• High Energy Broadband Femtosecond Pulse Generation From Tm-doped Fiber MOPA 

      Klimentov, Dmitry; Dvoyrin, Vladislav; Tolstik, Nikolai; Sorokina, Irina T (Chapter, 2016)
      We report generation of high energy (up to 280 nJ), broadband (over 450 nm between 1.95 - 2.4 µm), 200 fs pulses at 2.1 W average power directly from a Tm-fiber MOPA laser.
    • High energy radiation from Centaurus A 

      Kachelriess, Michael; Ostapchenko, Sergey; Tomas, R (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      We calculate, for the nearest active galactic nucleus (AGN), Centaurus A (Cen A), the flux of high-energy cosmic rays (CR) and of accompanying secondary photons and neutrinos expected from hadronic interactions in the ...
    • High level of circulating vitamin D during neoadjuvant therapy may lower risk of metastatic progression in high-risk rectal cancer 

      Abrahamsson, Hanna Josefine; Porojnicu, Alina Carmen; Lindstrøm, Jonas Christoffer; Dueland, Svein; Flatmark, Kjersti; Hole, Knut Håkon; Seierstad, Therese; Moan, Johan Emilian; Redalen, Kathrine; Meltzer, Sebastian; Ree, Anne Hansen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background:Following curative-intent neoadjuvant therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer, metastaticprogression is still dominant. We investigated if patients’circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels wereassociated ...
    • High level of circulating vitamin D during neoadjuvant therapy may lower risk of metastatic progression in high-risk rectal cancer 

      Abrahamsson, Hanna Josefine; Porojnicu, Alina Carmen; Lindstrøm, Jonas Christoffer; Dueland, Svein; Flatmark, Kjersti; Hole, Knut Håkon; Seierstad, Therese; Moan, Johan Emilian; Redalen, Kathrine Røe; Meltzer, Sebastian; Ree, Anne Hansen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background: Following curative-intent neoadjuvant therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer, metastatic progression is still dominant. We investigated if patients’ circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels were ...
    • High peak power and energy scaling in the mid-IR chirped-pulse oscillator-amplifier laser systems 

      Rudenkov, Alexander; Kalashnikov, Vladimir; Sorokin, Evgeni; Demesh, Maksim; Sorokina, Irina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The paper introduces a new route towards the ultrafast high laser peak power and energy scaling in a hybrid mid-IR chirped pulse oscillator-amplifier (CPO-CPA) system, without sacrificing neither the pulse duration nor ...
    • High Precision, Full Potential Electronic Transport Simulator: Implementation and First Results 

      Selvåg, Juri (Master thesis, 2014)
      During the work with this master s thesis a number of important upgrades has been madeto the Full Band Monte Carlo program that is under development at FFI.The program is now able to simulate charge transport in Hg0.72Cd0.28Te, ...
    • High resolution characterization of responsive hydrogels for biomedical application 

      Gao, Ming (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:72, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      Hydrogels are 3D polymer network that, differing from conventional solids, can eliminate or absorb water and as a consequence undergo changes in volume, mechanical properties. Various properties of the hydrogels can be ...
    • High resolution crystal orientation mapping of ultrathin films in SEM and TEM 

      Heinig, M. F.; Chatterjee, Dipanwita; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Wagner, Jakob B.; Kadkhodazadeh, S; Ånes, Håkon Wiik; Niessen, F; Bastos da Silva, A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Ultrathin metallic films are important functional materials for optical and microelectronic devices. Dedicated characterization with high spatial resolution and sufficient field of view is key to the understanding of the ...
    • High resolution interferometry as a tool for characterization of swelling of weakly charged hydrogels subjected to amphiphile and cyclodextrin exposure 

      Gao, Ming; Gawel, Kamila; Stokke, Bjørn Torger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      A high resolution interferometric technique was used to determine swelling behavior of weakly charged polyacrylamide hydrogels in the presence of oppositely charged surfactants and subsequent exposure to cyclodextrins. ...
    • High Temperature Decomposition of Methane on Quartz Pellets 

      Lindgaard, Henrik (Master thesis, 2015)
      This work has shown that pure methane, when exposed to quartz at a temperatures of 900°C and 1000°C, cracks and deposits carbon at a near constant rate. The deposition rates for the individual temperature levels were shown ...
    • High-current-density electropolishing (HDEP) of AISI 316L (EN 1.4404) stainless steel 

      Rokosz, Krzysztof; Hryniewicz, Tadeusz; Rzadkiewicz, Slawomir; Raaen, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The paper presents new XPS results of surface layers formed after electrochemical polishing of AISI 316L stainless steel at high current density (HDEP) of 1000 A/dm2 (EP1000) versus a standard electropolishing (EP50) process ...
    • High-energy astrophysical neutrinos from interactions in the Local Bubble 

      Kachelriess, Michael; Semikoz, Dimitry; Bouyahiaoui, Makarim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      A signal of high-energy extraterrestrial neutrinos was discovered by the IceCube experiment [1]. Neutrinos are always produced together with gamma-rays, but the gamma-ray flux from extra- galactic sources cascade down to ...
    • High-energy Mid-Infrared Cr:ZnS Chirped-pulse oscillator 

      Tolstik, Nikolai; Sorokin, Evgeni; Sorokina, Irina T (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Femtosecond coherent light sources emitting in the mid-infrared are of particular interest for a number of applications like environmental sensing, medicine, metrology, material processing and telecommunications. Among the ...
    • High-Energy Neutrino and Gamma-Ray Emission from Tidal Disruption Events 

      Murase, Kohta; Kimura, Shigeo; Zhang, Bing; Oikonomou, Foteini; Petropoulou, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Tidal disruption events (TDE) have been considered as cosmic-ray and neutrino sources for a decade. We suggest two classes of new scenarios for high-energy multi-messenger emission from TDEs that do not have to harbor ...
    • High-energy neutrino emission from blazars 

      Oikonomou, Foteini (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Active galactic nuclei (AGN) with relativistic jets are the most powerful persistent astrophysical sources of electromagnetic radiation in the Universe. Blazars are the most extreme subclass of AGN with jets directed along ...
    • High-energy Neutrinos from Galactic Superbubbles 

      Andersen, Karen-Johanne; Kachelriess, Michael; Semikoz, DV (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      We study the propagation of cosmic rays (CRs) generated by sources residing inside superbubbles. We show that the enhanced magnetic field in the bubble wall leads to an increase in the interior CR density. Because of the ...
    • High-energy X-ray Tomography for 3D Void Characterization in Au–Sn Solid-Liquid Interdiffusion (SLID) Bonds 

      Aasmundtveit, Knut; Tekseth, Kim Robert Bjørk; Breiby, Dag Werner; Nguyen, Hoang-Vu (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Au-Sn SLID bonding is a technique originally developed for harsh environment applications. The technology has recently shown promising results for ultrasound transducer fabrication. Characterizing the spatial and size ...
    • High-energy X-ray Transmission Microscopy based on Compound Refractive Lenses 

      Falch, Ken Vidar (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:124, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Summary of thesis: In the results of the work presented in this thesis it has been shown theoretically and demonstrated experimentally that lateral chromatic aberration in hard x-ray transmission microscopy can be ...
    • High-energy-neutrino production in high-redshift blazars 

      Signebøen, Mathias (Master thesis, 2024)
      Oppdagelsen av en astrofysisk nøytrinofluks av IceCube Neutrino Observatory motiverer jakten på sterke protonakseleratorer som kan produsere nøytrinoer gjennom vekselvirkninger mellom høyenergiske protoner og fotoner. ...
    • High-Resolution Large Time-Step Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 

      Bore, Sigbjørn Løland (Master thesis, 2015)
      This thesis is concerned with numerical methods for solving hyperbolic conservation laws. A generalization of large time-step schemes (LTSS) to high resolution is presented. The generalization is based on the previous work ...