Now showing items 2875-2894 of 3785

    • Quadcopter for indoor mapping 

      List, Janne Marie (Master thesis, 2024)
      Denne avhandlingen er et bidrag til prosjektet «Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping Project», der flere roboter kartlegger et innemiljø, nærmere bestemt en labyrint. Målet var å utvikle en databehandlingsmodul for et ...
    • Quadratic programming with ramp functions and fast online QP-MPC solutions 

      Valmorbida, Giorgio; Hovd, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A novel method is proposed for solving quadratic programming problems arising in model predictive control. The method is based on an implicit representation of the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions using ramp functions. The ...
    • Quadrotor UAV: Design av styresystem og simulator 

      Kallestad, Siv Karin (Master thesis, 2007)
      I denne oppgaven er det utviklet et simuleringsprogram som gir en fremstilling av bevegelsen til et autonomt mini-helikopter, også populært kalt <>. Quadrotoren er utstyrt med fire rotorer i en symmetrisk konfigurasjon, ...
    • Quantitative analysis of curricula coherence using directed graphs 

      Knorn, Steffi; Varagnolo, Damiano; Staffas, Kjell; Wrigstad, Tobias; Fjällström, Eva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper investigates methods for quantitatively examining the connectivity and knowledge flow in a university program considering courses and concepts included in the program. The proposed method is expected to be useful ...
    • Quantitative Big Data: where chemometrics can contribute 

      Martens, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
    • Quaternion-Based Generalized Super-Twisting Algorithm for Spacecraft Attitude Control 

      Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas; Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      A second-order sliding mode control, the generalized super-twisting algorithm (GSTA), is used for attitude control of a spacecraft actuated by reaction wheels for pointing and a slewing maneuver. Magnetorquers are used for ...
    • Quay Contact Detection for Ships using Motion Sensors and Machine Learning 

      Helgesen, Håkon Hagen; Kristiansen, K S; Vik, Bjørnar; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Detecting when and where contact with the quay appears is an important ability for ships undergoing a docking maneuver. The motion of the quay, environmental forces, and hydrodynamic effects caused by the interaction between ...
    • Radar målfølging 

      Karlsen, Jan Sigurd (Master thesis, 2008)
      Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace (KDA) benytter radarer av typen phased array i deres luftvernsystemer. På bakgrunn av nødvendige egenskaper som elektronisk styring av radarstråle tas denne radartypen også i bruk i denne ...
    • Radar-based Maritime Collision Avoidance using Dynamic Window 

      Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung; Wilthil, Erik Falmår; Flåten, Andreas Lindahl; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Breivik, Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Collision avoidance systems are a key ingredient in developing autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs). Such systems require real-time information about the environment, which can be obtained from transponder-based systems or ...
    • RAMARL: Robustness Analysis with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning - Robust Reasoning in Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems 

      Saad, Aya; Håkansson, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A key driver to offering smart services is an infrastructure of Cyber-Physical systems (CPS)s. By definition, CPSs are intertwined physical and computational components that integrate physical behaviour with computation. ...
    • Range Anxiety Alleviation for Electric Vehicles using a Dual Extended Kalman Filter with a Nonlinear Battery Model 

      Kvaale, Bjørn (Master thesis, 2017)
      The purpose of this thesis was to find a solution to combat range anxiety in electric vehicles (EV). Range anxiety was defined as the fear that the driver will not reach their destination and is a major barrier to increase ...
    • Range-based Target Localization and Pursuit with Autonomous Vehicles: An Approach using Posterior CRLB and Model Predictive Control 

      Hung, Nguyen T; Crasta, Naveena; Salinas, D M; Pascoal, António M.; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We address the general problem of multiple target localization and pursuit using measurements of the ranges from the targets to a set of autonomous pursuing vehicles, referred to as trackers. We develop a general framework ...
    • Rapid Detumbling of Satellites 

      Skagen, Olve Skurdal (Master thesis, 2024)
      Den innledende fasen av attituderegulering av en satellitt er undersøkt, med høy initiell vinkelfart. Målet med denne fasen er å redusere vinkelfarten slik at attituderegulering kan begynne, denne prosessen blir kalt ...
    • Rare event chance-constrained optimal control using polynomial chaos and subset simulation 

      Piprek, Patrick; Gros, Sebastien; Holzapfel, Florian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This study develops a chance–constrained open–loop optimal control (CC–OC) framework capable of handling rare event probabilities. Therefore, the framework uses the generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) method to calculate ...
    • Reactive Collision Avoidance - Safe navigation in a dynamic cluttered environment 

      Aarvold, Andreas L. (Master thesis, 2018)
      Collision-free navigation in unknown environments is an essential quality for any autonomous vehicle. In this thesis, a reactive collision avoidance algorithm is presented for vehicles constrained by a unicycle nonholonomic ...
    • Reactive Collision Avoidance for Nonholonomic Vehicles in Dynamic Environments with Obstacles of Arbitrary Shape 

      Haraldsen, Aurora; Syre Wiig, Martin; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Over the recent years, there has been an increasing interest in autonomous systems. Consequently, the problem of avoiding static and dynamic obstacles without human interference has gained a lot of attention. Avoiding ...
    • Reactive Collision Avoidance for Underactuated Surface Vehicles using the Collision Cone Concept 

      Haraldsen, Aurora; Syre Wiig, Martin; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Chapter, 2021)
      Avoiding collisions is a crucial task for autonomous systems. Many strategies for avoiding obstacles have been proposed, yet the problem of having underactuated dynamics is rarely addressed in previous studies of collision ...
    • Real time decoding of color symbol for optical positioning system 

      Malik, Abdul Waheed; Thörnberg, Benny; Anwar, Qaisar; Johansen, Tor Arne; Shahzad, Khurram (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This paper presents the design and real-time decoding of a color symbol that can be used as a reference marker for optical navigation. The designed symbol has a circular shape and is printed on paper using two distinct ...
    • Real Time Impedance identification of Li-Polymer Battery with Kalman Filter 

      Gjengedal, Ørjan (Master thesis, 2017)
      In a study of a new and an aged lithium-polymer battery cell, a joint Unscented Kalman Filter coupled with a non-linear equivalent circuit battery model formed the basis for on-line identification of the battery impedance ...
    • Real time lobster posture estimation for behavior research 

      Yan, Sheng; Alfredsen, Jo Arve (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In animal behavior research, the main task of observing the behavior of an animal is usually done manually. The measurement of the trajectory of an animal and its real-time posture description is often omitted due to the ...