Now showing items 2514-2533 of 2713

    • TLR2 heterodimerisation dynamics - Establishing an advanced microscopy method to investigate protein-protein interactions 

      Ullmann, Sindre (Master thesis, 2018)
      In the work presented in this thesis a method for measuring the lifetime of intrinsically expressed fluorescent proteins in live cells has been demonstrated and optimised. A set of THP-1 cell lines, designed by way of viral ...
    • Tm3+-doped CW fiber laser based on a highly GeO2-doped dispersion-shifted fiber 

      Dvoyrin, Vladislav; Sorokina, Irina T; Mashinsky, Valery M.; Ischakova, Lyudmila D.; Dianov, Evgenii M; Kalashnikov, Valdimir L; Yashkov, Mikhail V.; Khopin, Vladimir F.; Guryanov, Aleksey N. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      A novel all-fiber laser based on a highly GeO2-doped dispersion-shifted Tm-codoped fiber, pumped at 1.56 µm wavelength and lasing at 1.862 µm wavelength with a slope efficiency up to 37% was demonstrated. The single-mode ...
    • Tn and STn are members of a family of carbohydrate tumor antigens that possess carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions 

      Sletmoen, Marit; Gerken, Thomas A.; Stokke, Bjørn Torger; Burchell, Joy; Brewer, C. Fred (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The mucin-type O-glycome in cancer aberrantly expresses the truncated glycans Tn (GalNAcα1-Ser/Thr) and STn (Neu5Acα2,6GalNAcα1-Ser/Thr). However, the role of Tn and STn in cancer and other diseases is not well understood. ...
    • Toehold length of target ssDNA affects reaction-diffusion behavior in DNA-responsive DNA-co-acrylamide hydrogels 

      Jonasova, Eleonora Parelius; Bjørkøy, Astrid; Stokke, Bjørn Torger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In the present study, we expand on the understanding of hydrogels with embedded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) cross-links, from the overall swelling to characterization of processes that precede the swelling. The hydrogels ...
    • Topological field theories of superconductor heterostructures 

      Bergan, Snorre (Master thesis, 2021)
      I topologiske materialer, slik som topologisk isolator heterostrukturer, er responsen av et påført elektromagnetisk felt eller magnetisering manifestert ved et såkalt Chern-Simons ledd. Ved å koble et slikt Chern-Simons ...
    • Topological impact of constrained fracture growth 

      Hope, Sigmund Mongstad; Davy, Philippe; Maillot, Julien; Le Goc, Romain; Hansen, Alex (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-08)
      The topology of two discrete fracture network models is compared to investigate the impact of constrained fracture growth. In the Poissonian discrete fracture network model the fractures are assigned length, position and ...
    • Topological Magnon-Phonon Hybrid Excitations and Hall Effects in Two-Dimensional Ferromagnets 

      Kløgetvedt, Jostein Negård (Master thesis, 2023)
      Mye forskning har hatt til hensikt å undersøke vekselvirkningene mellom magnoner og fononer, som utgjør fundamentale eksitasjoner i magnetisk ordnede materialer. Forskningsfunnene tyder på at disse vekselvirkningene kan ...
    • Topological phases in proximised magnetic superconductors and related time dependent phenomena 

      Svalland, Kristian Løvås (Master thesis, 2019)
      Ukolineære magnetiske teksturer i kontakt med superledere har blitt vist å huse Majorana fermioner på kantene. I denne oppgaven undersøker vi nye fenomener relatert til opprettelse og kontroll av den topologiske fasen i ...
    • Topological superconductivity induced by a Kitaev spin liquid 

      Lundemo, Sondre Duna; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      We study the effective low-energy fermionic theory of the Kondo-Kitaev model to leading order in the Kondo coupling. Our main goal is to understand the nature of the superconducting instability induced in the proximate ...
    • Topological superconductivity mediated by magnons of helical magnetic states 

      Mæland, Kristian; Abnar, Sara; Benestad, Jacob Daniel; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We recently showed that spin fluctuations of noncoplanar magnetic states can induce topological superconductivity in an adjacent normal metal [Mæland et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 156002 (2023)]. The noncolinear nature of ...
    • Topological Superconductivity Mediated by Skyrmionic Magnons 

      Mæland, Kristian; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Topological superconductors are associated with the appearance of Majorana bound states, with promising applications in topologically protected quantum computing. In this Letter, we study a system where a skyrmion crystal ...
    • Topological Transport Properties of Non-Abelian Magnons in a Spiral Phase Ferromagnetic Insulator 

      Lind-Olsen, Jesper (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne masteroppgaven studerer vi tverrgående topologiske transportegenskaper i en ferromagnetisk insulator med Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vekselvirkninger i planet. Denne vekselvirkningen er en nøkkelkomponent i å indusere ...
    • Topology of fracture networks 

      Andresen, Christian Andre; Hansen, Alex; Le Goc, Romain; Davy, Philippe; Hope, Sigmund Mongstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      We propose a mapping from fracture systems consisting of intersecting fracture sheets in three dimensions to an abstract network consisting of nodes and links. This makes it possible to analyze fracture systems with the ...
    • Topology of Fracture Networks 

      Hope, Sigmund Mongstad (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:200, Doctoral thesis, 2015)
      This thesis is submitted as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of philosophiae doctor. Methods from network science are applied to investigate the topology of fracture networks. The main focus is on ...
    • Topology-based construction of business-integrated material modelling workflows 

      Preisig, Heinz A.; Klein, Peter; Konchakova, Natalia; Hagelien, Thomas Fjæstad; Friis, Jesper; Horsch, Martin Thomas (Chapter, 2022)
      Designing a new product requires information from the business and physical domains, which implies integrating business decision tools with process and material simulation processes to form an overall workflow. The integration ...
    • Topology-guided polar ordering of collective cell migration 

      Lång, Emma Helena; Lång, Anna Ulrika; Blicher, Pernille; Rognes, Torbjørn; Dommersnes, Paul Gunnar; Bøe, Stig Ove (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The ability of epithelial monolayers to self-organize into a dynamic polarized state, where cells migrate in a uniform direction, is essential for tissue regeneration, development, and tumor progression. However, the ...
    • Total ozone trends at three northern high-latitude stations 

      Bernet, Leonie; Svendby, Tove Marit; Hansen, Georg Heinrich; Orsolini, Yvan; Dahlback, Arne; Goutail, Florence; Pazmino, Andrea; Petkov, Boyan; Kylling, Arve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      After the decrease of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) as a consequence of the Montreal Protocol, it is still challenging to detect a recovery in the total column amount of ozone (total ozone) at northern high latitudes. ...
    • Toward a pulsed antihydrogen beam for WEP tests in AEgIS 

      Huck, Saiva; Auzins, Marcis; Bergmann, Benedikt; Burian, Petr; Brusa, Roberto Sennen; Camper, Antoine Yves Marie Charles; Caravita, Ruggero; Castelli, Fabrizio; Ciuryło, Roman; Consolati, Giovanni; Doser, Michael; Farricker, Aaron; Glöggler, Lisa Theresa; Graczykowski, Łukasz; Grosbart, Malgorzata; Guatieri, Francesco; Gusakova, Natali; Haider, Stefan; Janik, Malgorzata; Kasprowicz, Grzegorz; Khatri, Ghanshyambhai; Kłosowski, Łukasz; Kornakov, Georgy; Krumins, Valts; Lappo, Lidia; Linek, Adam; Malbrunot, Chloé; Mariazzi, Sebastiano; Nowak, Lilian; Nowicka, Dorota; Oswald, Emmanuel; Penasa, Luca; Petracek, Vojtech; Piwinski, Mariusz; Pospisil, Stanislav; Povolo, Luca; Prelz, Francesco; Rangwala, Sadiq; Rienäcker, Benjamin; Rodin, Volodymyr; Røhne, Ole Myren; Sandaker, Heidi; Smolyanskiy, Petr; Sowinski, Tomasz; Tefelski, Dariusz; Volponi, Marco; Welsch, Carsten; Wolz, Tim; Zawada, Michał; Zielinski, Jakub; Zimmer, Christian; Zurlo, Nicola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The AEg̅IS collaboration at CERN’s AD produces antihydrogen atoms in the form of a pulsed, isotropic source with a precisely defined formation time. AEg̅IS has recently undergone major upgrades to fully benefit from the ...
    • Toward new liquid crystal phases of DNA mesogens 

      Gallagher, Kit; Yu, Jiaming; King, David. A.; Liu, Ren; Eiser, Erika (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Short, partially complementary, single-stranded (ss)DNA strands can form nanostructures with a wide variety of shapes and mechanical properties. It is well known that semiflexible, linear dsDNA can undergo an isotropic to ...