Browsing Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 979-998 of 2940
Gamification: En litteraturstudie av forskningens status, kunnskapshull, felles rammeverk og veien videre
(Master thesis, 2024)Gamification er et relativt nytt konsept som i det siste har fått en del oppmerksomhet innen forskning på interaktive medier. Begrepet relateres til konsepter som serious games og game- based learning, og beskriver bruken ... -
Gamle tradisjoner møter nye tider : en studie av endringsprosesser i KFUK-KFUM
(Master thesis, 2016)Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å se på hvordan endringsprosesser fungerer i en frivillig, medlemsbasert organisasjon, og hvordan ansatte og frivillige opplever slike endringer. Det gjøres også noen refleksjoner rundt ... -
Gårdsstørrelse og dyrevelferd: En komparativ analyse av dyrevelferden hos melkekyr i USA og Norge
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Dyrevelferd er et stadig mer omdiskutert område av landbruk. Flere tidligere studier har undersøkt dyrevelferden hos melkekyr, men få har forsøkt å knytte det til størrelsen på gården. Denne oppgaven tar for seg USA og ... -
GDIS, a global dataset of geocoded disaster locations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article presents a new open source extension to the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) that allows researchers, for the first time, to explore and make use of subnational, geocoded data on major disasters triggered ... -
GDPR Compliance for Blockchain Applications in Healthcare
(Chapter, 2020)The transparent and decentralized characteristics associated with blockchain can be both appealing and problematic when applied to a healthcare use-case. As health data is highly sensitive, it is therefore, highly regulated ... -
Gender and social inequity in and through sport leadership
(Chapter, 2021)Within this chapter I explore key social issues that influence social inequity in and through sport leadership and discuss why it is important for the sector to embrace inclusivity, diversity and equity. This is followed ... -
Gender and Work in Norwegian Family Farm Businesses
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The traditional way of organising agricultural production in Norway has been through family farming. A family farm is defined by the ownership of the farm through kinship over a number of generations. This article examines ... -
Gender Bias in Academic Recruitment? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in the Nordic Region
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Gender disparities in top-level academic positions are persistent. However, whether bias in recruitment plays a role in producing these disparities remains unclear. This study examines the role of bias in academic recruitment ... -
Gender Distribution in Sport for Development and Peace Organizations: A Critical Mass of Women in Leadership and Governance Positions?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Over the past two decades, a plethora of studies have investigated gender distribution on the boards of national and international sport organizations. However, none of these have focused on sport for development and peace ... -
Gender empowerment, inequalities and the prevalence of adult female obesity: An empirical analysis using new data, 1990–2013
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aims: Do gender inequality and gender discrimination explain female obesity? Discrimination denies access to choose and constrains agency. Scope: Using the Global Burden of Disease data on overweight and obesity share of ... -
Gender Identities and Divorce among Farmers in Norway
(Chapter, 2017) -
The Gender Pain Gap: gender inequalities in pain across 19 European countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Aims: Chronic pain is increasingly considered to be an international public health issue, yet gender differences in chronic pain in Europe are under-examined. This work aimed to examine gender inequalities in pain across ... -
Gender Policy in Sport Governance: A Comparison of Norway and England
(Chapter, 2021) -
Gender quotas for agricultural boards: changing constructions of gender?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This article explores the processes by which gender is given meaning through social interaction in boardrooms. In Norway, alongside mandatory quotas regulating the composition of Public Limited Company boards, voluntary ... -
Gender representation and policy implementation in the governance of international Paralympic organizations
(Chapter, 2024)The purpose of this chapter is to explore the extent to which international Paralympic organizations are proactive and successful in implementing actions to increase female representation across their governance teams and ... -
Gender, class, employment status and social mobility following spinal cord injury in Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Study design: Cross sectional survey of 1055 persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland. Objectives: (1) To analyse the employment levels of people of working age with SCI, ... -
Gender, Leadership, and Governance in English National Governing Bodies of Sport: Formal Structures, Rules, and Processes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Within this article, the authors explore the extent to which the administrative and governance hierarchies, rules, and processes of two English national governing bodies (NGBs) reproduce or resist gender segregation and ... -
Gender, Media and Development. The Role of Media in the Cultural Struggle of Gender Transformation in Tanzania
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2006:52, Doctoral thesis, 2006)This dissertation aims at providing insights on the role of the mass media in the cultural struggle over gender transformation, which entails definitions and prescriptions of femininity against the backdrop of political ... -
Gender, parenthood, and feelings of safety in Greek refugee centres
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Forced migration and displacement are often associated with increased exposure to various risks that negatively affect personal safety. While experiences of displaced populations are heterogeneous, women have been shown ...