Blar i Program for industriell økologi på tittel
Viser treff 37-56 av 100
Hva nytt bringer Industriell Økologi inn?
(Research report, 1998) -
Hvilken moral for dagens marked og miljø?
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2003:3, Research report, 2003) -
Hvor miljøvennlig er din livsstil?
(Journal article, 2006) -
Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Large Scale Hydrogen Production Facilities
(Working Papers from Industrial Ecology Programmme (IndEcol), 1504-3681; 2004:3, Research report, 2004)An environmental assessment of three designs for a large-scale hydrogen production facility is performed using a Hybrid Life Cycle Assesment approach. The operational adaption of the hybrid framework for this case is shown ... -
Hydro i Quatar - Læring og CSR-arbeid
(Master thesis, 2005)Denne oppgåva tek føre seg koplinga mellom Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) og organisasjonsmessig læring. CSR er ei kjelde til usikkerheit hos leiarar, og leverer uvande problemstillingar for ein ingeniørorganisasjon. ... -
Improving Energy Flows in a Industrial Society by Taxing Exergy Losses in Material Production
(Journal article, 1998)In most of the Western hemisphere there is presently an intensive debate regarding the proper pricing of energy. Attempts to internalize the social and environmental costs related to energy consumption are confronted by ... -
Indicators for eco-efficiency in recycling systems
(Chapter, 2001)The concept of eco-efficiency was introduced by the World Business Councils on Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in 1992. Since then it has been widely adopted among companies to measure and improve the value added while ... -
Industrial ecology: a new paradigm?
(Research report, 1999)The aim of industrial ecology is to design and re-design industrial systems, by using nature as a metaphor and model. In this way far less non-renewable resources will be used and far less emissions and wastes will be ... -
Industriell økologi - nytter det bare i nord?: Om industriøkologisk kapasitet
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2000:2, Research report, 2000) -
Innsamling og behandling av plastavfall
(Master thesis, 2002)This document is a diploma thesis from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Machine Design and Materials Technology, and covers the following research questions: What is the composition of ... -
Integration of Environmental Aspects and Ethics in the Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum at University of Trondheim
(Report, 1993)An upgraded and enlarged block of core subjects within social sciences including environmental education as a part of the undergraduate part of the “Sivilingeniør” (MSc. ) programme at NTH, is under implementation . This ... -
Integrerte strategier for regional avfallsbehandlig i Midt Norge og alternative behandligsmetoder for aske
(Master thesis, 2003)In this study a model for regional waste management in Central Norway is presented, with a special focus on challenges and different disposal strategies concerning waste incineration residues, such as bottom ash, fly ash ... -
Interactive product development in recycling systems – A case study of the Norwegian deposit system for PET bottles
(Chapter, 2003)In this paper we have applied the interactive product development approach in combination with the life cycle system approach and put up a framework to evaluate and understand eco-efficiency development of production- and ... -
Klær og miljø - en studie av kleskjedenes behandling av "overskuddsvarer" sett i et miljøperspektiv
(Master thesis, 2004)This study focus on nine big clothes chains practise on how to handle their “surplus gods” which is their clothes of complaint by customers, clothes with faults from their producers, wrong purchases, and their samples. It ... -
Kommunikasjon i tverrfaglig forskningssamarbeid: Kan kunnskapsverktøy hjelpe?
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2004:6, Research report, 2006)Denne rapporten tar utgangspunkt i to utfordringer knyttet til begreper og kommunikasjon i tverrfaglig forskningssamarbeid som jeg har kommet fram til gjennom intervjuer og deltakelser i P2005-case: 1) å finne forskbare ... -
Life Cycle Analysis - its Structural, Emissions and Institutional Regimes as Policy Constraints
(Working Papers from Industrial Ecology Programmme (IndEcol), 1504-3681; 2004:8, Research report, 2004)This article explores an conceptual extension of the well established frameworks Life Cycle Analysis and Input-Output Analysis to include identification of quantitative policy constraints. This is done by first introducing ... -
Life Cycle Assessment of a marine farm co-located with a refinery
(Master thesis, 2006)A hybrid life cycle assessment of a land based turbot farm was conducted. The aquaculture facility has large heat requirements regarding water. The base case in the study utilise low quality waste heat from the refinery ... -
Life-cycle approaches to sustainable consumption: Scope and Feasibility. SETAC-Europe meeting, Prague Congress Center , 21 April 2004
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2004:7, Research report, 2004)The 2002 World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg called for a comprehensive set of programs focusing on sustainable consumption and production. According to world leaders, these programs should rely on ... -
Livsløpsanalyse anvendt på energiforsyningssystemet til et raffineri
(Master thesis, 2002)Rapporten presenterer to ulike typer miljøindikatorer, for bruk i en øko-effektiv vurdering av to forskjellige energiforsyningssystem ved raffineriet Mongstad. Indikatorene baseres på to ulike metoder; Livsløpsanalyser(LCA) ... -
Livssyklusanalyse (LCA) av fire ulike fremdriftsalternativer for personbil (bensin, diesel, brenselcelle og hybrid)
(Master thesis, 2003)In this comparative lifecycle analysis (LCA) four different lifecycle systems for passenger traffic was compared in how much environmental stress they inflict. The reference system used in the analysis is the lifecycle ...