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dc.contributor.advisorFolven, Erik
dc.contributor.advisorDigernes, Einar Standal
dc.contributor.authorLee, Hanna Heggheim
dc.description.abstractMicromagnetic simulations have been used to study nanomagnet structures of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) with the aim of use in nanomagnetic logic (NML). Studying the success rate of signal propagation in chains of nanomagnets has been the main focus of this work and different system parameters have been investigated; aspect ratio of the magnets, intermagnet spacing, thickness and uniaxial anisotropy. The success rate has been shown to increase with increasing thickness, decreasing intermagnet spacing, and by adding a uniaxial anisotropy term along the shape anisotropy hard axis of the magnets. In addition to investigating signal propagation in horizontally aligned nanomagnet chains, fanout structures including both horizontal and vertical nanomagnet chains have been studied. Even though successful propagation was not observed for this NML structure, insight was gained in the challenges of signal propagation in a larger circuit. From the results obtained here, suggestions are made regarding which system parameters should be explored as a next step towards successfully building more complex NML systems.
dc.subjectNanoteknologi, Nanoelektronikk
dc.titleMicromagnetic Modelling of Thermally Induced Errors in Nanomagnetic Logic
dc.typeMaster thesis

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