• Deep-STRESS Capsule Video Endoscopy Image Enhancement 

      Mohammed, Ahmed Kedir; Pedersen, Marius; Hovde, Øistein; Yildirim Yayilgan, Sule (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper proposes a unified framework for capsule video endoscopy image enhancement with an objective to enhance the diagnostic values of these images. The proposed method is based on a hybrid approach of deep learning ...
    • DEEPMATCH2: A comprehensive deep learning-based approach for in-vehicle presence detection 

      Oplenskedal, Magnus Karsten; Herrmann, Peter; Taherkordi, Amir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The accurate detection of the mobile context information of public transportation vehicles and their passengers is a key feature to realize intelligent transportation systems. A topical example is in-vehicle presence ...
    • Deepthought - A Case Study in Digital Forensic Tool Validation 

      Petersen, Stian (Master thesis, 2019)
      Bevis fra digitale enheter spiller en stadig større rolle i etterforskning av kriminalsaker. Spesialverktøyene som brukes til å sikre og hente ut bevis må være nøyaktige og påvirke de beslaglagte enhetene så lite som mulig. ...
    • DeepTMA: Predicting Effective Contention Models for Network Calculus using Graph Neural Networks 

      Geyer, Fabien; Bondorf, Steffen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Network calculus computes end-to-end delay bounds for individual data flows in networks of aggregate schedulers. It searches for the best model bounding resource contention between these flows at each scheduler. Analyzing ...
    • Defending End-to-End Confirmation Attacks against the Tor Network 

      Müller, Konstantin (Master thesis, 2015)
      Tor is an anonymity network designed for interactive applications such as Web browsing or instant messaging. The network consists of voluntarily operated nodes distributed around the world and routes user traffic over three ...
    • Defining and measuring the effects of digital technologies on social sustainability: A systematic literature review 

      Szalkowski, Gabriel Andy; Johansen, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Definition and Application of the Scalability Index: Example of 5G Network Slicing 

      Hossfeld, Tobias; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Kellerer, Wolfgang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Scalability is of key interest for communication networks and systems, and frequently mentioned in research. However, a framework for benchmarking the scalability of two or more systems is missing. Therefore, we establish ...
    • Definition of QoE Fairness in Shared Systems 

      Hossfelt, Tobias; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Varela, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      User-centric service and application management focuses on the Quality of Experience (QoE) as perceived by the end user. Thereby, the goal is to maximize QoE while ensuring fairness among users, e.g., for resource allocation ...
    • Definitions for Plaintext-Existence Hiding in Cloud Storage 

      Boyd, Colin Alexander; Davies, Gareth Thomas; Gjøsteen, Kristian; Raddum, Håvard; Toorani, Mohsen (ARES 2018;Article No. 41, Chapter, 2018)
      Cloud storage services use deduplication for saving bandwidth and storage. An adversary can exploit side-channel information in several attack scenarios when deduplication takes place at the client side, leaking information ...
    • Delay and delay-constrained throughput analysis of a wireless powered communication system 

      Li, Zhidu; Jiang, Yuming; Gao, Yuehong; Sang, Lin; Yang, Dacheng (Journal article, 2017)
      In this paper, we investigate the delay and delay-constrained throughput performance of a point-to-point wireless-powered communication system, where one node, e.g. a user equipment (UE), is powered by the wireless energy ...
    • Delay and Delay-Constrained Throughput Performance of a Wireless-Powered Communication System 

      Li, Zhidu; Jiang, Yuming; Gao, Yuehong; Li, Pengxiang; Sang, Lin; Yang, Dacheng (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this paper, the delay and delay-constrained throughput performance of a point-to-point wireless-powered communication system is investigated. In this system, the wireless-powered node, e.g., a user equipment (UE), ...
    • Delay Discounting and its Impact on Information Security Decision-Making 

      Søgnen, Marte Marjorie (Master thesis, 2023)
      Påvirkningen informasjonsteknologi har på organisasjoner er i stadig vekst. Digitalisering har ført til nye forretningsmuligheter og effektivitet. Imidlertid følger det med disse fremskrittene stadig skiftende risikoer som ...
    • Delay-Resistant Geo-Distributed Analytics 

      Mostafaei, Habib; Smaragdakis, Georgios; Zinner, Thomas Erich; Feldmann, Anja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Big data analytics platforms have played a critical role in the unprecedented success of data-driven applications. However, real-time and streaming data applications, and recent legislation, e.g., GDPR in Europe, have posed ...
    • Demand-Side Economies of Scope in Big Tech Business Modelling and Strategy 

      Henten, Anders; Windekilde, Iwona Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The purpose of the paper is to discuss the issue of economies of scope in platform research and to attract attention to the importance of scope economies for the strength and growth of Big Tech corporations. Hitherto, most ...
    • Demand-Side Economies of Scope in Big Tech Business Modelling and Strategy 

      Windekilde, Iwona Maria; Henten, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The purpose of the paper is to discuss the issue of economies of scope in platform research and to attract attention to the importance of scope economies for the strength and growth of Big Tech corporations. Hitherto, most ...
    • Demanding services and applications in optical packet networks 

      Molla, Dereje Mechal (Master thesis, 2013)
      A wide range of advanced services and applications are being developed day by day. And it?s quite attractive to identify the requirements of these services and applications in terms of QoS performance needs such as bandwidth ...
    • Democratizing Interactive Music Production over the Internet 

      Engum, Trond; Wittner, Otto Jonassen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper describes an ongoing research project which address challenges and opportunities when collaborating interactively in real time in a ”virtual” sound studio with several partners in different locations. ”Virtual” ...
    • Demonstrating QoE-aware 5G Network Slicing Emulated with HTB in OMNeT++ 

      Gajic, Marija; Bosk, Marcin; Schwarzmann, Susanna; Lange, Stanislav; Zinner, Thomas Erich (Chapter, 2022)
      Today’s networks support a great variety of services with different bandwidth and latency requirements. To maintain high user satisfaction and efficient resource utilization, providers employ traffic shaping. One such ...
    • Denial-of-service attack resilience of the GSM access network. 

      Suraev, Maxim (Master thesis, 2011)
      GSM network capable of connecting to any operator providing SIP trunk has beenconstructed to serve as a target for controlled experiment on DoS attacks againstGSM. The usage of this network as a tool to perform DoS attack ...
    • Dependability Analysis of Smart Distribution Grid Architectures Considering Various Failure Modes 

      Zerihun, Tesfaye Amare; Helvik, Bjarne Emil (Chapter, 2018)
      The future smart distribution grid will be consisting of new components and technologies with enhanced capability whose failure behaviour can not be determined with certainty. In studying the reliability of these distribution ...