Browsing Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring by Document Types "Chapter"
Now showing items 1-20 of 45
A Whiteheadian Approach to Self Efficacy and Creative Confidence in Electrical Engineering
(Chapter, 2018)1. Introduction A technical university should educate engineers who are competent in their scientific discipline and confident in their own ability to fill important engineering roles [1]. One critical factor in gaining ... -
Activity-Based Course Design and the Role of Learning Assistants
(Chapter, 2021) -
Andregjøring gjennom undervisningsmetoder: En blindsone i norsk skole?
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter explores the way teaching methods and physical organization of classrooms in upper secondary schools in Norway result in Othering and marginalization of newly arrived non-Western students. Drawing on interviews ... -
Barnehager som plattform for samskapt og bærekraftig samfunnsplanlegging
(Chapter, 2023)Involvering av innbyggerne, og spesielt i levekårsutsatte og marginaliserte livssituasjoner, er vanskelig. Manglende involvering truer samfunnets sosiale bærekraft. Kapitlet utforsker hvordan barnehager kan brukes som en ... -
Conceptual Framework for Therapeutic Training with Biofeedback in Virtual Reality: First Evaluation of a Relaxation Simulator
(Chapter, 2017)This paper presents a concept for designing low-cost therapeutic training with biofeedback and virtual reality. We completed the first evaluation of a prototype - a mobile learning application for relaxation training, ... -
Contributing to Public Debate Through Collaborative Writing
(Chapter, 2021)This chapter focuses on collaborative writing as a digital learning activity that helps to co-create an opportunity space together with students to reflect, write and create meaning beyond a course. At the core of the ... -
Different Levels of Self-Awareness in Being a Learner
(Chapter, 2019)In this chapter I focus on self-awareness as a learner. The term self-awareness is closely connected with self-knowledge and consciousness, and encompasses our ability to engage in introspection. Self-awareness enables us ... -
Digital danning i skolen: Etikk, ansvar og refleksiv kompetanse
(Chapter, 2018) -
Discovering Best Practices for Educational Video Conferencing Systems
(Chapter, 2023)Digitalization of higher education is amongst the most important and most researched areas in recent years. The COVID19 pandemic ensured rapid movement into less known environments of the digitization process, online ... -
(Chapter, 2017) -
Geographies of Laboring and Learning: Introduction.
(Chapter, 2017)This introductory chapter to the volume “Laboring and Learning” provides an overview of a diverse and fascinating range of contributions made by academics; engaging with some salient themes that inform debates on the area; ... -
(Chapter, 2017)Teaching children to read and write at home has been a general custom in Iceland from at least as early as the sixteenth century (Thorláksson 2003, pp. 186, 386). However, the development of a primary school system did not ... -
(Chapter, 2020) -
Kva er teknikken si pedagogiske grense?
(Chapter, 2021)Om verda eigentleg går framover, er eit omstridt spørsmål. Men at vi gjer tekniske og teknologiske framsteg, er det ingen tvil om. I dag er dét særleg tydeleg når det gjeld digital teknologi som internett, mobiltelefonar ... -
Management Practices for Promoting Employee-Driven-Innovation
(Chapter, 2017)Understanding why organizations differ in their abilities to obtain, explore and exploit their employees’ ideas and knowledge is important in order to increase the overall innovation capacity of organizations. In this ... -
Managing Risk and Balancing Minds Transforming the Next Generation through ‘Frustration Education’
(Chapter, 2021)Societal transformations in China during the last decades have been accompanied by changes in the perceived challenges for children in contemporary and future Chinese society. For the urban Chinese middle class, children’s ... -
Mediepedagogikk og mediedidaktikk
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)Spørsmålet om hvilken rolle medier og digitale verktøy skal ha i læring og undervisning er sentralt i diskusjonen om skolen i dag. Elevene skal utdannes til å mestre et yrkesliv og et samfunn som digitaliseres, der medier ... -
Mellom medier, skole og hverdagsliv: Mediepedagogikk som forskningsfelt
(Chapter, 2018)Det vestlige samfunnet kjennetegnes ved at medienes logikk får større og større betydning innen de aller fleste delene av samfunnet. Mediene har nærmest blitt uunngåelige for hvordan vi lærer, kommuniserer og forstår verden. ...