Now showing items 1436-1455 of 3787

    • Feedback Error-state Kalman Filter with Time-delay Compensation for Hydroacoustic-aided Inertial Navigation of Underwater Vehicles 

      Fossen, Thor I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article is intended as a tutorial to assist engineers who want to develop and implement low-cost underwater vehicle inertial navigation systems (INS) aided by time-delayed hydroacoustic position measurements. A ...
    • Feedback Linearization Control for Systems with Mismatched Uncertainties via Disturbance Observers 

      Kayacan, Erkan; Fossen, Thor I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      This paper focuses on a novel feedback linearization control (FLC) law based on a self-learning disturbance observer (SLDO) to counteract mismatched uncertainties. The FLC based on BNDO (FLC-BNDO) demonstrates robust control ...
    • Feedback linearizing neural network controllers 

      Sterud, Camilla (Master thesis, 2019)
      Når reguleringssystemer anvendes i praksis er ukjent og umodellert dynamikk et tilbakevendende problem. Ved anvendelse av avanserte reguleringstekniske metoder, som modellbasert prediktiv og tilbakekoblingslineariserende ...
    • Feedforward for Stabilization of an Ammonia Synthesis Reactor 

      Holter, Erik (Master thesis, 2010)
      This thesis illustrates different control structures and tries to demonstrate how feedforward control can be used in stabilizing an unstable ammonia reactor with heat integration. The demonstration of feedforward is done ...
    • Feilanalyse og tilstandsovervåkning av togdeteksjonssystemer 

      Kallerud, Olav (Master thesis, 2016)
      Denne rapporten tar for seg hvordan man kan forbedre og opprettholde pålitelighet og tilgjengelighet av sporfelter, som en del av sikringsanlegget på jernbanen. Metodene som gjennomføres for å belyse denne oppgaven er en ...
    • Few-Shot Open World Learner 

      Teigen, Andreas Langeland; Saad, Aya; Stahl, Annette; Mester, Rudolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Computer vision based recognition systems in dynamically changing environments require continuously updating datasets with novel detected categories while maintaining equally high performance on previously established ...
    • Few-shot open world learning 

      Teigen, Andreas Langeland (Master thesis, 2020)
      Datasynsystemer blir i økende grad tatt i bruk ute i dagligdags- og feltarbeidsapplikasjoner. Denne overgangen fra kontrollerte lab-omgivelser til den vide verden byr derimot på flere nye problemer. I stedet for kun å møte ...
    • Fiducial SLAM For Autonomous Ferry 

      Gerhardsen, Martin Eek (Master thesis, 2021)
      Tradisjonelt sett er Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) benyttet for å finne den globale posisjonen til et kjøretøy. GNSS målinger innhentes ofte ved hjelp av én eller to antenner som kommuniserer med satelitter. ...
    • Field Report: Exploring Fronts with Multiple Robots 

      Costa, Maria; Pinto, José; Dias, Paulo Sousa; Pereira, Joao; Lima, Keila; Ribeiro, Manuel; Sousa, Joao Borges; Lukaczyk, Trent; Mendes, Renato; Tomasino, Maria Paola; Magalhaes, Catarina; Belkin, Igor; Lopez-Castejon, Francisco; Gilabert, Javier; Skarpnes, Kay Arne; Ludvigsen, Martin; Rajan, Kanna; Mirmalek, Zara; Chekalyuk, Alexander (Chapter, 2018)
      This paper presents a report from a cruise onboard the R/V Falkor oceanographic vessel from the Schmidt Ocean Institute. The goal of this cruise was to demonstrate a novel approach to observe the ocean with multiple ...
    • Field Test Results of GNSS-denied Inertial Navigation aided by Phased-array Radio Systems for UAVs 

      Gryte, Kristoffer; Bryne, Torleiv Håland; Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved; Johansen, Tor Arne (Chapter, 2019)
      Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) often depend on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and magnetic compasses for navigation, making them exposed to malicious attacks and sensitive to magnetic anomalies, while restricting ...
    • Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control for Inductive Power Transfer Charging EV systems with Constant Voltage Load 

      Karami Hassan Abadi, Zeinab; Zhou, Jiayu; Guidi, Giuseppe; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter, 2023)
      This paper presents a finite-control-set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) strategy for achieving power control in inductive power transfer (IPT) -based electric vehicle (EV) charging systems. The proposed control method ...
    • Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control to Suppress Oscillations in Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Constant Voltage Load 

      Karami Hassan Abadi, Zeinab; Guidi, Giuseppe; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter, 2023)
      This paper presents a finite-control-set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) strategy for pulse density modulation (PDM) in inductive power transfer (IPT) systems. The main purpose of this method is to suppress current/power ...
    • Finite-Volume High-Fidelity Simulation Combined with Finite-Element-Based Reduced-Order Modeling of Incompressible Flow Problems 

      Fonn, Eivind; Kvamsdal, Trond; Rasheed, Adil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We present a nonintrusive approach for combining high-fidelity simulations using Finite-Volume (FV) methods with Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Galerkin Reduced-Order Modeling (ROM) methodology. By nonintrusive ...
    • Fish on net: Acoustic Doppler telemetry and remote monitoring of individual fish in aquaculture 

      Hassan, Waseem (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:259, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      The two main contributions of this thesis are the Internet of Fish (IoF) concept and a novel fish swimming speed measurement principle. The IoF concept is a reliable communication protocol which could relay acoustic telemetry ...
    • Fish welfare based classification method of ocean current speeds at aquaculture sites 

      Jónsdóttir, Kristbjörg Edda; Hvas, Malthe; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Føre, Martin; Alver, Morten; Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert; Oppedal, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      ABSTRACT: A major trend in marine aquaculture is to move production to more exposed sites with occasionally rough ocean current events. However, it is unclear whether fish will thrive in these extreme environments, since ...
    • Five-State Extended Kalman Filter for Estimation of Speed Over Ground (SOG), Course over Ground (COG), and Course Rate of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs): Experimental Results 

      Fossen, Sindre; Fossen, Thor I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Small USVs are usually equipped with a low-cost navigation sensor suite consisting of a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver and a magnetic compass. Unfortunately, the magnetic compass is highly susceptible ...
    • Fixed-Structure, Low-Order Damping and Tracking Control Schemes for Nanopositioning 

      Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas; Vagia, Marialena; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Fast and accurate tracking of periodic reference trajectories is highly desirable in many nanopositioning applications, including scanning probe microscopy. Performance in common positioning stage designs is limited by the ...
    • Fjernstyring av Legorobot 

      Homestad, Trond Kåre (Master thesis, 2013)
      Det ble laget en ny robot for å kjøre i et kartleggingssystem. Dette systemethar til nå bestått av en legorobot, som er laget fra bunnen av i liknende prosjekter, og programvare på PCi MatLab kalt CAS. Den nye legoroboten ...
    • Fjernstyring av Legorobot 

      Magnussen, Trond (Master thesis, 2008)
      Denne masteroppgaven omhandler videreutvikling av en fjernstyrt LEGO robot ved Institutt for Teknisk Kybernetikk. Roboten har tidligere gjennomgått flere utviklingssteg via prosjekter og diplom/masteroppgaver ved instituttet. ...
    • Fjernstyring og logging av data i et autonomt strømforsyningsanlegg 

      Andreassen, William Aas; Leite, Oskar; Østvold, Gard Bjørnar (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Prosjektet dreier seg om et autonomt strømforsyningsanlegg, også kjent som APS, autonomous power supply. Dette er anlegg som kan plasseres hvor som helst og som kan levere strøm på steder hvor det ikke er mulig å være ...