Browsing Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 2134-2153 of 2937
A Qualitative Exploration of Collective Collapse in a Norwegian Qualifying Premier League Soccer Match—The Successful Team's Perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The current case study focused on a crucial match in the qualification for the Norwegian Premier League (Eliteserien). In the match, the participants of the study experienced a radical change in performance toward the end ... -
A Qualitative Meta-Study of a Decade of the Holistic Ecological Approach to Talent Development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The Holistic-Ecological Approach (HEA) was introduced in 2010, and it is now important to provide a critical review after a decade of research elaborating on the framework. The purpose of this study was to critically assess ... -
Quality of life in primary school children: The Health Oriented Pedagogical Project (HOPP)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aims: The primary aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between parents’ level of education, measurements of physical attributes, and quality of life in a general sample of primary school children. ... -
"Quality" on the Dashboard: How Datafication Changes the Measurement of Work and Performance in Public Healthcare Services
(Chapter, 2023)Modern welfare states have a long tradition for measuring the quality of work and performance in public health and care services. Datafication is currently changing how this is done and thus, how quality is known. This ... -
Queen’s Gambit: A Closer Look at Political Succession through a Typology and a Case Study of Henry VIII.
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven tar utgangspunkt i politisk suksesjons natur som en avgjørende faktor for hvordan statsledere erverver og mister makt. Suksesjon er en prosess der den øverste statslederen blir utskiftet. Denne prosessen ... -
R2P - Kampen mot vetomakten
(Master thesis, 2023)Da Responsibility to Protect (R2P) ble enstemmig vedtatt som en norm i 2005 av FNs generalforsamling, var hensikten at det internasjonale samfunnet skulle ta ansvar for sivilbefolkningen i stater der regimene ikke tok ... -
Racing Towards Sustainability?: Formula 1 and Corporate Social Responsibility
(Master thesis, 2011) -
The radically unequal distribution of Covid-19 vaccinations: a predictable yet avoidable symptom of the fundamental causes of inequality
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The Covid-19 pandemic—and its social and economic fallout—has thrust social and health-related inequalities into the spotlight. The pandemic, and our response to it, has induced new inequalities both within and between ... -
Randonee på Instagram
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Denne undersøkelsen belyser fenomenet topptur på randonee i sammenheng med det sosiale mediet Instagram. I lys av selvbestemmelsesteorien er det forsøkt å skape en forståelse av hva som karakteriserer motivasjon for topptur ... -
Rasismebegrepets relevans i fagfornyelsen
(Master thesis, 2021)Høsten 2020 startet implementeringen av den nye læreplanen, fagfornyelsen (LK20), i den norske skolen. Et av hovedpremissene ved å fornye læreplanen, var å gjøre skolen i stand til å møte et moderne og flerkulturelt samfunn. ... -
Raske og trege spor - En kvalitativ studie av spilleregler for karriereutvikling på et moderne kundesenter i Norge
(Master thesis, 2017)In this thesis I explore the opportunity structure and informal “rules of career” in a Norwegian customer service centre. The structures of large organizations put restrictions on the individual carreer opportunities, and ... -
"Rational Madman?"
(Master thesis, 2020)Selv om Nord Korea har blitt mer og mer diplomatisk og økonomisk isolert, så har de holdt fast på å utvikle og bygge atomvåpen. Nord Korea krisen 2017-2018 er bare den siste av en lang rekke kriser på den Koreanske Halvøy. ... -
Råd frå «nokon som har støvlane på» -Ein studie av motivasjonen for å bruke Facebook-gruppa «Nettverk for kvinnelige bønder»
(Master thesis, 2024)Norske bønder har stadig færre kollegaer rundt seg, samstundes som digitaliseringa gjer det lettare enn nokon gong å nå ut til kvarandre. Facebook-gruppa «Nettverk for kvinnelige bønder» er eit av mange digitale nettverk ... -
RÅK-ordningen som politisk verktøy og institusjon : En kvalitativ analyse
(Master thesis, 2015) -
(Re-)Vitalizing the Concept of Organization: Inspirations From Recent Social Theory
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In this essay, we introduce recent debates on both concepts of organization and organization’s future. Since Max Weber’s ideas gained acceptance, there has been a strong link between social theory (rationalized modernity) ... -
Reactivity and Resistance to Evaluation Devices
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper explores the trajectory of a novel evaluation device for customer satisfaction with service encounters and the performance of financial advisors. Drawing on literature on quantification and commensuration, ... -
A reassessment of the association between political interest and electoral participation: adding vote overreporting to the equation.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Electoral participation research points to political interest as a strong and consistent predictor of voting, but overlooks the propensity of interested people to overreport in surveys. Vote validation studies demonstrate ...