Browsing Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring by Author "Wallin, Patric"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
A Whiteheadian Approach to Self Efficacy and Creative Confidence in Electrical Engineering
Lundheim, Lars Magne; Bolstad, Torstein; Larsen, Bjørn B.; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin; Wallin, Patric (Chapter, 2018)1. Introduction A technical university should educate engineers who are competent in their scientific discipline and confident in their own ability to fill important engineering roles [1]. One critical factor in gaining ... -
Activity-Based Course Design and the Role of Learning Assistants
Bolstad, Torstein; Carvajal, Paulina; Hardeberg Zimmermann, Pauline; Lundheim, Lars Magne; Wallin, Patric (Chapter, 2021) -
Back to the future – Challenging traditional positions and hierarchies in academic development
Wallin, Patric (Journal article, 2020)With the emphasis on evidence in academic development, it is important to consider how research on higher education is conducted, who influences its direction and what questions are being raised. In this work, I will take ... -
Challenging Spaces: Liminal Positions and Knowledge Relations in Dynamic Research Partnerships
Wallin, Patric; Aarsand, Liselott (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article draws upon concepts of liminality and Third Space to explore what happens when undergraduate students become research partners and illustrates how various positions emerge, change, and fluctuate within the ... -
Contributing to Public Debate Through Collaborative Writing
Wallin, Patric (Chapter, 2021)This chapter focuses on collaborative writing as a digital learning activity that helps to co-create an opportunity space together with students to reflect, write and create meaning beyond a course. At the core of the ... -
Creating Responsive Learning Environments to Develop Students’ Reflective Capacity
Wallin, Patric; Reams, Jonathan; Veine, Sven; Anderson, Martha Kalvig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In today’s society, rapidly changing conditions and expectations mean that students need to learn how to make reflective judgments, and there is a clear need to better understand how to create learning environments that ... -
A dialog on reclaiming higher education as a space for play
Wallin, Patric; Mariussen, Kristi Larsen; Mogstad, Håkon; Sønderaal, Maud (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This work is the result of a collaboration between students and a teacher. Based on many hours of recorded dialogs and grounded in both our individual experiences from higher education and our shared experience in the ... -
Different Levels of Self-Awareness in Being a Learner
Wallin, Patric (Chapter, 2019)In this chapter I focus on self-awareness as a learner. The term self-awareness is closely connected with self-knowledge and consciousness, and encompasses our ability to engage in introspection. Self-awareness enables us ... -
Emergent premises in student experiences of a first-year electrical engineering course
Bolstad, Torstein; Wallin, Patric; Lundheim, Lars Magne; Larsen, Bjørn B.; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study explores how project-based learning in combination with other pedagogical scaffolding approaches influences students’ experiences during their transition into the university. Based on the thematic analysis of ... -
Entry points when undergraduate research mentors reflect on their role: a qualitative case study
Wallin, Patric; Adawi, Tom (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are increasingly taking on mentoring roles in undergraduate research (UR). There is, however, a paucity of research focusing on how they conceptualize their mentoring role. ... -
Fasilitering for studentaktiv læring
Veine, Sven; Anderson, Martha Kalvig; Skancke, Lars; Wallin, Patric (Journal article, 2019)I tilknytning til det studentaktive og tverrfaglige prosjektemnet Eksperter i team (EiT), får omkring 180 læringsassistenter opplæring i fasilitering hvert år. Gjennom læringsassistentenes fasilitering blir studentene ... -
Fra lesesalen Gud glemte, og vaktmesteren gav opp, til et innovativt læringsareal - et multimodalt kritisk diskursanalytisk perspektiv
Hosen, Maiken Larsbråten (Master thesis, 2020)Temaet for denne masteroppgaven er hvordan multimodale diskursive elementer kan brukes i utviklingsprosessen av nye læringsareal og hvordan studenters deltakelse kan påvirke disse elementene i prosessen. Interessen for ... -
Humanisation of higher education Re-imagining the university together with students
Wallin, Patric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Transaction, competition and opposition have become imperative in higher education. In this article, I will explore where to go from here building on critical pedagogy and ideas from students-as-partners and undergraduate ... -
Intellectual development through transformative learning The potential of undergraduate research and complex challenges
Wallin, Patric (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In the present case study, I describe and evaluate the transformative learning potential of authentic research projects that students engage in a course on tissue engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. Through ... -
Involving Undergraduate Students in Research: Practices, Promises and Pointers
Wallin, Patric; Adawi, Tom; Gold, Julie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Amid clarion calls for universities to forge stronger links between research and teaching, this paper offers practical guidance for teachers wishing to involve their students in authentic research in a course setting. The ... -
Learning from contrasts: first-year students writing themselves into academic literacy
Roald, Gunhild Marie; Wallin, Patric; Hybertsen, Ingunn Dahler; Stenøien, Jorun M (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The contribution of this article is to highlight how exploring various writing genres in the beginning of higher education can contribute to academic literacy. While many studies have addressed the transition into academia ... -
Læring gjennom studentaktive læring- og undervisningsformer ved høyere utdanning
Carvajal, Paulina (Master thesis, 2022)Bakteppet for denne masteroppgaven er studentaktive lærings- og undervisningsformer ved høyere utdanning. Formålet er å sette søkelyset på læringsassistenters opplevelser rundt det å skulle legge til rette for læring hos ... -
Navigating Grades and Learning in the Swedish Upper Secondary School Where Neoliberal Values Prevail
Wallin, Patric (Chapter, 2020)This chapter examines the practices through which a cohort of Swedish upper-secondary pupils manage their learning processes to avoid the possibility of their teachers doubting their study abilities. It explains how, ... -
Om lærere og treneres tilnærminger til utfordringer i deres læringsmiljø - En kvalitativ intervju- og observasjonsstudie om hvordan lærere og trenere opplever utfordringer relatert til motivasjon, deltagelse og vurdering i deres læringsmiljø, og hvilke strategier som brukes i møte med disse
Jakobsen, Marte Therese (Master thesis, 2018)I denne studien har jeg sett på hvordan lærere i videregående skole og trenere i lagidrett opplever ulike utfordringer tilknyttet deres læringsmiljø. Jeg har studert hvilke tilnærminger de har til utfordringene og hvilke ... -
Reflection as a core student learning activity in higher education - Insights from nearly two decades of academic development
Veine, Sven; Anderson, Martha Kalvig; Andersen, Nina Haugland; Espenes, Thomas Christian; Søyland, Tove Bredesen; Wallin, Patric; Reams, Jonathan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Experiential learning (EL) has great potential to prepare students to work on interdisciplinary and global challenges across traditional boundaries, as well as support them in the development of reflective skills. In this ...