Browsing Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 2832-2851 of 2937
Walking the line of the double bind - A cross-country comparison on women and men politicians’ self-presentations on social media
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Political leaders play a crucial role in shaping societal perceptions and citizens’ expectations of gender roles. Through their self-presentation on social media, political leaders have the power to either reinforce or ... -
Wallerstein's Marxism: Towards an Intellectual Biography
(Master thesis, 2024)The core argument of this thesis asserts that Immanuel Wallerstein, from the early 1970s onward, was fundamentally a Marxist, as evidenced by his methodological approach, his conceptual framework and his areas of academic ... -
War, Interaction Capacity and the Structures of State Systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)How have the structures of state systems varied over time and space? We outline a game theoretic model of the decision by political units to accept offers of graded sovereignty from imperial centers. We conceptualize four ... -
Wartime Experiences and Popular Support for Peace Agreements: Comparative Evidence from Three Cases
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Peace agreements are negotiated and signed by representatives of the government and the rebels, often after many years of violent conflict, but their ability to transform a war-torn society hinges on the approval of ordinary ... -
Welfare against crime: Can the absence of crime among the second generation immigrants in Sweden bring forward new insights to public policy?
(Master thesis, 2014)In both Europe and the United States, researchers have found the second generation immigrants to commit more crime compare to the first, despite the fact that the second generation is expected to be better off. This thesis ... -
Welfare Attitudes: The Challenge of Globalization: A Multilevel Analysis of the effects of Economic Globalization on Welfare Attitudes
(Master thesis, 2013)Public opinion is important for advanced and aspiring democracies because it is the people that are the ultimate source of power in these societies. Peoples’ attitudes towards economic questions are thus important for a ... -
Welfare State Regimes and Income Related Health Inequalities: A Comparison of 23 European Countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008)Objective: The objective of this study was to determine whether the magnitude of income-related health inequalities varies between welfare regimes (Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Bismarckian, Southern and Eastern). Specifically, ... -
Well-Being and Perceived Competence in School Children from 1 to 9 Class
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Motivational aspects in reading, math, science and physical education are often studied on whole samples and not grouped into different classes. In our study we wish to investigate cross-sectional data across classes. Our ... -
West Coast Swing - Habitus og doxa i et sosialt felt
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)Denne studien undersøker det globale West Coast Swing-samfunnet, som gjennom sin evolusjon har blitt påvirket av ulike faktorer som musikk, global vekst, økonomi, konkurranse og dissens knyttet til hva West Coast Swing er ... -
What are the political ramifications of domestic suicide terrorism in comparison to non-suicide domestic terrorism?
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne studien er en systematisk-komparativ analyse av konsekvensene selvmords-terrorisme og terrorangrep som ikke involverer selvmord har på det politiske landskapet. Kun angrep gjennomført innenlands ble analysert. Det ... -
What do Older Adults Want from Social Robots? A Qualitative Research Approach to Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study investigates what older adults want from social robots. Older adults are often presented with social robots designed based on developers’ assumptions that only vaguely address their actual needs. By lacking an ... -
What drives attitudes towards the reintegration of former fighters? Insights from a conjoint experiment in Nigeria
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Reintegrating ex-combatants back into society is one of the most challenging, yet fundamental components to building sustainable peace. While previous work has extensively evaluated the reintegration trajectories of ... -
What explains the recent focus on blue hydrogen in Norwegian energy politics
(Master thesis, 2023)Hensikten bak denne studien er å se nærmere på årsakene bak utviklingen i satsingen på blå hydrogen i Norge. Studien ønsker å se på om satsingen på blå hydrogen er et resultat av egeninteresser hos staten, industri eller ... -
What got lost in translation? A theoretical analysis of Argentina's invasion in 1982
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)In 1982 Argentina chose to invade the Falklands (Malvinas) Islands. The attack came as a result of an ongoing dispute between Britain and Argentina over who held sovereignty over the Islands. Kenneth Waltz's theoretical ... -
What influences windpower decisions? A statistical analysis of licensing in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)While windpower is expanding globally, so too is the concern over increased land-use pressure and the environmental impacts of large-scale power plants. In the literature, little is known about how local resistance and ... -
What is the meaning of sharing: informing, being informed or information overload? An explorative study of implementing an Enterprise Social Media Platform in a public organization
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In recent years, several Norwegian public organizations have introduced Enterprise Social Media Platforms. The rationale for their implementation pertains to a goal of improving internal communications and work processes ... -
What kind of populism? Tone and targets in the Twitter discourse of French and American presidential candidates
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Insurgent candidates from across the political spectrum are increasingly turning to social media to directly engage the public. Social media offer a platform that favours affect and personality, both key components of ...