Blar i Institutt for informasjonssikkerhet og kommunikasjonsteknologi på utgivelsesdato
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Efficient simulation of network performance by importance sampling
(Dr.ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 1998:33, Doctoral thesis, 1998)Simulation is a flexible means for assessment of the quality of service offered by a telecommunication system. However, when very strict requirements are put on the quality of service, the simulation becomes inefficient ... -
Carrier Synchronization in OFDM without Use of Pilots
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2000:111, Doctoral thesis, 2000)Among new emerging digital communication systems, there is a clear trend of an increasing number of services using high capacity broad band connections, e.g. transfer of images, video and high quality sound. This makes it ... -
Radar imaging of small objects closely below the earth surface
(Doctoral thesis, 2000)This dissertation focuses on subsurface imaging of objects closely below the ground surface using ground penetrating radar (GPR). The main purpose is to detect and image man-made objects such as buried landmines or subsurface ... -
Propagation Models for Dimensioning and Estimation of Performance and Availability of New Satellite Communication Systems
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:28, Doctoral thesis, 2001)A rapid growth of new satellite systems utilizing the Ka-band (27 – 40 Ghz) and even higher frequencies is expected in the coming years. The services offered will include broadband communication, interactive broadcasting, ... -
Real-Time Phase Ambiguity Resolution in Global Navigation Satellite Systems
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:104, Doctoral thesis, 2002)This dissertation focuses on real-time carrier phase ambiguity resolution for high precision solutions in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). In order to exploit the full accuracy potential, one must be able to ... -
Towards Plug-and-Play Services: Design and Validation Using Roles
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:47, Doctoral thesis, 2003)Today telecommunication service users expect to access a similar set of services independently of what network they happen to use, they expect services to adapt to new surroundings and contexts as they move around, and ... -
Performance measurements in packet-switched networks : application to IP networks
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2002:142, Doctoral thesis, 2003)The Internet is becoming an important infrastructure. Measurements of network traffic are vital for many areas; including network management, traffic engineering, service differentiation, accounting and billing, the design ... -
Nested loop radio frequency synthesizers
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling; 2003:19, Doctoral thesis, 2003)This thesis describes how PLL frequency synthesizers with cascaded and nested loop topologies can be used for the synthesis of low noise high frequency signals. Briefly explained, synthesizers with cascaded/nested loops ... -
Emergent behavior based implements for distributed network management
(Dr.ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 0806-103X, Doctoral thesis, 2003)Network and system management has always been of concern for telecommunication and computer system operators. The need for standardization was recognised already 20 years ago, hence several standards for network management ... -
Is BS 7799 worth the effort?
(Master thesis, 2004)NORSK: Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på hvorvidt organisasjoner som har sertifisert sitt styringssystem for informasjonssikkerhet etter BS 7799, oppnår en bedre evne til å forebygge, detektere og reagere på sikkerhetsbrudd ... -
A process for Security Metrics Program (SMP)
(Master thesis, 2004)NORSK: Tjenesteleverandører har ofte mange nettverk koblet sammen i komplekse arkitekturer. Denne arkitekturen er i stadig endring, det kan være grunnet endringer som må gjøres pga tekniske løsninger, eller for at noen ... -
Passport of the Future: Biometrics against Identity Theft?
(Master thesis, 2004)NORSK: Formålet med biometriske pass er å forhindre ulovlig adgang av reisende inn i et land og å begrense bruken av forfalskede reisedokumenter ved en mer nøyaktig autentisering av reisende. Etter den 11. september ... -
Network layer packet redundancy in optical packet switched networks
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)A crucial issue in optical packet switched (OPS) networks is packet losses at the network layer caused by contentions. This paper presents the network layer packet redundancy scheme (NLPRS), which is a novel approach to ... -
Private and Accountable Storage in Distributed and Dynamic Environments
(Master thesis, 2004)NORSK: En av de store utfordringene i dagens teknologier for dstribuert prosessering er hvordan skal policy knyttet til data bevares når data flyttes omkring i distribuerte miljø. De fleste nåværende teknologier ser ut ... -
Aspect-oriented programming and security. A comparison between implementing JAAS with AOP and OOP.
(Master thesis, 2004)NORSK: God programmering er essensielt hvis vi ønsker sikker programvare. Sikkerhetshull kan oppstå i alle fasene i et programs livssyklus, and god design og riktig konfigurering er viktige elementer for å unngå dette. ... -
Risk management of information systems in dynamic environments. A case study of the Norwegian Defence and the process of approving classified information systems.
(Master thesis, 2004)NORSK: Det er ingen selvfølge at forutsetningene som er lagt til grunn for et sikkerhetsnivå i et informasjonssystem fortsatt er gyldige når omgivelsene endres kontinuerlig. Denne MSc rapporten beskriver et risikohånd ... -
Key factors in making Information Security Policies Effective
(Master thesis, 2004)NORSK: Målet med denne oppgaven har vært å finne frem til nøkkelfaktorer som kjennetegner en effektiv policy for informasjonssikkerhet. Utfordringen har vært å finne frem til hva vi ikke vet og ikke forstår i arbeidet ... -
Measuring Information Security Awareness. A survey showing the Norwegian way to do it.
(Master thesis, 2004)NORSK: Holdningene og bevisstheten blant de ansatte har stor betydning for informasjonssikkerheten i dagens bedrifter. Det er en vanlig oppfatning at menneskene og deres oppførsel faktisk betyr mer for informasjonssikkerheten ... -
Effects of bursty traffic in service differentiated Optical Packet Switched networks
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)Service differentiation is a crucial issue in the next-generation Optical Packet Switched networks. In this paper we examine how bursty traffic influences the performance of a service differentiated Optical Packet Switched ... -
Using hash values to identify fragments of evidence. Taking the concept of known file hash databases a step further.
(Master thesis, 2004)NORSK: Siden flere utnytter datautstyr til å begå kriminelle handlinger og lagringskapasiteten på slikt utstyr øker, fører dette til en eksplosiv økning i den datamengden som må gjennomgåes for å finne tekniske bevis. Det ...