Institutt for informasjonssikkerhet og kommunikasjonsteknologi
Recent Submissions
Anomaly detection via gating highway connection for retinal fundus images
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Isolating Coefficient-Based Framework to Recognize Influential Nodes in Complex Networks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Identifying influential nodes within complex networks holds significant importance for enhancing network resilience and understanding vulnerabilities, thereby providing insights for both theoretical exploration and practical ... -
Detecting partial contract cheating
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne studien kombinerer stylometri og maskinlæringsmetoder for å avgjøre om deler av en tekst er blitt utsatt for kontraktjuks (contract cheating). Den utforsker ytelsen til ulike maskinlæringsmodeller, effekten av ulike ... -
Funksjonalitet og sikkerhet i Briar
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne studien undersøker hvordan en forståelse av Briars funksjoner og sikkerhetsmekanismer kan danne grunnlag for kriminaltekniske analyser, med utgangspunkt i problemstillingen: "Hvordan kan en forståelse av Briars ... -
Adaption of cybergroomers How predators digitally optimize their behavior
(Master thesis, 2024)Cybergrooming er et stort samfunnsproblem som ikke kjenner noen landegrenser, og som øker i takt med veksten i digital kommunikasjon. Derfor er det viktig å forske på hvordan cybergrooming kan oppdages, slik at gjerningsmennene ... -
On DevSecOps and Risk Management in Critical Infrastructures: Practitioners' Insights on Needs and Goals
(Chapter, 2024)Risk management is essential for ensuring the sustained viability of organizations over the long term. It plays a pivotal role in business by helping identify potential threats and vulnerabilities, enabling well-informed ... -
Evaluation of K-Means Time Series Clustering Based on Z-Normalization and NP-Free
(Chapter, 2024)Despite the widespread use of k-means time series clustering in various domains, there exists a gap in the literature regarding its comprehensive evaluation with different time series preprocessing approaches. This paper ... -
Predictive maintenace of power transformers with use of machine learning
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis presents an innovative methodology for enhancing predictive maintenance (PdM) strategies for power transformers within electrical grids using machine learning techniques. The research leverages an extensive ... -
Human-Centric Approach to Cyber Threat Identification: The Role of Cognition, Experience, and Education in Decision-Making
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)This study explores the impact of human factors on cybersecurity, emphasizing how cognitive biases and the blend of knowledge, experience, and education affect cyber threat detection. It reveals that specialized education ... -
Asset and Vulnerability Management: Collaboration between and it’s uses during conflicts
(Master thesis, 2024)I landskapet med moderne cybersikkerhet er synergien mellom aktiva- og sårbarhetsstyring avgjørende. Denne synergien byr imidlertid på utfordringer for organisasjoner, fra grunnleggende hindringer i identifisering og ... -
Testing Commercial Intrusion Detection Systems for Industrial Control Systems in a Substation Hardware in the Loop Testlab
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are increasingly integrated with Information Technology (IT) systems, blending Operational Technology (OT) and IT components. This evolution introduces new cyber-attack risks, necessitating ... -
SEC-AIRSPACE: Addressing Cyber Security Challenges in Future Air Traffic Management
(Chapter, 2024)Digitalisation offers many benefits to Air Traffic Management (ATM). Yet, with technological innovations come challenges in managing new cyber security threats and risks. This paper presents a comprehensive review over ... -
TELEGAIT: Transfer Learning on Fog for Generalizable and Real-Time Transport Mode Detection
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The knowledge of users’ transport modes, e.g., cars or buses, enables innovative transportation services, such as automatic ticketing and navigation. A promising approach for transport mode detection (TMD) is analyzing ... -
Hardware Reverse Engineering for Securing the Digital Supply Chain in Critical Infrastructure
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2025:22, Doctoral thesis, 2025)With the continuing increase of cybersecurity threats to Operational Technology (OT) systems in Critical Infrastructure (CI), the security of the digital supply chain and third-party risk management is essential. Cyber-attacks ... -
Trust your local scaler: A continuous, decentralized approach to autoscaling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)Autoscaling is a critical component of modern cloud computing environments, improving flexibility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Current approaches use centralized autoscalers that make decisions based on averaged ... -
Differential Privacy in Secure Multiparty Computation and Deep Neural Networks
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2025:27, Doctoral thesis, 2025)Differential privacy (DP), a leading framework in data privacy research, ensures that individual data points remain confidential, even when aggregate information is shared. It provides a quantifiable level of privacy ... -
Self-supervised hate speech detection in Norwegian texts with lexical and semantic augmentations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)The proliferation of social media platforms has significantly contributed to the spread of hate speech, targeting individuals based on race, gender, impaired functioning, religion, or sexual orientation. Online hate speech ... -
Cyberity and Society: The Emergence and Entanglement of Time, Space, and Complexity in Virtual and Social Realities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In William Gibson’s 1984 science fiction novelNeuromancer, the termcyberspacewas described as a space ofunthinkable complexity.Arguably, our present-day cha-otic and blurred virtual reality not only reflects this description ... -
Superiority of High-Load vs. Low-Load Resistance Training in Military Cadets
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Øfsteng, SF, Hammarström, D, Knox, S, Jøsok, Ø, Helkala, K, Koll, L, Hanestadhaugen, M, Raastad, T, Rønnestad, BR, and Ellefsen, S. Superiority of high-load vs. low-load resistance training in military cadets. J Strength ... -
Using Large Language Models for Binary Decompilation
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven undersøker Store Språkmodellers evne til å dekompilere binære objekt-filer. Sagt med andre ord, vi måler deres evne til a rekonstruere den originale C kildekoden som produserte en binærfil. Noen språkmodeller ...