• The Day-of-the-Week-Effect at Oslo Stock Exchange 

      Heggland, Julia Åslid; Offerdal, Andreas (Master thesis, 2022)
      Ulike typer kalenderanomalier har blitt nøye studert innen økonomi og finans i en rekke markeder. Ukedagseffekter er en av de mest kjente av disse, og flere tidligere studier tyder på at mandager og fredager gir henholdsvis ...
    • The Day-of-the-Week-Effect at Oslo Stock Exchange 

      Heggland, Julia Åslid; Offerdal, Andreas (Master thesis, 2022)
      Ulike typer kalenderanomalier har blitt nøye studert innen økonomi og finans i en rekke markeder. Ukedagseffekter er en av de mest kjente av disse, og flere tidligere studier tyder på at mandager og fredager gir henholdsvis ...
    • The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Asian and Pacific Countries 

      Zhang, Zhanhong (Master thesis, 2016)
      The aim of this research is to explore the determinants of foreign direct investments (FDI) in Asian-Pacific countries including China. This purpose has been pursued using the panel regression approach, which revealed that ...
    • The Dutch disease revisited: absorption constraint and learning by doing 

      Iacono, Roberto (Journal article, 2017)
      This paper revisits the Dutch disease by analyzing the general equilibrium effects of a resource shock on a dependent economy, both in a static and dynamic setting. The novel aspect of this study is to incorporate in one ...
    • The Economic Impact of Large Petroleum Investments on Local Regions in Norway: A Synthetic Control Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques 

      Vågbø, Pål Christian Broberg (Master thesis, 2019)
      Store investeringer i forbindelse med utvinning av naturressurser kan i visse sammenhenger føre til endringer i lokaløkonomien hos tilknyttede kommuner. I denne oppgaven ble effekten av flere store petroleumsinvesteringer ...
    • The Economic Payoff of Name Americanization 

      Biavaschi, Costanza; Giulietti, Corrado; Siddique, Zahra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      We provide the first evidence of the magnitude and consequences of the Americanization of migrants’ names in the early twentieth century. We construct a longitudinal data set of naturalization records, tracking migrants ...
    • The economics of a stage-structured wildlife population model 

      Olaussen, Jon Olaf; Skonhoft, Anders (Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2005:17, Research report, 2005)
      A simple three-stage model of the Scandinavian moose (Alces alces) (young, adult female and adult male) is formulated. Fecundity is density dependent while mortality is density independent. Two different harvesting regimes ...
    • The educational wage premium 

      Ekman, Marius Hallin; Eikeseth, Oskar (Master thesis, 2023)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven er å analysere lønnspremien ved å ta høyere utdanning, eller lønnsforskjellen mellom høyt og lavt utdannede, på Norges befolkning i 2014. Lavt utdannede er definert ved å bare ha fullført ...
    • The educational wage premium 

      Ekman, Marius Hallin; Eikeseth, Oskar (Master thesis, 2023)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven er å analysere lønnspremien ved å ta høyere utdanning, eller lønnsforskjellen mellom høyt og lavt utdannede, på Norges befolkning i 2014. Lavt utdannede er definert ved å bare ha fullført ...
    • The Effect of Certain Factors on FDI Attraction - A cross-country analysis 

      Giavidou, Maria (Master thesis, 2016)
      In this Master Dissertation we examine the effects of (i) the direct taxes to GDP ratio, of (ii) the nominal unit labor cost, and of (iii) the business cycle fluctuations on the FDI net inflows, for the 19 Euro Area member ...
    • The effect of education on cognitive ability 

      Falch, Torberg; Sandgren, Sofia (Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2006:9, Research report, 2006)
      We analyze whether the amount of schooling influences intelligence as measured by IQ tests. By use of a novel longitudinal dataset we are able to condition on early cognitive ability to account for selection into non-compulsory ...
    • The effect of education on mental health 

      Johnsen, Marthe (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne masteroppgaven ser på det ofte observerte forholdet mellom utdanning og mental helse, som kan karakteriseres som lite intuitivt. Initielt utfører jeg en vanlig OLS-analyse som blir stegvis mere omfattende og finner ...
    • The effect of emergency department delays on 30-days mortality in Central Norway 

      Asheim, Andreas; Nilsen, Sara Marie; Carlsen, Fredrik; Næss-Pleym, Lars E.; Uleberg, Oddvar; Dale, Jostein; Bjørnsen, Lars Petter Bache-Wiig; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Objective: To assess whether prolonged length of stay in the emergency department was associated with risk of death. Methods: We analysed data from 165,183 arrivals at St. Olav’s University Hospital’s emergency ...
    • The Effect of Far Right Parties on the Location Choice of Immigrants: Evidence from Lega Nord Mayors 

      Bracco, Emanuele; De Paola, Maria; Green, Colin; Scoppa, Vincenzo (Journal article, 2018)
      Immigration has increasingly taken centre-stage in the political landscape. Part of this has been a rise in far-right, anti-immigration parties in a range of countries. Existing evidence suggests that the presence of ...
    • The effect of Loan-to-Value restrictions on Norwegian household debt 

      Heer, Joël; Lund, Vigdis (Master thesis, 2014)
      Household debt has reached record high levels in Norway and is considered to be a threat to the financial stability. To dampen the rapid accumulation of household debt and increasing housing prices, the Financial Supervisory ...
    • The Effect of Oil Prices on Norwegian Petroleum Wages - An Empirical Analysis from 1973 to 2015 

      Ludvigsen, Petter Sturla (Master thesis, 2018)
      From the exploration of the first profitable oil field, Ekofisk, the Norwegian economy has been highly reliant on the petroleum sector. In 2017, the oil and gas industry accounted for 52.8% of total exports. With the economy ...
    • The Effect of Permanent Employment on Absenteeism: Evidence from Labor Reform in Spain 

      Garcia Mainar, Inmaculada; Green, Colin; Navarro, Maria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Restrictive employment protection legislation has been highlighted as a key reason for lower labor productivity in Europe compared to the United States. Evidence in the literature has shown robust effects of employment ...
    • The Effect of Seniority on the Pricing and Risk of Corporate Debt 

      Juell, Christopher Lemmich (Master thesis, 2018)
      This thesis looks at what effect seniority has on corporate debt. I have used a theoretical approach and expanded the model developed by Merton (1974). My analysis is based on the corporate debt being pure discount bonds. ...
    • The Effects of Sector Exclusion 

      Tryland, Håvard; Jokstad, Vebjørn (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne oppgaven ønsker vi å kartlegge effekten på risiko og forventet avkastning av sektor eksklusjon, med data som inneholder 30 sektorer, fra januar 1930 til desember 2019. I analysen vår bruker vi annualisert avkastning ...
    • The Effects of Sector Exclusion 

      Tryland, Håvard; Jokstad, Vebjørn (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne oppgaven ønsker vi å kartlegge effekten av risiko og forventet avkastning av sektor eksklusjon, med data som inneholder 30 sektorer, fra januar 1930 til desember 2019. I analysen vår bruker vi annualisert avkastning ...