Browsing Program for industriell økologi by Title
Now showing items 19-38 of 100
Eco-efficiency gjennom systemisk miljøstyring
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2000:4, Research report, 2000)Hensikten med denne rapporten er å undersøke hvordan miljøinformasjon i form av indikatorer kan brukes ved systematisk miljøstyring av kommuner. Målet er kontinuerlig forbedring av kommunenes miljøeffektivitet (ecoefficiency) ... -
Eco-efficiency in Recycling Systems: Evaluation Methods & Case Studies for Plastic Packaging
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2002:1, Research report, 2002)Focus on the so-called waste hierarchy, which claims that the prevention of waste is the most environmental friendly option, followed by reuse, remanufacturing, mechanical recycling, feedstock recycling, energy recovery, ... -
Eco-efficiency: state-of-the-art
(Research report, 1998) -
En kartlegging av energibruk og klimagassutslipp i Trondheim, med fokus på kommunens egen aktivitet gjennom direkte og indirekte klimagassutslipp
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2007:2, Research report, 2007) -
En sammenstilling av kunnskapsstatus (state-of-the-art) innen feltet industriell økologi
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 1999:5, Research report, 1999)Industriell økologi har siden 1996 vært et prioritert nytt felt ved NTNU, støttet opp av en tilsvarende satsing innen Bærekraftig produksjon i Sintef. I 1998 er også Industriell økologi initiert som satsingsområde i ... -
Energy efficiency in non-residential buildings: Motivation, barriers and strategies
(Master thesis, 2006)In the thesis, causes of the energy efficiency gap, i.e. that seemingly attractive investments in energy efficiency are systematically passed over are explored, and policy instruments and business strategies that can be ... -
Energy Resource Planning: Integrating Wind Power
(Research report, 1998) -
Environmental evaluation of carbon capture and storage technology and large scale deployment scenarios
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:30, Doctoral thesis, 2011)Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the most viable option to reduce CO2 emissions from power plants while continuing the use of fossil fuels required to satisfy the increasing energy demand. However, CCS is an energy ... -
Ethical Consequences of Systems Thinking in Industrial Ecology
(Report, 1998) -
Examples of Sustainable Consumption: Review, Classification and Analysis
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2004:5, Research report, 2004)In this report, we gather what could be seen as examples of sustainable consumption. The intention of the report is to help policy makers identify promising policy measures and strategies to reduce environmental and social ... -
Extended Producer Responsibility Stimulating Technological Changes and Innovation: Case Study in the Norwegian Electrical and Electronic Industry
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2004:1, Research report, 2004)Technology plays an essential role in all industrial activities. When different technologies bring comfort and convenience to our lives, the rapid material consumption also results in various forms of environmental ... -
Fission or Fossil?: A Comparative Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Two Different Hydrogen Production Methods
(Master thesis, 2004)A comparative hybrid life cycle assessment was conducted to assess two different methods for hydrogen production. Environmental impacts from nuclear assisted thermochemical water splitting are compared to hydrogen production ... -
Forestry and the climate problem: Joint timber and bioenergy production
(Others, 2001)This paper discusses and contrasts two main roles of forestry in light of the debate on the global climate. As the main problem is related to the increases of the CO2-concentration in the atmosphere, forests may be viewed ... -
Forutsetninger for radikal innovasjon i etablert virksomhet: Hvordan møte Faktor 10-utfordringen?
(Working Papers from Industrial Ecology Programmme (IndEcol), 1504-3681; 2005:1, Research report, 2004)Ledende forskere snakker om at vi i løpet av en generasjon vil måtte forbedre ressurs og energiforbruket i samfunnet med en faktor på 10. Bakgrunnen for påstanden er den negative påvirkning den økonomiske aktiviteten har ... -
Fra åpne til lukkede material- og produktstrømmer - betraktninger rundt sløyfebegrepet.
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2001:3, Research report, 2001) -
Grand Objective lost in the Waste Bin?: Local Agenda 21 and solid waste reduction in the Norwegian municipality of Trondheim
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 1999:3, Research report, 1999)A case study of the combined implementation process for Local Agenda 21 and a new Waste management plan in order to reduce the solid waste production in the Norwegian municipality of Trondheim. -
Grønn innovasjon - perspektiver, metoder og utfordringer: En litteraturstudie
(Working Papers from Industrial Ecology Programmme (IndEcol), 1504-3681; 2004:1, Research report, 2004)I denne rapporten gir vi en redegjørelse for begrepet grønn innovasjon, samtidig som vi peker på momenter som anses som viktige for å kunne gjennomføre grønn innovasjon i praksis. Vi argumenterer for at grønn innovasjon ... -
Hva nytt bringer Industriell Økologi inn?
(Research report, 1998) -
Hvilken moral for dagens marked og miljø?
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2003:3, Research report, 2003)