Now showing items 1417-1436 of 3715

    • Fish on net: Acoustic Doppler telemetry and remote monitoring of individual fish in aquaculture 

      Hassan, Waseem (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:259, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      The two main contributions of this thesis are the Internet of Fish (IoF) concept and a novel fish swimming speed measurement principle. The IoF concept is a reliable communication protocol which could relay acoustic telemetry ...
    • Fish welfare based classification method of ocean current speeds at aquaculture sites 

      Jónsdóttir, Kristbjörg Edda; Hvas, Malthe; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Føre, Martin; Alver, Morten; Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert; Oppedal, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      ABSTRACT: A major trend in marine aquaculture is to move production to more exposed sites with occasionally rough ocean current events. However, it is unclear whether fish will thrive in these extreme environments, since ...
    • Five-State Extended Kalman Filter for Estimation of Speed Over Ground (SOG), Course over Ground (COG), and Course Rate of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs): Experimental Results 

      Fossen, Sindre; Fossen, Thor I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Small USVs are usually equipped with a low-cost navigation sensor suite consisting of a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver and a magnetic compass. Unfortunately, the magnetic compass is highly susceptible ...
    • Fixed-Structure, Low-Order Damping and Tracking Control Schemes for Nanopositioning 

      Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas; Vagia, Marialena; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Fast and accurate tracking of periodic reference trajectories is highly desirable in many nanopositioning applications, including scanning probe microscopy. Performance in common positioning stage designs is limited by the ...
    • Fjernstyring av Legorobot 

      Homestad, Trond Kåre (Master thesis, 2013)
      Det ble laget en ny robot for å kjøre i et kartleggingssystem. Dette systemethar til nå bestått av en legorobot, som er laget fra bunnen av i liknende prosjekter, og programvare på PCi MatLab kalt CAS. Den nye legoroboten ...
    • Fjernstyring av Legorobot 

      Magnussen, Trond (Master thesis, 2008)
      Denne masteroppgaven omhandler videreutvikling av en fjernstyrt LEGO robot ved Institutt for Teknisk Kybernetikk. Roboten har tidligere gjennomgått flere utviklingssteg via prosjekter og diplom/masteroppgaver ved instituttet. ...
    • Fjernstyring og logging av data i et autonomt strømforsyningsanlegg 

      Andreassen, William Aas; Leite, Oskar; Østvold, Gard Bjørnar (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Prosjektet dreier seg om et autonomt strømforsyningsanlegg, også kjent som APS, autonomous power supply. Dette er anlegg som kan plasseres hvor som helst og som kan levere strøm på steder hvor det ikke er mulig å være ...
    • Flexible and Scalable Local Controller for a Micro Grid Home in the e-GOTHAM Project 

      Hausler, Thaddäus (Master thesis, 2015)
      Recent trends towards a smart grid implementation pursuits the reduction of consumption peaks, amongst other effects. A flexible and scalable Micro Grid solution breaks this problem into parts by localizing the solutions. ...
    • FlexRay Analysis, Configuration Parameter Estimation, and Adversaries 

      Huse, Markus Iversen (Master thesis, 2017)
      This paper investigates the time-triggered automotive communication protocol FlexRay. Included is a study of on-board electronic vehicular systems, which focuses on possible vulnerabilities connected to networked data ...
    • Flight Performance Optimization for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Path Planning Methods 

      Hovenburg, Anthony Reinier (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:98, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      The presented research topics were selectively chosen in an effort to fill specific knowledge gaps within the unmanned aircraft industry. The researcher conducted his work at the company Maritime Robotics, which is a ...
    • Flight Test Results for Autonomous Icing Protection Solution for Small Unmanned Aircraft 

      Sørensen, Kim Lynge; Johansen, Tor Arne (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The primary focus of the work presented in this paper is a proof-of-concept study of a novel electro-thermal-based autonomous icing protection solution (IPS) for small unmanned aircraft. The solution includes a central ...
    • Flow Structure around a Multicopter Drone: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis for Sensor Placement Considerations 

      Ghirardelli, Mauro; Kral, Stephan Thomas; Müller, Nicolas Carlo; Hann, Richard; Cheynet, Etienne; Reuder, Joachim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study presents a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based approach to determine the optimal positioning for an atmospheric turbulence sensor on a rotary-wing uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) with X8 configuration. The ...
    • Fluid Parameter Identification for Underwater Snake Robots 

      Kelasidi, Eleni; Elgenes, G; Kilvær, H (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Nowadays different types of unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), such as remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), are widely used for subsea inspection, maintenance, and repair (IMR) ...
    • Forbedret treningsmaskin for fotballspillere 

      Alvestrand, Torbjørn Tveit (Master thesis, 2014)
      Oppgaven tar for seg konstruksjonen av en fotballskytemaskin-prototype. Prototypen skal kunne ta inn et gitt punkt og deretter finne den rette retningen og hastigheten ballen må ha når den forlater maskinen for å treffe ...
    • Forbedringer av en motorkontroller i en Formula Student racerbil 

      Hartviksen, Camilla Marie Greve (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne oppgaven ser på forbedringer av motorstyringsalgoritmen som brukes i vekselretteren til Revolve NTNU's Formula Student racerbil. Et litteraturstudie på mulige forbedringer ble gjort, og det ble foreslått et forbedret ...
    • Forceful Aerial Manipulation Based on an Aerial Robotic Chain: Hybrid Modeling and Control 

      Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Alexis, Konstantinos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This letter presents the system design, modeling, and control of the Aerial Robotic Chain Manipulator. This new robot design offers the potential to exert strong forces and moments on the environment, carry and lift ...
    • Forecasting Multivariate Time Series Data Using Neural Networks 

      Øyen, Sigurd (Master thesis, 2018)
      Over the last few years, neural networks have become extremely popular, and their usage is increasing rapidly. This project has investigated the use of neural networks for one-step time series forecasting on highly random ...
    • Form Closure For Fully Actuated and Robust Obstacle-Aided locomotion in Snake Robots 

      Løwer, Jostein; Gravdahl, Irja; Varagnolo, Damiano; Stavdahl, Øyvind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this letter we adapt the theory of form closure to define the form closed region: The subset of a snake robot's configuration space for which the constraints imposed by the obstacles in its environment render the system ...
    • Formal Methods for System Development 

      Fredriksen, Inge (Master thesis, 2009)
      Two main types of formal methods have been investigated, formal specification and formal verification. Focus for formal verification has been on the concept of un-timed model checking. Some dominating formal specification ...
    • Formalising Nondeterministic Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks Using CSP 

      Andersen, Sondre Ninive; Espe, Asbjørn Engmark; Hendseth, Sverre; Mathisen, Geir (Chapter, 2021)
      Using communicating sequential processes (CSP), this paper presents a model for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to be used for formal verification of communication reliability in mesh networks. Process models are derived ...