Now showing items 219-238 of 462

    • Hvordan tilpasser IKEA reklame til kultur? 

      Hauge, Tonje Rundtom; Holmeset, Julia Sophie Huldal; Hagen, Elina; Remøy, Renate (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Verden blir likere da globaliseringen øker deling, kommunikasjon og handel på tvers av landegrenser. Bedrifter blir større og internasjonale noe som gjør at man finner samme tilbud i flere land. Dermed virker verden likere ...
    • Hydrogen Utilization of Floating Offshore Wind Farms 

      Nesdal, Benedicte Frøland (Master thesis, 2021)
      Havvind og hydrogen er blant de mest attraktive løsningene innen fornybar energi ettersom de har potensialet til å være en sterk bidragsyter i avkarboniseringen av ulike sektorer. I løpet av de siste årene har utviklingen ...
    • I hvilken grad har Æ-appen og bestevenn-avtalen påvirket Rema 1000s omdømme? 

      Skodje, Stine Furnes; Synnes, Trine Emilie Yttri; Ytredal, Synne; Måseidvåg, Sandra (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Vi har valgt å se nærmere på dagligvarehandelen og Rema 1000. Vi ønsker å undersøke om der er en årsakssammenheng mellom Æ-appen og bestevenn-avtalen i forhold til Rema 1000s fallende omdømme. Ut i fra dette kom vi frem ...
    • The ICE Carbon (EUC) and Brent Oil Contracts: Volatility (Co-)Movements and Forecasts 

      Solibakke, Per Bjarte (Chapter, 2021)
      This research looks at the conditional mean and volatility densities for the nearest maturities of renewable Carbon and fossil Brent Oil Futures contracts. The primary goal is to characterize the features of volatility ...
    • Identification of barriers for new ventures entering the Norwegian Maritime Industry - A cross case analysis on the use of partnerships for overcoming entry barriers and minimizing the liability of newness 

      Zahid, Hina (Master thesis, 2022)
      This research study seeks to provide valuable insights on the entry and survival journey of new ventures. Furthermore, explored how such startups can establish partnerships to attain implicit and explicit resources; and ...
    • Impact of Additive Manufacturing on Supply Chain Network Structure 

      Salman, Maryam; Mushtaq, Waqas (Master thesis, 2018)
      Purpose of this paper: To empirically ground the networked use of additive manufacturing. Research directs attention to the impact of additive manufacturing on network structure and the degree to which additive manufacturing ...
    • Impact of Macroeconomic Factors and Innovation on Stock Returns 

      Mahmud, Rocky; Hossain, Md Ibrahim (Master thesis, 2021)
      The association between macroeconomic variables and stock returns is an interesting area of research. However, there is no consensus among scholars regarding the explanatory power of macroeconomic variables, which demands ...
    • Impact of Macroeconomic Factors and Innovation on Stock Returns 

      Mahmud, Rocky; Hossain, Md Ibrahim (Master thesis, 2021)
      The association between macroeconomic variables and stock returns is an interesting area of research. However, there is no consensus among scholars regarding the explanatory power of macroeconomic variables, which demands ...
    • Impact of technology acquisition strategy on innovation performance 

      Anwar, Fahim; Alvestad, Finn (Master thesis, 2021)
      Formål - Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hvordan en teknologisk oppkjøpsstrategi påvirker de innovative resultatene til et firma. Ved å skille kunnskap, produkter, systemer etc., et firma tilegner seg via ett ...
    • Impact of technology acquisition strategy on innovation performance 

      Alvestad, Finn; Anwar, Fahim (Master thesis, 2021)
      Formål - Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hvordan en teknologisk oppkjøpsstrategi påvirker de innovative resultatene til et firma. Ved å skille kunnskap, produkter, systemer etc., et firma tilegner seg via ett ...
    • Impacts of language and cultural differences on service experience: A study of consumer hotel and restaurant experiences in Nepal 

      Chalise, Ananda Raj (Master thesis, 2018)
      There are several issues while communicating in languages other than the mother tongue. The impact of use of second language Nepali and its influence on the service experience in the trekking area especially in Annapurna ...
    • Implementing public procurement of innovations in an organization: lessons from Norway 

      Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Olsen, Kjetil Magnus; Svenning, Geir Arne; Glavee-Geo, Richard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the drivers, enablers, barriers, key success factors, pitfalls and benefits of implementing public procurement of innovations (PPoI) in an organization. Design/methodol ...
    • Improving public purchaser attitudes towards public procurement of innovations 

      Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Glavee-Geo, Richard; Olsen, Kjetil Magnus; Svenning, Geir Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This study investigates the effect of organizational support, perceived usefulness, and perceived availability of support schemes on public purchaser attitudes towards public procurement of innovations (PPI). Through a ...
    • The Influence of Involvement and Attribute Importance on Purchase Intentions for Green Products 

      Pasquine, Mark Vincent; Glavee-Geo, Richard; Kachurovska, Olena; Ariatmaja, I. Gusti (Chapter, 2023)
      Consumer interest is driving growth in the use of greener products, such as those using recycled materials. However, several outstanding questions remain regarding purchase intentions for green products. One current debate ...
    • Information asymmetry between banks, rent extraction, and switching in mortgage lending 

      Reite, Endre Jo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This study explores how banks compete for a mortgage following different information about the same client. We employ inside information about a bank's clients and the information available to an outside bank making a ...
    • Innohus AS – Expanding their business 

      Valderhaig, Cathrine Devold (Master thesis, 2018)
      Buying or building a house is one of the largest investment people make during their lifetime, and a lot of time and effort goes into finding the right one. A house is not just a tangible asset, but also represents a place ...
    • InNorvation SB - Innovasjonsprosjekt 

      Sæterøy, Vegard Strand; Hough, Endre Lorentz Fotland; Busæt, Mathias Brandal (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      If you’ve ever seen a new, innovative product on a crowdfunding website, and wondered how long it will take for it to be completed or if it will meet your expectations, then you’re not alone. On most internet sites/outlets ...
    • Innovasjonsprosjekt - MMB-System SB 

      Bjørge, Kristoffer Flisnes; Moa, Daniel Knudsen; Melby, Erik Johan (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      Har du noen ganger blitt frastjålet sykkelen din, eller vært redd for at den skal ikke skal stå der etter du har parkert den fra deg? Dette er et kjent problem for syklister i hele verden. Dette er en faktor som kan påvirke ...
    • Innovating Interdisciplinarity in Higher Education: Exploring the Impact of a Grassroots Community of Practice 

      Gutierrez Gonzalez, Maria Azucena; Mandeville, Caitlin Marie; Edwards, Ferne Leigh; Rice, Paula Maria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Skills in interdisciplinary collaboration are required to address many complex problems facing society. As such, interdisciplinarity is a critical competency for students to develop. However, teachers’ effectiveness in ...
    • Input-Output Analysis and Cleaner Production 

      Fet, Annik Magerholm; Haskins, Cecilia; Sparrevik, Lars Magnus (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter gives an overview of the basic principles for analysing material flows for production processes. This type of analysis is based on a calculation of materials going in and out of a process. Typical materials ...