Browsing Institutt for sosialt arbeid by Title
Now showing items 1379-1398 of 1426
The wage curve across the wealth distribution
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper studies the relationship between wages and the unemployment rate across the wealth distribution. Using microdata from Norway covering the entire population of residents between 2000 and 2015, we introduce four ... -
The war within: emotional experiences of children in Norwegian child protection services
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article demonstrates how children’s emotional experiences in the context of child protection services (CPS) impact their choices in everyday lives. It draws on a qualitative study examining the lived experiences of ... -
We're not in it for the money - lay people's moral intuitions on commercial use of 'their' biobank
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Great hope has been placed on biobank research as a strategy to improve diagnostics, therapeutics and prevention. It seems to be a common opinion that these goals cannot be reached without the participation of commercial ... -
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a kinship and network foster homes?
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven handler om fosterhjem i slekt og nettverk. Oppgaven drøfter hvilke fordeler og ulemper som fins ved bruk av slekt- og nettverksfosterhjem. Metoden som er brukt er en litteraturstudie. Ved bruk av søkemotorer ... -
What do we know about mental health in adolescence, and how do we enhance it?
(Master thesis, 2016)As a nurse one of my main tasks is to communicate and provide patients with health information. During this master's program I have become further interested in health literacy, and its potential in health promotion. ... -
What is covered by "Cancer Rehabilitation" in PubMed? A review of randomized controlled trials 1990-2011
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Objective: This focused review examines randomized controlled studies included by the term “cancer rehabilitation” in PubMed. The research questions concern the type of interventions performed and their methodological ... -
The What, Why and How of Child Participation—A Review of the Conceptualization of “Child Participation” in Child Welfare
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This review explores the conceptualization of “child participation” in a child welfare context. The analyses are based on the theories, models and concepts researchers apply when framing their studies. Central to the ... -
When is normative recruitment legitimate?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)Rosamond Rhodes and John Harris have both recently argued that we all have a general moral duty to participate in medical research. However, neither Rhodes’ nor Harris’ arguments in support of this obligation stand up to ... -
Which participation practices can be found in child welfare service records?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Several studies show insufficient practices regarding children’s participation in child welfare cases. This article is based on document analysis of 216 child welfare records from four Norwegian Child Welfare Services. Our ... -
Who would never grant them equal rights? A comparative analysis of welfare chauvinism in Central and Eastern Europe
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Welfare chauvinism is often understood as the sentiment that the benefits and services of the welfare state should primarily be given to the native population and not immigrant minorities. Using linear regression on data ... -
Work engagement among employees at a university in Norway
(Master thesis, 2015)Abstract paper 1: In this paper is a study of the relationship between job resources and work engagement. Is the relation positive? What effect do the job resources have when it comes to work engagement, and are they ... -
Work engagement among nurses
(Master thesis, 2014)Organisasjoner forventer i dag av sine ansatte at de skal være engasjerte i sin jobb, og at de skal være villige til å gjøre det lille ekstra for at bedriften skal være konkurransedyktige. Arbeidsengasjement er et forholdsvis ... -
Work/home conflict and facilitation:COR(e) relations.: A longitudinal study on work-home interaction in different occupational groups in Norway.
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2009:235, Doctoral thesis, 2009)Changes in family structure, work context, and the composition of the work force mean a host of new challenges for both men and women as they struggle to cope with the often competing pressures of work demands and personal ... -
“You hold your life in your hands until you arrive in another country”: young Afghans seeking onward mobility from Greece
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article considers the interplay between mobility and immobility in the everyday lives of young people on the move. It looks at the ways interactions with and categorisations by protection structures and restrictive ... -
Young people’s creative online practices in the context of school community
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This article concentrates on young people’s creative online practices, such as making videos, writing lifestyle blogs, and engaging in online role-playing games. It also looks at their relations to different audiences, ... -
Youths over 18 receiving support from the child welfare service: evolving motivation in the interaction between the youth and the caseworker
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article focuses on the interaction between youths and caseworkers and how it influences youths’ motivation during emerging adulthood. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 10 youths aged 18–23 and six child ... -
Yrkesaktiviteten blant foreldre til barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne
(Master thesis, 2013)Samfunnsvitenskapelig forskning om familier eller foreldre med funksjonshemmete har i tidligere forskning hatt et fokus som lå på mulige belastninger dette kunne føre med seg for foreldrene, både av psykiske og fysiske ... -
Yrkesretting og relevans i praksis - En kvalitativ studie om tilpasning av fellesfag til yrkesfaglige studieprogram
(Rapport;2014, Research report, 2014) -
Å arbeide i noens hjem. Ideologi og praksis i bofellesskap for personer med utviklingshemming
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU;2019:361, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Sammendrag: Gjennom HVPU-reformen på starten av 1990-tallet ble institusjonsomsorgen avviklet og kommunene overtok ansvaret for tjenestene for personer med utviklingshemming. De nye hjemmebaserte omsorgstjenestene var ... -
Å bli voksen for tidlig - En litteraturstudie om barnefattigdom i Norge
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)Velferdsstaten Norge er et av verdens rikeste land med relativt små sosiale forskjeller. Det forventes derfor ikke at barnefattigdom er et problem. Relativ fattigdom er ikke et utbredt problem i Norge, men for de det gjelder ...