• Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new loci and functional pathways influencing Alzheimer's disease risk 

      Jansen, Iris E.; Savage, Jeanne E.; Watanabe, Kyoko; Bryois, Julien; Williams, Dylan M.; Steinberg, Stacy; Sealock, Julia; Karlsson, Ida K.; Hägg, Sara; Athanasiu, Lavinia; Voyle, Nicola; Proitsi, Petroula; Witoelar, Aree; Stringer, Sven; Aarsland, Dag; Almdahl, Ina Selseth; Andersen, Fred; Bergh, Sverre; Bettella, Francesco; Björnsson, Sigurbjörn; Brækhus, Anne; Bråthen, Geir; de Leeuw, Christiaan A.; Desikan, Rahul S.; Djurovic, Srdjan; Dumitrescu, Logan; Fladby, Tormod; Hohman, Timothy J.; Jónsson, Pálmi V.; Kiddle, Steven J; Rongve, Arvid; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Sando, Sigrid Botne; Selbæk, Geir; Shoai, Maryam; Skene, Nathan G.; Snædal, Jón G.; Stordal, Eystein; Ulstein, Ingun; Wang, Yunpeng; White, Linda Rosemary; Hardy, John; Hjerling-Leffler, Jens; Sullivan, Patrick; van der Flier, Wiesje M.; Dobson, Richard; Davis, Lea K; Stefánsson, Hreinn; Stefánsson, Kári; Pedersen, Nancy L; Ripke, Stephan; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Posthuma, Danielle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is highly heritable and recent studies have identified over 20 disease-associated genomic loci. Yet these only explain a small proportion of the genetic variance, indicating that undiscovered loci ...
    • Genome-wide meta-analysis of iron status biomarkers and the effect of iron on all-cause mortality in HUNT 

      Moksnes, Marta Riise; Graham, Sarah E.; Wu, Kuan-Han; Hansen, Ailin Falkmo; Gagliano Taliun, Sarah A.; Zhou, Wei; Thorstensen, Ketil; Fritsche, Lars; Gill, Dipender; Mason, Amy; Cucca, Francesco; Schlessinger, David; Abecasis, Gonçalo R.; Burgess, Stephen; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Nielsen, Jonas Bille; Hveem, Kristian; Willer, Cristen J.; Brumpton, Ben Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Iron is essential for many biological processes, but iron levels must be tightly regulated to avoid harmful effects of both iron deficiency and overload. Here, we perform genome-wide association studies on four iron-related ...
    • Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders. 

      Lee, Phil H.; Antilla, Verneri; Won, Hyejung; Bettella, Francesco; Agartz, Ingrid; Dale, Anders; Nærland, Terje; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Melle, Ingrid; Knudsen, Gun Peggy Strømstad; Le Hellard, Stephanie; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted; Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Neale, Benjamin M; Kendler, Kenneth S.; Smoller, Jordan W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Genetic influences on psychiatric disorders transcend diagnostic boundaries, suggesting substantial pleiotropy of contributing loci. However, the nature and mechanisms of these pleiotropic effects remain unclear. We performed ...
    • Geographic and socioeconomic inequities in cesarean delivery rates at the district level in Madhya Pradesh, India: A secondary analysis of the national family health survey-5 

      Dutta, Rohini; Tuli, Shagun; Shukla, Minal; Patil, Priti; van Duinen, Aalke Johan; Thivalapill, Neil; Ghoshal, Rakhi; Jayaram, Anusha; Roy, Nobhojit; Gadgil, Anita (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background In India, caesarean delivery (CD) accounts for 17% of the births, of which 41% occur in private facilities. However, areas to CD in rural areas are limited, particularly for the poor populations. Little information ...
    • Geriatric assessment with management for older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy. Protocol of a Norwegian cluster-randomised controlled pilot study 

      Røyset, Inga Marie; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Rostoft, Siri; Grønberg, Bjørn Henning; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Bye, Asta; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Bergh, Sverre; Melby, Line; Halsteinli, Vidar; Døhl, Øystein; Røsstad, Tove Garåsen; Eriksen, Guro Falk; Sollid, May Ingvild Volungholen; Rolfson, Darryl; Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      About 50% of patients with cancer are expected to need radiotherapy (RT), and the majority of these are older. To improve outcomes for older patients with cancer, geriatric assessment (GA) with management (GAM) is highly ...
    • Geriatric assessment with management for older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy: a cluster-randomised controlled pilot study 

      Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen; Røyset, Inga Marie; Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina; Grønberg, Bjørn Henning; Halsteinli, Vidar; Døhl, Øystein; Vossius, Corinna Elisabeth; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Bergh, Sverre; Rostoft, Siri; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Bye, Asta; Melby, Line Kari; Røsstad, Tove Garåsen; Eriksen, Guro Falk; Sollid, May Ingvild Volungholen; Rolfson, Darryl; Saltyte Benth, Jurate (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Background: Geriatric assessment and management (GAM) improve outcomes in older patients with cancer treated with surgery or chemotherapy. It is unclear whether GAM may provide better function and quality of life (QoL), ...
    • Germline pathogenic variants in patients with high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms 

      Venizelos, Andreas; Sorbye, Halfdan; Elvebakken, Hege; Perren, Aurel; Lothe, Inger Marie Bowitz; Couvelard, Anne; Hjortland, Geir Olav; Sundlöv, Anna; Svensson, Johanna; Garresori, Herish; Kersten, Christian; Hofsli, Eva; Detlefsen, Sönke; Vestermark, Lene W.; Ladekarl, Morten; Tabaksblat, Elizaveta Mitkina; Knappskog, Stian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      High-grade gastroenteropancreatic (HG-GEP) neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are highly aggressive cancers. The molecular etiology of these tumors remains unclear, and the prevalence of pathogenic germline variants in patients ...
    • Germline variants at SOHLH2 influence multiple myeloma risk 

      Duran-Lozano, Laura; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, Aitzkoa; Niroula, Abhishek; Went, Molly; Thodberg, Malte; Pertesi, Maroulio; Ajore, Ram; Cafaro, Caterina; Olason, P; Stefansdottir, Lilja; Bragi Walters, Walters; Halldorsson, Gisli H.; Turesson, Ingemar; Kaiser, Martin; Weinhold, Niels; Abildgaard, Niels; Andersen, Niels Frost; Mellqvist, Ulf-Henrik; Waage, Anders; Vangsted, Annette; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Hansson, Markus; Houlston, Richard S.; Rafnar, Thorunn; Stefansson, Kari; Nilsson, Björn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Multiple myeloma (MM) is caused by the uncontrolled, clonal expansion of plasma cells. While there is epidemiological evidence for inherited susceptibility, the molecular basis remains incompletely understood. We report a ...
    • Gestational Age, Parent Education, and Education in Adulthood 

      Bilsteen, Josephine; Alenius, Suvi; Bråthen, Magne; Børch, Klaus; Ekstrøm, Claus Thorn; Kajantie, Eero Olavi; Lashkarian, Mariam; Nurhonen, Markku; Risnes, Kari Ravndal; Sandin, Sven; Wel, Kjetil A. van der; Wolke, Dieter; Nybo Andersen, Anne-Marie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      BACKGROUND: Adults born preterm (<37 weeks) have lower educational attainment than those born term. Whether this relationship is modified by family factors such as socioeconomic background is, however, less well known. We ...
    • Gestational weight gain outside the Institute of Medicine recommendations and adverse pregnancy outcomes: analysis using individual participant data from randomised trials 

      Rogozińska, Ewelina; Zamora, Javier; Marlin, Nadine; Betran, Ana Pilar; Astrup, Arne; Bogaerts, Annick; Cecatti, José Guilherme; Dodd, Jodie M.; Facchinetti, Fabio; Geiker, Nina Rica Wium; Haakstad, Lene Annette Hagen; Hauner, Hans; Jensen, Dorte M.; Kinnunen, Tarja I.; Mol, Ben Willem J.; Owens, Julie; Phelan, Suzanne; Renault, Kristina; Salvesen, Kjell Å; Shub, Alexis; Surita, Fernanda; Stafne, Signe Nilssen; Teede, Helena; van Poppel, Mireille N.M.; Vinter, Christina Anne; Khan, Khalid S.; Thangaratinam, Shakila (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background:High Body Mass Index (BMI) and gestational weight gain (GWG) affect an increasing number ofpregnancies. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has issued recommendations on the optimal GWG for womenaccording to their ...
    • Gestational weight gain, appetite regulating hormones, and metformin treatment in polycystic ovary syndrome: a longitudinal, placebo-controlled study 

      Molin, Johanna; Vanky, Eszter; Løvvik, Tone Shetelig; Dehlin, Eva; Bixo, Marie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective To explore mechanisms that modulate gestational weight gain (GWG) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and healthy controls. Design Sub-sample of randomised controlled trials (PCOS) combined with a ...
    • Gir ACE-hemmere og angiotensinreseptorantagonister økt risiko for alvorlig covid-19? 

      Aamodt, Anne Hege; Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Tronvik, Erling Andreas; Buanes, Eirik Alnes; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Atar, Dan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Hypertensjon og diabetes mellitus er risikofaktorer for alvorlig covid-19. Det er blitt reist spørsmål om hvorvidt denne assosiasjonen er relatert til bruk av ACE-hemmere og angiotensin II-reseptorblokkere.
    • Gjenvinning av mobilitet etter hoftebrudd – en prospektiv kohortestudie 

      Johansen, Mette; Thingstad, Pernille; Bogen, Bård Erik; Taraldsen, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Hensikt: Å undersøke hva som karakteriserer eldre med hoftebrudd som ikke gjenvinner mobilitet, samt å beskrive mengden fysioterapi denne gruppen mottar det første året etter hoftebrudd. Design: Prospektiv kohortestudie. ...
    • Glioblastom hos voksne 

      Schipmann, Stephanie; Sivakanesan, Sarankan; Rath, Daniel Stavne; Brandal, Petter; Vik-Mo, Einar Osland; Bjørås, Magnar; Solheim, Ole Skeidsvoll; Ingebrigtsen, Tor; Sund, Fredrik; Bjerkvig, Rolf; Miletic, Hrvoje; Johannessen, Tor-Christian Aase; Sundstrøm, Terje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      lioblastom er den vanligste formen for primær hjernekreft hos voksne, og sykdommen har en alvorlig prognose. Selv om det er gjort store fremskritt i molekylær karakteristikk, har det ikke vært større gjennombrudd i ...
    • Glioblastoma Surgery Imaging-Reporting and Data System: Validation and Performance of the Automated Segmentation Task 

      Bouget, David Nicolas Jean-Marie; Eijgelaar, Roelant; Pedersen, André; Kommers, Ivar; Ardon, Hilko; Barkhof, Frederik; Bello, Lorenzo; Berger, Mitchel S.; Nibali, Marco Conti; Furtner, Julia; Fyllingen, Even Hovig; Hervey-Jumper, Shawn; Idema, Albert J. S.; Kiesel, Barbara; Kloet, Alfred; Mandonnet, Emmanuel; Müller, Domenique M. J.; Robe, Pierre; Rossi, Marco; Sagberg, Lisa Millgård; Sciortino, Tommaso; van den Brink, Wimar A.; Wagemakers, Michiel; Widhalm, Georg; Witte, Marnix G.; Zwinderman, Aeilko H.; Reinertsen, Ingerid; Hamer, Philip C De Witt; Solheim, Ole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      For patients with presumed glioblastoma, essential tumor characteristics are determined from preoperative MR images to optimize the treatment strategy. This procedure is time-consuming and subjective, if performed by crude ...
    • Glioblastoma Surgery Imaging—Reporting and Data System: Standardized Reporting of Tumor Volume, Location, and Resectability Based on Automated Segmentations 

      Kommers, Ivar; Bouget, David Nicolas Jean-Marie; Pedersen, André; Eijgelaar, Roelant; Ardon, Hilko; Barkhof, Frederik; Bello, Lorenzo; Berger, Mitchel S.; Nibali, Marco Conti; Furtner, Julia; Fyllingen, Even Hovig; Hervey-Jumper, Shawn; Idema, Albert J. S.; Kiesel, Barbara; Kloet, Alfred; Mandonnet, Emmanuel; Müller, Domenique M. J.; Robe, Pierre; Rossi, Marco; Sagberg, Lisa Millgård; Sciortino, Tommaso; van den Brink, Wimar A.; Wagemakers, Michiel; Widhalm, Georg; Witte, Marnix G.; Zwinderman, Aeilko H.; Reinertsen, Ingerid; Solheim, Ole; De Witt Hamer, Philip C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Treatment decisions for patients with presumed glioblastoma are based on tumor characteristics available from a preoperative MR scan. Tumor characteristics, including volume, location, and resectability, are often estimated ...
    • Global Biobank analyses provide lessons for developing polygenic risk scores across diverse cohorts 

      Wang, Ying; Lopera, Esteban; Namba, Shinichi; Kerminen, Sini; Tsuo, Kristin; Läll, Kristi; Kanai, Masahiro; Zhou, Wei; Wu, Kuan-Han; Favé, Marie-Julie; Bhatta, Laxmi; Awadalla, Philip; Brumpton, Ben Michael; Deelen, Patrick; Hveem, Kristian; Faro, Valeria Lo; Mägi, Reedik; Murakami, Yoshinori; Sanna, Serena; Smoller, Jordan W.; Uzunovic, Jasmina; Wolford, Brooke N.; GBMI, .; Willer, Cristen; Gamazon, Eric R.; Cox, Nancy J.; Surakka, Ida; Okada, Yukinori; Martin, Alicia R.; Hirbo, Jibril B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) have been widely explored in precision medicine. However, few studies have thoroughly investigated their best practices in global populations across different diseases. We here utilized data ...
    • The Global Campaign turns 18: a brief review of its activities and achievements 

      Steiner, Timothy J.; Birbeck, Gretchen L.; Jensen, Rigmor H.; Martelletti, Paolo; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Uluduz, Derya; Leonardi, Matilde; Olesen, Jes; Katsarava, Zaza (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Global longitudinal strain is a more reproducible measure of left ventricular function than ejection fraction regardless of echocardiographic training 

      Karlsen, Sigve; Dahlslett, Thomas; Grenne, Bjørnar; Sjøli, Benthe; Smiseth, Otto A.; Edvardsen, Thor; Brunvand, Harald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background: Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is an established method for evaluation of left ventricular (LV)systolic function. Global longitudinal strain (GLS) by speckle tracking echocardiography seems to be an ...
    • Global Metabolomics Discovers Two Novel Biomarkers in Pyridoxine-Dependent Epilepsy Caused by ALDH7A1 Deficiency 

      Böhm, Hans-Otto; Yazdani, Mazyar; Mørk Sandås, Elise; Østeby Vassli, Anja; Kristensen, Erle; Rootwelt, Helge; Skogvold, Hanne Bendiksen; Brodtkorb, Eylert; Elgstøen, Katja B. Prestø (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy (PDE) is a rare autosomal recessive developmental and epileptic encephalopathy caused by pathogenic variants in the ALDH7A1 gene (PDE-ALDH7A1), which mainly has its onset in neonates and ...