Now showing items 1175-1194 of 1934

    • MR fingerprinting og diagnostikk av prostatakreft 

      Dahl, Morten Finvold (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Prostatakreft er den vanligste kreftformen blant menn og er et problem som påvirker mange liv. For å diagnostisere sykdommen har det vært en økning av kvantitativ MR de siste årene. Fortsatt er det ikke utviklet et ...
    • MR imaging and spectroscopy in prostate and colon cancer diagnostics 

      Selnæs, Kirsten Margrete (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:251, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      Prostate and colorectal cancers are among the most common cancers in Norway and are also leading causes of cancer related deaths. In prostate cancer there are currently no accurate clinical methods to discriminate patients ...
    • MR metabolic characterization of locally advanced breast cancer: – treatment effects and prognosis 

      Cao, Maria Dung (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:74, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      Brystkreft er den hyppigste kreftsykdommen blant kvinner. Lokalavansert brystkreft utgjør omtrent 10% av alle brystkrefttilfeller og omfatter en heterogen pasientgruppe med ulike prognoser. Pasienter med lokalavansert ...
    • MR-sikkerhet for pasienter med cochleaimplantat 

      Hammer, Malin Olea.; Harr, Mia Martine Øien.; Kildal, Steffen Chruickshank. (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Bakgrunn: Det forekommer en økende bruk av MR, samtidig som det er en økning av antall implantater i befolkningen. Stadig flere og nyere implantater kan skape usikkerhet blant radiografene angående pasientsikkerhet ved ...
    • MRI Imaging of the Hemodynamic Vasculature of Neuroblastoma Predicts Response to Antiangiogenic Treatment 

      Zormpas-Petridis, Konstantinos; Jerome, Neil Peter; Blackledge, Matthew D.; Carceller, Fernando; Poon, Evon; Clarke, Matthew; McErlean, Ciara; Barone, Guiseppe; Koers, Alexander; Vaidya, Sucheta; Marshall, Lynley; Pearson, Andrew D. J.; Moreno, Lucas; Anderson, John; Sebire, Neil; McHugh, Kieran; Koh, Dow-Mu; Yuan, Yinyin; Chesler, Louis; Robinson, Simon; Jamin, Yann (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Childhood neuroblastoma is a hypervascular tumor of neural origin, for which antiangiogenic drugs are currently being evaluated; however, predictive biomarkers of treatment response, crucial for successful delivery of ...
    • MRI in the Assessment of TMJ-Arthritis in Children with JIA; Repeatability of a Newly Devised Scoring System 

      Angenete, Oskar W; Augdal, Thomas Angell; Rygg, Marite; Rosendahl, Karen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Rationale and Objectives: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is commonly involved in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The diagnosis and evaluation of the disease progression is dependent on medical imaging. The ...
    • MRI of the placenta - Measurements of volume and intravoxel incoherent motion at weeks 25-27 of gestation 

      Gorman, Heidi Hamill (Master thesis, 2020)
      Bakgrunn og formål: Å ha passende metoder for å undersøke placenta trygt er av interesse, både med tanke på volum og funksjon, for å oppdage funksjonsfeil i placenta. Magnetisk resonans (MR) kan utfylle ultralyd (UL) ...
    • MRI Reveals the in Vivo Cellular and Vascular Response to BEZ235 in Ovarian Cancer Xenografts with Different PI3-Kinase Pathway Activity 

      Cebulla, Jana; Huuse-Røneid, Else Marie; Pettersen, Kristine; van der Veen, Anna; Kim, Eugene; Andersen, Sonja; Prestvik, Wenche S; Bofin, Anna M.; Pathak, Arvind P; Bjørkøy, Geir; Bathen, Tone Frost; Moestue, Siver Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Background: The phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) pathway is an attractive therapeutic target. However, difficulty in predicting therapeutic response limits the clinical implementation of PI3K inhibitors. This study evaluates ...

      Skåtun, Kristina Cecilie (Master thesis, 2010)
      Background: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is an increasing problem in today’s society andplaces a great cost and burden on the affected individuals and their families, and thesociety. Thus gaining knowledge of this disease is ...
    • MRS-based metabolic profiling of cardiac and skeletal muscle from rats with heart failure, low intrinsic fitness, aging and exercise training 

      Shi, Mingshu (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:371, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      Background: Heart failure is associated with reduced exercise capacity and impaired myocardial and skeletal muscle metabolism. Other factors, such as inborn genetic difference, aging, and exercise training, can also lead ...
    • MSRNet: Multiclass Skin Lesion Recognition Using Additional Residual Block Based Fine-Tuned Deep Models Information Fusion and Best Feature Selection 

      Bibi, Sobia; Khan, Muhammad Attique; Shah, Jamal Hussain; Damaševičius, Robertas; Alasiry, Areej; Marzougui, Mehrez; Alhaisoni, Majed; Masood, Anum (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Cancer is one of the leading significant causes of illness and chronic disease worldwide. Skin cancer, particularly melanoma, is becoming a severe health problem due to its rising prevalence. The considerable death rate ...
    • Multi institutional quantitative phantom study of yttrium-90 PET in PET/MRI: the MR-QUEST study 

      Maughan, NM; Eldib, F; Faul, D; Conti, Maurizio; Elschot, Mattijs; Knesaurek, Karin; Leek, Francesca; Townsend, David; DiFilippo, Frank P; Jackson, Kimberly; Nekolla, Stephan G; Lukas, Mathias; Tapner, Michael; Parikh, Parag J; Laforest, Richard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background: Yttrium-90 (90Y) radioembolization involves the intra-arterial delivery of radioactive microspheres to treat hepatic malignancies. Though this therapy involves careful pre-treatment planning and imaging, little ...
    • Multi-Level Molecular Characterisation of Prostate Cancer 

      Sandsmark, Elise (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:174, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in Norwegian men, and represents a substantial health burden. The disease is heterogeneous, ranging from slow growing and indolent, to very aggressive and lethal. One of the ...
    • Multi-modal characterization of vasculature and nanoparticle accumulation in five tumor xenograft models 

      Sulheim, Einar; Kim, Jana; van Wamel, Annemieke; Kim, Eugene; Snipstad, Sofie; Vidic, Igor; Grimstad, Ingeborg; Widerøe, Marius; Torp, Sverre Helge; Lundgren, Steinar; Waxman, David J.; Davies, Catharina de Lange (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Preclinical research has demonstrated that nanoparticles and macromolecules can accumulate in solid tumors due to the enhanced permeability and retention effect. However, drug loaded nanoparticles often fail to show increased ...

      Cebulla, Jana (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:174, Doctoral thesis, 2015)
      Multimodal avbildning av tumorvaskulatur og behandlingsrespons i prekliniske modeller av kreft Kreft, en sykdom forårsaket av ukontrollert celledeling, forårsaker betydelig sykelighet og dødelighet i alle folkegrupper. ...
    • Multi-omics molecular profiling of prostate cancer 

      Andersen, Maria K. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:59, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      Prostate cancer is the most common form of malignancy inflicting men in the west and manifests itself as a heterogeneous disease with a range of different clinical outcomes. Whereas some prostate tumors grow slowly and ...
    • Multi-timescale microscopy methods for the characterization of fluorescently-labeled microbubbles for ultrasound-triggered drug release 

      Nawijn, Charlotte; Segers, Tim; Lajoinie, Guillaume; Mørch, Ýrr Asbjørg; Berg, Sigrid; Snipstad, Sofie; Davies, Catharina de Lange; Versluis, Michel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Microbubble contrast agents hold great promise for drug delivery applications with ultrasound. Encapsulating drugs in nanoparticles reduces systemic toxicity and increases circulation time of the drugs. In a novel approach ...
    • Multimodal 18F-Fluciclovine PET/MRI and Ultrasound-Guided Neurosurgery of an Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma 

      Karlberg, Anna Maria; Berntsen, Erik Magnus; Johansen, Håkon; Myrthue, Mariane Olesen; Skjulsvik, Anne Jarstein; Reinertsen, Ingerid; Esmaeili, Morteza; Dai, Hong Yan; Xiao, Yiming; Rivaz, Hassan; Borghammer, Per; Solheim, Ole; Eikenes, Live (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histopathologic tissue sampling are routinely performed as part of the diagnostic workup for patients with glioma. Because of the heterogeneous nature of gliomas, ...
    • Multimodal Imaging-derived Biomarkers for Early Detection and Personalized Treatment of Breast Cancer 

      Andreassen, Maren Marie Sjaastad (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:304, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Accurate segmentation of cancer from surrounding healthy breast tissues in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) without intravenous administration of contrast agents, is a question of wide interest. Current standard-of-care ...
    • Multimodal Phantom of Liver Tissue 

      Chmarra, Magdalena Karolina; Hansen, Rune; Mårvik, Ronald; Langø, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Medical imaging plays an important role in patients' care and is continuously being used in managing health and disease. To obtain the maximum benefit from this rapidly developing technology, further research is needed. ...