Browsing Institutt for samfunnsøkonomi by Title
Now showing items 197-216 of 1199
Earning or Learning? How Extending Closing Time in the Retail Sector Affects Youth Employment and Education
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This paper estimates the causal impact of increased demand for low‐skilled workers on youth employment, and short and long run education. We exploit quasi‐experimental demand shifts for retail workers due to changes in ... -
Earning or Learning? How Extending Closing Time in the Retail Sector Affects Youth Employment and Education
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This paper estimates the causal impact of increased demand for low‐skilled workers on youth employment, and short and long run education. We exploit quasi‐experimental demand shifts for retail workers due to changes in ... -
Easing Income Inequality Through Quantitative Easing
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne bacheloroppgaven analyserer de potensielle effektene Kvantitativ lettelse (QE) kan ha på inntektsulikhet. En økning i pengemengden (M1) brukes som en representasjon av QE og Gini-koeffisienten brukes som måling for ... -
Ecological restoration of the previous shooting field at Hjerkinn - was it worth it?
(Master thesis, 2022)I denne masteroppgaven blir det gjort en analyse av kostnads- og nyttestrømmene av det tidligere skytefeltet på Hjerkinn. Ved å benytte ex-post kost-nytteanalyse evalueres prosjektet ut ifra hvorvidt det kan betraktes som ... -
Ecological restoration of the previous shooting field at Hjerkinn - was it worth it? An ex-post cost-benefit analysis of Hjerkinn PRO
(Master thesis, 2022)I denne masteroppgaven blir det gjort en analyse av kostnads- og nyttestrømmene av det tidligere skytefeltet på Hjerkinn. Ved å benytte ex-post kost-nytteanalyse evalueres prosjektet ut ifra hvorvidt det kan betraktes som ... -
Econometric Inflation Targeting
(Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2002:5, Research report, 2002)Inflation targeting requires inflation forecasts, yet most models in the literature are either theoretical or calibrated. The motivation for this paper is therefore threefold: We seek to test and implement an econometric ... -
Economic Activity, Inflation and Yield Equilibrium: A Deep Dive into Stock-Bond Dynamics
(Master thesis, 2023)Over de siste tiårene har den negative korrelasjonen mellom avkastningen på obligasjoner og aksjer blitt en hjørnestein i diversifiserte porteføljer. Nylige hendelser har gitt historisk store tap i 60/40-porteføljer, så å ... -
Economic Activity, Inflation and Yield Equilibrium: A Deep Dive into Stock-Bond Dynamics
(Master thesis, 2023)Over de siste tiårene har den negative korrelasjonen mellom avkastningen på obligasjoner og aksjer blitt en hjørnestein i diversifiserte porteføljer. Nylige hendelser har gitt historisk store tap i 60/40-porteføljer, så å ... -
Economic Growth in Thailand
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne studien undersøker sammenhengen mellom faktorer som driver økonomisk vekst i Thailand fra 1972 til 2021. Vi har brukt tidsseriedata samlet inn fra Verdensbanken og Our World in Data for å estimere tre ulike økonometriske ... -
Economic Growth in Thailand
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne studien undersøker sammenhengen mellom faktorer som driver økonomisk vekst i Thailand fra 1972 til 2021. Vi har brukt tidsseriedata samlet inn fra Verdensbanken og Our World in Data for å estimere tre ulike økonometriske ... -
Economic Growth in Thailand
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne studien undersøker sammenhengen mellom faktorer som driver økonomisk vekst i Thailand fra 1972 til 2021. Vi har brukt tidsseriedata samlet inn fra Verdensbanken og Our World in Data for å estimere tre ulike økonometriske ... -
Economic modeling approaches for wildlife and species conservation
(Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2006:6, Research report, 2006)This paper presents modeling approaches for wildlife and species conservation with a special emphasis on large mammals in a developing country setting. In such countries there are frequently conflicts over land use and ... -
The Economics of Climate Change: Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:58, Doctoral thesis, 2021) -
Economics of war: Is there a direct effect on the spot price of Brent Crude at the start of an international act of war?
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Studiet undersøker om det er en observerbar direkte effekt på prisen av Nordsjøolje ved starten av ulike internasjonale krigshandlinger. Effekten undersøkes ved å ta i bruk den ukentlige gjennomsnittlige spotprisen av ... -
Education, experience, and urban wage premium
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Cities have higher wages and more college-educated workers than less populated areas. We investigate the heterogeneity of the agglomeration effect and sorting with respect to education. The magnitude of static and dynamic ... -
Educational efficiency and institutions
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2008:93, Doctoral thesis, 2008) -
Educational governance: Interactions between institutions and school resources
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:60, Doctoral thesis, 2013) -
The effect of central government grants on local educational policy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The use of intergovernmental grants in educational policies may give rise to a conflict between gains attributable to local flexibility and the central government’s intention to narrow gaps in school spending and resource ... -
Effects of Brexit on the financial markets - An empirical study using event study methodology and GARCH models
(Master thesis, 2018)In the current empirical analysis, I investigated whether Brexit was a surprise for financial markets. I studied evidence from currency and stock markets in the UK and EU, using event study methodology and GARCH models. ... -
Effects of ethical exclusions - An empirical assessment of conduct-based exclusions from the Government Pension Fund Global
(Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis we examine whether exclusion from the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund on ethical grounds have long-term consequences for the return and return volatility of the excluded firms. Using a period of 4 years ...