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dc.contributor.advisorTjelmeland, Håkon
dc.contributor.authorStien, Marita
dc.description.abstractWe have been given a two-dimensional image of a geological structure. This structure is used to construct a three-dimensional statistical model, to be used as prior knowledge in the analysis of seismic data. We consider two classes of discrete lattice models for which efficient simulation is possible; sequential Markov random field (sMRF) and Markov mesh random field (MMRF). We first explore models from these two classes in two dimensions, using the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). The results indicate that a larger neighbourhood should be considered for all the models. We also develop a second estimator, which is designed to match the model with the observation with respect to a set of specified functions. This estimator is only considered for the sMRF model, since that model proved to be flexible enough to give satisfying results. Due to time limitation of this thesis, we could not wait for the optimization of the estimator to converge. Thus, we can not evaluate this estimator. Finally, we extract useful information from the two-dimensional models and specify a sMRF model in three dimensions. Parameter estimation for this model needs approximative techniques, since we only have given observations in two dimensions. Such techniques have not been investigated in this report, however, we have adjusted the parameters manually and observed that the model is very flexible and might give very satisfying results.
dc.subjectFysikk og matematikk, Industriell matematikk
dc.titleSequential Markov random fields and Markov mesh random fields for modelling of geological structures
dc.typeMaster thesis

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