• A conformational change of complement C5 is required for thrombin-mediated cleavage, revealed by a novel ex vivo human whole blood model preserving full thrombin activity 

      Nilsson, Per; Johnson, Christina; Quach, Huy Quang; Macpherson, Alex; Durrant, Oliver; Pischke, Soeren; Fure, Hilde; Landsem, Anne; Bergseth, Grete; Schjalm, Camilla; Haugaard-Kedström, Linda M.; Huber-Lang, Markus; van den Elsen, Jean; Brekke, Ole-Lars; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Thrombin activation of C5 connects thrombosis to inflammation. Complement research in whole blood ex vivo necessitates anticoagulation, which potentially interferes with the inflammatory modulation by thrombin. We challenged ...
    • Congenital anomalies and the severity of impairments for cerebral palsy 

      Jystad, Kjersti Postmyr; Strand, Kristin Melheim; Bjellmo, Solveig; Lydersen, Stian; Klungsøyr, Kari; Stoknes, Magne; Skranes, Jon Sverre; Andersen, Guro Lillemoen; Vik, Torstein (Journal article, 2017)
      Aim: To study the prevalence of congenital anomalies among children with cerebral palsy (CP) born at term or late preterm, and if CP subtypes and clinical manifestations differ between children with and without congenital ...
    • Congenital duodenal obstruction - National trends in management and outcomes during the last quarter of a century in Norway 

      Treider, Martin; Granheim, Sturla; Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Pripp, Are Hugo; Røkkum, Henrik; Skari, Hans; Sæter, Thorstein; Bjørnland, Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Introduction During the last quarter of a century, new surgical techniques in neonates have been introduced, and neonatal intensive care has developed. Few studies have explored the implementation of new techniques and if ...
    • A conic model for electrolyzer scheduling 

      Raheli, Enrica; Werner, Yannick Marcus; Kazempour, Jalal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The hydrogen production curve of the electrolyzer describes the nonlinear and nonconvex relationship between its power consumption and hydrogen production. An accurate representation of this curve is essential for the ...
    • Connect and Protect: Requirements for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship in Urban Passenger Transportation 

      Amro, Ahmed Walid; Gkioulos, Vasileios; Katsikas, Sokratis (Chapter, 2020)
      Recent innovations in the smart city domain include new autonomous transportation solutions such as buses and cars, while Autonomous Passenger Ships (APS) are being considered for carrying passengers across urban waterways. ...
    • Connected by water, no matter how far. Viking Age central farms at the Trondheimsfjorden, Norway, as gateways between waterscapes and landscapes 

      Maixner, Birgit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      – During the Viking Age, the Trondheimsfjorden in Central Norway emerges as a hub of maritime communication and exchange, supported by an advanced ship-building technology which offered excellent conditions for water-bound ...
    • Connected design decision networks: Multidisciplinary decision support for early building design LCA 

      Forth, Kasimir; Schneider-Marin, Eva Patricia; Theissen, Sebastian; Höper, Jannick; Dyrup Svane, Nana; Borrmann, André (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has become the standard method to evaluate environmental impact throughout the life cycle of buildings. However, detailed data about the future building as well as knowledge about the mutual ...
    • Connected youth : young students' extensibility and use of the Internet to search for information 

      Rye, Ståle Angen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The present article investigates how young people use the Internet to gain information about distant events that can be used in their schoolwork. The aim is to better understand the process behind youngsters’ construction ...
    • Connecting global emissions to fundamental human needs and their satisfaction 

      Vita, Gibran; Wood, Richard; Stadler, Konstantin; Hertwich, Edgar G. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      While quality of life (QOL) is the result of satisfying human needs, our current provision strategies result in global environmental degradation. To ensure sustainable QOL, we need to understand the environmental impact ...
    • Connecting real-world digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement–the Mobilise-D study protocol 

      Mikolaizak, A. Stefanie; Rochester, Lynn; Maetzler, Walter; Sharrack, Basil; Demeyer, Heleen; Mazzà, Claudia; Caulfield, Brian; Garcia-Aymerich, Judith; Vereijken, Beatrix; Arnera, Valdo; Miller, Ram; Piraino, Paolo; Ammour, Nadir; Gordon, Mark Forrest; Troosters, Thierry; Yarnall, Alison J.; Alcock, Lisa; Gaßner, Heiko; Winkler, Jürgen; Klucken, Jochen; Schlenstedt, Christian; Watz, Henrik; Kirsten, Anne-Marie; Vogiatzis, Ioannis; Chynkiamis, Nikolaos; Hume, Emily; Megaritis, Dimitrios; Nieuwboer, Alice; Ginis, Pieter; Buckley, Ellen; Brittain, Gavin; Comi, Giancarlo; Leocani, Letizia; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Johnsen, Lars Gunnar; Taraldsen, Kristin; Blain, Hubert; Driss, Valérie; Frei, Anja; Puhan, Milo A.; Polhemus, Ashley; de Basea, Magda Bosch; Gimeno, Elena; Hopkinson, Nicholas S.; Buttery, Sara C.; Hausdorff, Jeffrey M.; Mirelman, Anat; Evers, Jordi; Neatrour, Isabel; Singleton, David; Schwickert, Lars; Becker, Clemens; Jansen, Carl-Philipp (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background The development of optimal strategies to treat impaired mobility related to ageing and chronic disease requires better ways to detect and measure it. Digital health technology, including body worn sensors, ...
    • Connecting sensitivity, identifiability and interpretability of a glucose minimal model 

      Lema Perez, Laura; Aguirre-Zapata, Estefania; Fougner, Anders Lyngvi; Amicarelli, Adriana; Alvarez, Hernan (Chapter, 2024)
      Mathematical models have increased their applications in physiology, control and systems science, and biomedical engineering because they offer the opportunity to examine the structure and behavior of complex physiological ...
    • Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub 

      Culina, Antica; Adriaensen, Frank; Bailey, Liam D.; Burgess, Malcolm; Charmantier, Anne; Cole, Ella F; Eeva, Tapio; Matthysen, Erik; Nater, Chloe Rebecca; Sheldon, Ben C.; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Vriend, Stefan J.G.; Zajkova, Zuzana; Adamik, Peter; Aplin, Lucy M.; Angulo, Elena; Artemyev, Alexandr; Barba, Emilio; Barišić, Sanja; Belda, Eduardo; Bilgin, Cemal Can; Bleu, Josefa; Both, Christiaan; Bouwhuis, Sandra; Branston, Claire J.; Broggi, Juli; Burke, Terry; Bushuev, Andrey; Camacho, Carlos; Campobello, Daniela; Canal, David; Cantarero, Alejandro; Caro, Samuel P.; Chaine, Alexis; Cauchoix, Maxime; Cichoń, Mariusz; Ćiković, Davor; Cusimano, Camillo A.; Deimel, Caroline; Dhondt, André A.; Dingemanse, Niels J.; Doligez, Blandine; Doutrelant, Claire; Drobniak, Szymon M.; Dubiec, Anna; Eens, Marcel; Erikstad, Kjell E; Espín, Silvia; Farine, Damien R.; Mennerat, Adele (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The integration and synthesis of the data in different areas of science is drastically slowed and hindered by a lack of standards and networking programmes. Long‐term studies of individually marked animals are not an ...
    • Connecting to Global Oil. The Construction of Oil Pipelines in the Rhine Basin, 1955-1960 

      Boon, Marten (Chapter, 2017)
      The transition from coal to oil after WWII reshaped the Rhine region’s energy supply infrastructure, as its industries replaced domestic coal with foreign oil. Pipelines were constructed to connect the growing refineries ...
    • Connecting with suicidal patients in psychiatric wards: Therapist challenges 

      Hagen, Julia; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this qualitative interview study, the authors investigated how therapists experience and view treatment and care for suicidal patients in psychiatric wards. The focus is on aspects that may contribute toward shaping and ...
    • Connecting with Youth at Risk: Indigenous Organizations Use of Facebook 

      Intahchomphoo, Channarong; Vellino, André; Gundersen, Odd Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      A qualitative study in which we conducted four interviews with two communication managers and two youth program managers of three indigenous organizations with offices in Ottawa, the data generated from the interviews were ...
    • Connections between participation in mini-companies and intrinsic motivation and effort at upper secondary school 

      Johansen, Vegard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The EU focus on entrepreneurship education has partially been justified on the basis that it contributes to a more varied education and increases pupils' educational motivation. This article examines connections between ...
    • Connections between steel and aluminium using adhesive bonding combined with self-piercing riveting 

      Reil, Matthias; Morin, David; Langseth, Magnus; Knoll, Octavian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The multi-material design of modern car bodies requires joining technologies for dissimilar materials. Adhesive bonding in combination with self-piercing riveting is widely used for joining steel and aluminium structures. ...
    • Connections between the school environment and emotional problems among boys and girls in upper secondary school 

      Røsand, Ingvild; Johansen, Vegard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This study explores the connections between aspects of the school environment and emotional problems among boys and girls. The sample comprised 2,120 adolescents aged 17 and 18 years, in 129 school classes from 13 upper ...
    • Connections to the Deep: Deep Vertical Migrations, an Important Part of the Life Cycle of Apherusa glacialis, an Arctic Ice-Associated Amphipod 

      Drivdal, Magnus; Kunisch, Erin; Bluhm, Bodil; Gradinger, Rolf; Falk-Petersen, Stig; Berge, Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Arctic sea ice contains a substantial amount of living biota of which part is lost through melt and export out of the Arctic Ocean every year. It is unclear how populations can be maintained within the Arctic Ocean. A ...
    • Connectivity of underwater cognitive acoustic networks under spectrum constraint 

      Wang, Qiu; Dai, Hong-Ning; Wang, Hao; Wang, Qubeijian (Chapter, 2018)
      There is an extensive attention on underwater cognitive acoustic networks (UCANs) since acoustic spectrum becomes deficient owning to the proliferation of human activity in ocean. This paper presents an overview of our ...