FlexRay Analysis, Configuration Parameter Estimation, and Adversaries
This paper investigates the time-triggered automotive communication protocol FlexRay. Included is a study of on-board electronic vehicular systems, which focuses on possible vulnerabilities connected to networked data transmissions.
In order to provide information about the network communication and configuration parameters, a FlexRay analysis software was developed.
The analysis software is validated using the original FlexRay frame format from the protocol specification and the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) provided in the data transmission. Additionally, the results from the network analysis are compared to the communication of a FlexRay network where the configuration parameters and the frame content are known. The FlexRay analysis software was then used to investigate the FlexRay network of an actual vehicle.
Finally, based on the theory and experience from working with FlexRay, multiple adversary solutions are presented, as well as solutions for manipulating frame content of real-time communication in a FlexRay network.