Browsing Institutt for samfunnsøkonomi by Title
Now showing items 130-149 of 1199
Can an influential and responsible investor indeed be influential through responsible investments? Evidence from a $1 trillion fund
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Via a case study of Norway’s sovereign wealth fund (GPFG), the world’s largest stockowner, we find that such a high-profile fund can immediately influence market prices through its ESG announcements. After assessing that ... -
Can credit ratings be a factor explaining variation in US stock returns? A panel data analysis of US stock markets in the period 1998-2017
(Master thesis, 2023)Flere studier har rapportert om et negativt forhold mellom kredittrisiko og aksjeavkastning. Dette er kjent som en kredittrisiko anomali. I denne avhandlingen undersøker jeg om kredittrangeringer kan være en faktor som ... -
Capital Preservation and Current Spending with Sovereign Wealth Funds and Endowment Funds: A simulation Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We simulate the future performance of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global as a leading example of sovereign wealth funds intended both to preserve wealth and provide regular budget contributions. Withdrawals are ... -
Carl Barks: A classical economist?
(Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2005:5, Research report, 2005)The paper gives an introduction to the economic theories of Carl Barks using an interpretation of his analysis of cyclone money as an example. -
“Cash-out” refinancing – funding entry into self-employment? - A study on self-employed using a matching approach
(Master thesis, 2015)In recent years, the Norwegian housing prices and household debt to disposable income have reached extraordinary new heights. Su et. al (2014) points to cash-out refinancing as one of the key drivers behind the debt to ... -
Centralized or decentralized financing of local governments? Consequences for efficiency and inequality of service provision
(Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2006:14, Research report, 2006)Compared with most countries the Norwegian system of financing local governments is highly centralized. Grants make up a substantial part of revenues and local taxes are highly regulated by the center. The development of ... -
Childhood Family Dissolution and School Outcomes. The Timing of Dissolution Effects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Existing studies estimate the negative effects of family dissolution; however, evidence regarding when such effects appear is lacking. The effect is hard to isolate for at least two reasons: families select into dissolution; ... -
Climate change and reindeer herding – A bioeconomic model on the impact of climate change on harvesting profits for Saami reindeer herders in Norway and Sweden
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The Arctic is warming three times faster than the global average. Rising temperatures could reduce the snow-covered season and increase plant productivity in the spring, fall and summer. While this may increase carrying ... -
Conflict and cooperation in an age structured fishery
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The literature on ‘fish wars', where agents engage in non-cooperative exploitation of single fish stocks or interacting fish stocks is well established, but age and stage structured models do not seem to have been handled ... -
Conservation of Wildlife: A bio-economic model of a wildlife reserve under the pressure of habitat destruction and harvesting outside the reserve
(Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2004:9, Research report, 2004)Biodiversity is today threatened by many factors of which destruction and reduction of habitats are considered most important for terrestrial species. One way to counteract these threats is to establish reserves with ... -
Constitutions and the resource curse
(Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2006:11, Research report, 2006)Recent advances in the political economy literature suggests that constitutional arrangements determine a wide range of economic pol icy outcomes. In particular, it is argued that different forms of government (presidential ... -
Coskewness as a priced risk factor in the Norwegian stock market
(Master thesis, 2021)Målet med denne masteroppgaven var å undersøke hvorvidt koskjevhet (coskewness) har vært en priset risikofaktor i det norske aksjemarkedet i perioden 1999-2019, og om det kunne være en nyttig utvidelse til kapitalverdimodellen ... -
Coskewness as a Priced Risk Factor in the Norwegian Stock Market
(Master thesis, 2021)Målet med denne masteroppgaven var å undersøke hvorvidt koskjevhet (coskewness) har vært en priset risikofaktor i det norske aksjemarkedet i perioden 1999-2019, og om det kunne være en nyttig utvidelse til kapitalverdimodellen ... -
Cost disease in defense and public administration: Baumol and politics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)William Baumol’s model predicts a steady increase in relative public sector prices (or costs) because of the combination of slow productivity growth and wage growth similar to sectors wherein productivity is growing more ... -
Cross-border Shopping and Inflation: An analysis of Norwegian cross-border shopping in Sweden
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Etter den raskt økende inflasjonen i Svarige i 2023 så man en økning i Svensker som dro til Norge for å grensehandle. Nordmenn er kjent for å dra til sverige for å grensehandle, men det har ikke blitt undersøkt om inflasjon ... -
Cursed by resources or institutions?
(Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2005:10, Research report, 2005)Natural resource abundant countries constitute both growth losers and growth winners, and the main difference between the success cases and the cases of failure lays in the quality of institutions. With grabber friendly ... -
Danmark og Polen: Forskjeller i avkastning av utdanning
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Hovedfunn i vår analyse: - Det generelle lønnsgapet mellom Danmark og Polen er betydelig. Våre estimater tyder på at en polakk i gjennomsnitt tjener 150 prosent mindre i timen enn det en danske gjør. - I alle modeller ... -
Decentralization with property taxation to improve incentives: Evidence from local governments’ discrete choice
(Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2005:6, Research report, 2005)Decentralization of government with property tax financing is the standard recipe for public sector reform. Fiscal competition is assumed to stimulate efficiency and hold down the tax level. Property taxation offers ... -
Dekomponering av kredittmarginer i det norske obligasjonsmarkedet
(Master thesis, 2021)Kredittmarginene i de fleste obligasjonsmarkeder økte voldsomt under den globale finanskrisen i 2008-2009 og under den europeiske gjeldskrisen i 2011-2015. Obligasjonsmarkedet i Norge var intet unntak. I denne avhandlingen ... -
Delingsøkonomiens virkninger på eksisterende næringer - Effekten av Airbnb på hotell- og serveringsvirksomhet
(Master thesis, 2017)Fremveksten av nye digitale plattformer hvor privatpersoner på en enkel måte kan utveksle varer og tjenester seg imellom uten fordyrende mellomledd, er i ferd med å endre flere næringer verden over. Økt konkurranse gir ...