Blar i Institutt for fysikk på tittel
Viser treff 1131-1150 av 2771
Ice ridge keel size distributions: Analysis of ice ridge keel thickness from Upward Looking Sonar data from the Fram Strait using extreme value theory.
(Master thesis, 2014)The present thesis explored sea ice ridges in the Fram Strait from data collected at 79 degrees N, 65 degrees W in 2006/2007 by an Upward Looking Sonar instrument, IPS4, and used extreme value analysis to provide an estimate ... -
Identification of Dosimetric Predictors for Radiation-Induced Acute Esophagitis; A 2D Analysis of the Surface Dose Distribution and the Association with Toxicity
(Master thesis, 2024)Småcellet lungekreft (SCLC) er en aggressiv form for lungekreft. Den mest effektive behandlingen for pasienter med begrenset stadium SCLC anses å være hyperfraksjonert akselerert stråleterapi med konkomitant cellegift. ... -
Identification of novel cyanoacrylate monomers for use in nanoparticle drug delivery systems prepared by miniemulsion polymerisation – A multistep screening approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Poly (alkyl cyanoacrylate) (PACA) polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) are promising drug carriers in drug delivery. However, the selection of commercially available alkyl cyanoacrylate (ACA) monomers is limited, because most ... -
Identifying Barriers in Extracellular Matrix for Ultrasound-Mediated Delivery of Nanoparticles in 4T1, KPC and CT26 Tumor Models
(Master thesis, 2023)En av utfordringene ved dagens kreftbehandlinger er at kun en liten del av medisinene akkumuleres i svulsten. Man tror noe av grunnen til dette skyldes at den ekstracellulære matriksen (ECM) i svulstvevet er ekstra tettpakket. ... -
Identifying Lagrangian Coherent Structures Using Clustering
(Master thesis, 2018)In these times of rapid environmental changes, our understanding of nature becomes ever more crucial. For example, the spread of oil spills and microplastics can have far reaching consequences for the ecology. Previous ... -
Image Processing of 2-D Snow Images for Cross-Country Skiing
(Master thesis, 2020)Snø er et porøst og komplekst materiale med innflytelse på både vitenskapelige, teknologiske og sosiale arenaer. Dette gjør analyse av snø til en viktig, men krevende oppgave. Tredimensjonal snø analyse gir nøyaktig ... -
Image Registration with Binary Masks of Simultaneous Whole-Body PET/MRI Acquisition in Lymphoma Patients
(Master thesis, 2024)Ved å bruke registreringsprogrammet elastix, vurderer denne masteroppgaven nøyaktigheten av et registreringsoppsett som utfører rigid registrering (RR) etterfulgt av deformerbar registrering (DR) med binære masker for å ... -
Imaging microstreaming surrounding oscillating microbubbles in ultrasound mediated drug delivery
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen utforsker avbildning og kvantifisering av mikrostrømning indusert av stabilt kaviterende mikrobobler eksponert av 1M Hz ultralyd i selvproduserte mikrokanaler, laget ved hjelp av fotolitografi-teknikker. ... -
Imaging the tumour microenvironment in rectal cancer: Decline in tumour blood flow during radiotherapy predicts good outcome
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background and purpose Measuring rectal tumour response to radiation is pivotal to restaging patients and for possibly stratification to a watch-and-wait strategy. Recognizing the importance of the tumour microenvironment, ... -
Immunogenic cell death by neoadjuvant oxaliplatin and radiation protects against metastatic failure in high-risk rectal cancer.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objective High rates of systemic failure in locally advanced rectal cancer call for a rational use of conventional therapies to foster tumor-defeating immunity. Methods We analyzed the high-mobility group box-1 ... -
Impact of Gamma Irradiation on the Properties of Magnesium-Doped Hydroxyapatite in Chitosan Matrix
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This is the first report regarding the effect of gamma irradiation on chitosan-coated magnesium-doped hydroxyapatite (xMg = 0.1; 10 MgHApCh) layers prepared by the spin-coating process. The stability of the resulting 10 ... -
Impact of inherent energy barrier on spin-orbit torques in magnetic-metal/semimetal heterojunctions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Spintronic devices are based on heterojunctions of two materials with different magnetic and electronic properties. Although an energy barrier is naturally formed even at the interface of metallic heterojunctions, its ... -
Impact of overall charge and charge distribution in disordered regions on the binding between DNA and DNA-binding molecules containing disordered regions
(Master thesis, 2021)Samspillet mellom DNA-bindende proteiner og DNA er svært viktig i mange cellulære prosesser. Inntil nylig har det vært antatt at proteiners funksjon er direkte avhengig av deres veldefinerte, tredimensjonale struktur. ... -
Impact of Silanization Parameters and Antibody Immobilization Strategy on Binding Capacity of Photonic Ring Resonators
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Ring resonator-based biosensors have found widespread application as the transducing principle in “lab-on-a-chip” platforms due to their sensitivity, small size and support for multiplexed sensing. Their sensitivity is, ... -
Impact of the major SSWs of February 2018 and January 2019 on the middle atmospheric nitric oxide abundance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The Arctic middle atmosphere was affected by major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSW) in February 2018 and January 2019, respectively. In this article, we report for the first time the impact of these two events on the ... -
Impact of the Pacific sector sea ice loss on the sudden stratospheric warming characteristics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The atmospheric response to Arctic sea ice loss remains a subject of much debate. Most studies have focused on the sea ice retreat in the Barents-Kara Seas and its troposphere-stratosphere influence. Here, we investigate ... -
The Impact of Thermal History on Water Adsorption in a Synthetic Nanolayered Silicate with Intercalated Li+ or Na+
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)For applications benefitting from the swelling properties of nanolayered silicates (clay minerals), it is of paramount importance to understand the hysteresis in the clay–water interaction. In this context, the present ... -
An impact-based environmental risk assessment model toolbox for offshore produced water discharges
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)We present a novel approach to environmental risk assessment of produced water discharges based on explicit impact and probability, using a combination of transport, fate and toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic models within a ... -
Impacts of UV irradiance and medium-energy electron precipitation on the North Atlantic oscillation during the 11-year solar cycle
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Observational studies suggest that part of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) variability may be attributed to the spectral ultra-violet (UV) irradiance variations associated to the 11-year solar cycle. The observed ... -
Implementasjon av Tredimensjonale Elektromagnetiske Kaskader i Elmag
(Master thesis, 2019)En oppdatert versjon av Monte Carlo programmet ELMAG er presentert. Programmet simulerer elektromagnetiske kaskader som startes av høyenergiske fotoner fra blasarer. De høyenergiske fotonene vekselvirker med bakgrunnsfotoner ...