Jiang, Changhui; Li, Wei; Wu, Haobo; Wen, Zhijie; Wang, Shaowei; Puttnon, Eetu; Hyyppä, Juha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      During the mining operation, it is a critical task in coal mines to significantly improve the safety by precision coal mining sorting and rock classification from different layers. It implies that a technique for rapidly ...
    • A big data management architecture for smart cities based on fog-to-cloud data management architecture 

      Sinaeepourfard, Amir; Krogstie, John; Petersen, Sobah Abbas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      A massive volume of data has been created and saved in their related data repositories in either structured or unstructured format (Big Data). There- fore, there are several ongoing studies (including in different ...
    • A Case Study of a Norwegian Scrum Project 

      Lervåg, Alf Børge Bjørdal (Master thesis, 2006)
      In this paper I present a case study of a Norwegian development project where the development team adopted practices from Scrum in the middle of the development effort. My study shows that the developers were happy with ...
    • A Case Study of an Information Infrastructure Supporting Knowledge Work in Oil and Gas Exploration 

      Mikalsen, Marius (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      It is well rehearsed in the fields of CSCW and IS that the relationship between the social and the material is bi-directional and shaped locally. But what happens when knowledge work is stretched across space and time, and ...
    • A Case Study of Coordination in Distributed Agile Software Development 

      Hole, Steinar (Master thesis, 2008)
      Both global software development and agile approaches have gained significant popularity. Companies even show interest in applying agile approaches in distributed development to combine the advantages of both approaches. ...
    • A Case Study on using GPT-4o for Broken Role-Based Access Control Vulnerability Detection 

      Hauan, Sigurd (Master thesis, 2024)
      Sårbarheter knyttet til feil i adgangskontrollen (BAC) er for øyeblikket på toppen av OWASP Top 10-listen over de mest kritiske sikkerhetsrisikoene for applikasjoner. Adgangskontrollpolitikker som Rollebasert adgangskontroll ...
    • A CBR/RL system for learning micromanagement in real-time strategy games 

      Gunnerud, Martin Johansen (Master thesis, 2009)
      The gameplay of real-time strategy games can be divided into macromanagement and micromanagement. Several researchers have studied automated learning for macromanagement, using a case-based reasoning/reinforcement learning ...