• Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 

      Naghavi, Mohsen; Ong, Kanyin Liane; Aali, Amirali; S Ababneh, Hazim S Ababneh; Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis; Abbafati, Cristiana ; Abbasgholizadeh, Rouzbeh; Abbasian, Mohammadreza; Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen; Hedayat, Abbastabar; Abd ElHafeez, Samar; Abdelmasseh, Michael; Abd-Elsalam, Sherief; Abdelwahab, Ahmed Abdelwahab; Mohammad, Abdollahi; Abdollahifar, Mohammad-Amin; Abdoun, Meriem; Abdulah, Deldar Morad ; Abdullahi, Auwal; Abebe, Mesfin; Shawel Abebe, Samrawit; Aidin, Abedi; Kedir Hussein, Abegaz; Abhilash, E S ; Abidi, Hassan ; Abiodun, Olumide; Aboagye, Richard Gyan; Hassan, Abolhassani; Abolmaali, Meysam; Abouzid, Mohamed; Bjørge, Tone; Hailu, Alemayehu; Sagoe, Dominic; Wojewodzic, Marcin Wlodzimierz; Nauman, Javaid; Knudsen, Ann Kristin Skrindo; Madsen, Christian; Forthun, Ingeborg; Kisa, Adnan; Kisa, Sezer; Wolf, Axel; Eikemo, Terje Andreas; Vollset, Stein Emil; Zou, Zhiyong; Zuhlke, Liesl Joanna; Zumla, Alimuddin; Zweck, Elric; Zyoud, Samer H.; Wool, Eve E; Murray, Christopher J.L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Background: Regular, detailed reporting on population health by underlying cause of death is fundamental for public health decision making. Cause-specific estimates of mortality and the subsequent effects on life expectancy ...
    • Global incidence and mortality patterns of pedestrian road traffic injuries by sociodemographic index, with forecasting: Findings from the global burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors 2017 study 

      Khan, Moien AB; Grivna, Michal; Nauman, Javaid; Soteriades, Elpidoforos S.; Cevik, Arif Alper; Hashim, Muhammad Jawad; Govender, Romona; Azeezi, Salma Rashid Al (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    • Glutamine to proline conversion is associated with response to glutaminase inhibition in breast cancer 

      Grinde, Maria Tunset; Hilmarsdòttir, Bylgja; Tunset, Hanna Maja; Henriksen, Ida Marie; Kim, Jana; Haugen, Mads Haugland; Rye, Morten Beck; Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari; Moestue, Siver Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Introduction Glutaminase inhibitors target cancer cells by blocking the conversion of glutamine to glutamate, thereby potentially interfering with anaplerosis and synthesis of amino acids and glutathione. The drug CB-839 ...
    • GOLD Classifications, COPD Hospitalization, and All-Cause Mortality in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: The HUNT Study 

      Bhatta, Laxmi; Leivseth, Linda; Mai, Xiao-Mei; Henriksen, Anne Hildur; Carslake, David; Chen, Yue; Langhammer, Arnulf; Brumpton, Ben Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Purpose: The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) has published three classifications of COPD from 2007 to 2017. No studies have investigated the ability of these classifications to predict ...
    • Greater male variability in daily energy expenditure develops through puberty 

      Halsey, Lewis G.; Careau, Vincent; Ainslie, Philip N.; Alemán-Mateo, Heliodoro; Andersen, Lene Frost; Anderson, Liam J.; Arab, Leonore; Baddou, Issad; Bandini, Linda; Bedu-Addo, Kweku; Blaak, Ellen E.; Blanc, Stephane; Bonomi, Alberto G.; Bouten, Carlijn V C; Bovet, Pascal; Brage, Søren Karl; Buchowski, Maciej S.; Butte, Nancy; Camps, Stephan G.; Casper, Regian; Close, Graeme L.; Colbert, Lisa H.; Cooper, Jamie A.; Cooper, Richard; Dabare, Prasangi; Das, Sai Krupa; Davies, Peter S W; Deb, Sanjoy; Nyström, Christine Delisle; Dietz, William; Dugas, Lara R.; Eaton, Simon; Ekelund, Ulf; Hamdouchi, Asmaa El; Entringer, Sonja; Forrester, Terrence; Fudge, Barry W.; Gillingham, Melanie; Goris, Annelies H.; Gurven, Michael; Haisma, Hinke; Hambly, Catherine; Hoffman, Daniel; Hoos, Marije B.; Hu, Sumei; Joonas, Noorjehan; Joosen, Annemiek; Katzmarzyk, Peter; Kempen, Kitty P.; Kimura, Misaka; Kraus, William E.; Kriengsinyos, Wantanee; Kuriyan, Rebecca; Kushner, Robert F.; Lambert, Estelle V.; Lanerolle, Pulani; Larsson, Christel L.; Lessan, Nader; Löf, Marie; Martin, Corby; Matsiko, Eric; Meijer, Gerwin A.; Morehen, James C.; Morton, James P.; Must, Aviva; Neuheuser, Marian; Nicklas, Theresa A.; Ojiambo, Robert M.; Pietilainen, Kirsi H.; Pitsiladis, Yannis P.; Plange-Rhule, Jacob; Plasqui, Guy; Prentice, Ross L.; Rabinovich, Roberto; Racette, Susan B.; Raichen, David A.; Ravussin, Eric; Redman, Leanne; Reilly, John J.; Reynolds, Rebecca; Roberts, Susan; Samaranayake, Dulani; Sardinha, Luís B; Schuit, Albertine J.; Silva, Analiza M.; Sinha, Srishti; Sjödin, Anders M.; Stice, Eric; Stunkard, Albert; Urlacher, Samuel S.; Valencia, Mauro Eduardo; Valenti, Giulio; van Etten, Ludo M.; Van Mil, Edgar A.; Verbunt, Jeanine A.; Wells, Jonathan C K; Wilson, George; Wood, Brian; Yoshida, Tsukasa; Zhang, Xueying; Murphy-Alford, Alexia; Loechl, Cornelia; Luke, Amy; Pontzer, Herman; Rood, Jennifer; Sagayama, Hiroyuki; Westerterp, Klaas R.; Wong, William W.; Yamada, Yosuke; Speakman, John R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      There is considerably greater variation in metabolic rates between men than between women, in terms of basal, activity and total (daily) energy expenditure (EE). One possible explanation is that EE is associated with male ...
    • Gross and fine motor function in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome 

      Rasouli, Omid; Fors, Egil Andreas; Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.; Öhberg, Fredrik; Stensdotter, Ann-Katrin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Purpose: This paper aimed to investigate motor proficiency in fine and gross motor function, with a focus on reaction time (RT) and movement skill, in patients with fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) ...
    • Group-based multimodal physical therapy in women with chronic pelvic pain: A randomized controlled trial 

      Nygaard, Ane Sigrid; Rydningen, Mona Birgitte; Stedenfeldt, Mona; Wojniusz, Slawomir; Larsen, Marthe; Lindsetmo, Rolv-Ole; Haugstad, Gro Killi; Øian, Pål (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Introduction - Chronic pelvic pain in women is a complex condition, and physical therapy is recommended as part of a broader treatment approach. The objective of this study was to compare structured group‐based multimodal ...
    • Growth dynamics of untreated meningiomas 

      Strand, Per Sveino; Wågø, Kathrine Jørgensen; Pedersen, Andre; Reinertsen, Ingerid Reime; Näslund, Olivia; Jakola, Asgeir Store; Bouget, David Nicolas Jean-Marie; Hosainey, Sayied Abdol Mohieb; Sagberg, Lisa Millgård; Vanel, Johanna; Solheim, Ole Skeidsvoll (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Abstract Background Knowledge about meningioma growth characteristics is needed for developing biologically rational follow-up routines. In this study of untreated meningiomas followed with repeated magnetic resonance ...
    • Grunnleggende erfaringer med fokus på invasiv vs. noninvasiv respirasjonsstøtte 

      Lund, Ingvil; Teigland, Benedicte (Master thesis, 2016)
      Bakgrunn: Barn intensiv ved St. Olavs Hospital er den første spesialiserte intensivavdelingen for barn i Norge utenfor Oslo Universitetssykehus. Det er til nå ikke publisert data om pasientgrunnlag og virksomhet innenfor ...
    • GSK3β Inhibition Is the Molecular Pivot That Underlies the Mir-210-Induced Attenuation of Intrinsic Apoptosis Cascade during Hypoxia 

      Marwarha, Gurdeep; Røsand, Øystein; Slagsvold, Katrine Hordnes; Høydal, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Apoptotic cell death is a deleterious consequence of hypoxia-induced cellular stress. The master hypoxamiR, microRNA-210 (miR-210), is considered the primary driver of the cellular response to hypoxia stress. We have ...
    • Gut luminal microdialysis 

      Solligård, Erik (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:109, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
    • H2G-Net: A multi-resolution refinement approach for segmentation of breast cancer region in gigapixel histopathological images 

      Pedersen, André; Smistad, Erik; Rise, Tor Vikan; Dale, Vibeke Grotnes; Pettersen, Henrik P Sahlin; Nordmo, Tor-Arne Schmidt; Bouget, David Nicolas Jean-Mar; Reinertsen, Ingerid; Valla, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Over the past decades, histopathological cancer diagnostics has become more complex, and the increasing number of biopsies is a challenge for most pathology laboratories. Thus, development of automatic methods for evaluation ...
    • Hands-free continuous carotid Doppler ultrasound for detection of the pulse during cardiac arrest in a porcine model 

      Faldaas, Bjørn Ove; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Storm, Benjamin; Lappegård, Knut Tore; How, Ole-Jakob; Nilsen, Bent Aksel; Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen; Skogvoll, Eirik; Torp, Hans; Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background/Purpose Pulse palpation is an unreliable method for diagnosing cardiac arrest. To address this limitation, continuous hemodynamic monitoring may be a viable solution. Therefore, we developed a novel, hands-free ...
    • Har nye nasjonale retningslinjer for diagnostisering av svangerskapsdiabetes ført til endringer i prevalens, håndtering og utfall av svangerskapene? En retrospektiv studie 

      Myrbø, Nadia Løkhaug (Master thesis, 2019)
      Introduction: In 2017 the Norwegian Health authorities implemented new guidelines and reference ranges for diagnosing gestational diabetes. The high prevalence of diabetes globally and the increased occurrence in women of ...
    • Hardware-Independent Deep Signal Processing: A Feasibility Study in Echocardiography 

      Gundersen, Erlend Løland; Smistad, Erik; Jahren, Tollef; Måsøy, Svein-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Deep learning (DL) models have emerged as alternative methods to conventional ultrasound (US) signal processing, offering the potential to mimic signal processing chains, reduce inference time, and enable the portability ...
    • Has “The Ceiling” Rendered the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) Outdated? 

      Torsvik, Malvin Arnold; Johnsen, Hanne Cecilie; Lillebo, Børge; Reinaas, Lars Ove; Vaag, Jonas Rennemo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Purpose: The present study aimed to investigate the preliminary effects of collaborative learning and simulation on readiness to engage in and attitudes toward future interprofessional learning activities. We translated ...
    • Having a parent with Type 1 diabetes: Exploring young children’s knowledge and thoughts about the disease 

      Hansen, Julie Elisabeth Dahl (Master thesis, 2020)
      Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Det mangler forskning på små barns opplevelser av å ha en forelder med type 1 diabetes (T1D). Barn har i henhold til barnekonvensjonen rett til å uttrykke seg om saker som angår dem. Likevel inkluderes ...
    • Håndtering av obstruktive luftveier med trakeostomi ved hode-halskreft 

      Lødemel, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2020)
      Norsk sammendrag: Bakgrunn: Pasienter med hode-halskreft omfatter en pasientgruppe med malignitet i nesehulen, bihulene, munnhulen, spyttkjertlene, svelget og strupehodet. De fleste krefttyper i dette området (> 90%) er ...
    • Health care providers underestimate symptom intensities of cancer patients: A multicenter European study 

      Laugsand, Eivor Alette; Sprangers, Mirjam A. G.; Bjordal, Kristin; Skorpen, Frank; Kaasa, Stein; Klepstad, Pål (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Background: Many patients with advanced cancer depend upon health care providers for symptom assessment. The extent of agreement between patient and provider symptom assessments and the association of agreement with ...
    • Health Literacy and Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease (From the CONCARD<sup>PCI</sup> Study) 

      Brørs, Gunhild; Dalen, Håvard; Allore, Heather; Deaton, Christi; Fridlund, Bengt Gotthard Anton; Osborne, Richard H.; Palm, Pernille; Wentzel-Larsen, Tore; Norekvål, Tone Merete (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)