Now showing items 875-894 of 2527

    • Forecasting the Total Balance Sent to Debt Collection 

      Holck, Jens Andreas Teigland (Master thesis, 2019)
      Kredittkort har lenge vært en populær betalingsmetode og bruken vokser globalt. Kred- ittkortselskaper må stadig vurdere risikoen forbundet med pengeutlåning og en måte å måle risiko i forbindelse med kredittkortutgifter ...
    • Forecasting Univariate Time Series with Missing Data 

      Klippen, Elen Ekeberg (Master thesis, 2021)
      Manglande data er ikkje-observerte verdiar for ein variabel, og er ofte å finne i tidsrekkjer frå den verkelege verda. Ved å lage modellar som beskriv tidsrekkjer kan ein lage estimat på framtidige verdiar av det tidsrekkja ...
    • Formal verification of the Norwegian Internet Voting Protocol 

      Slågedal, Solvei (Master thesis, 2018)
      In this paper we look at the formalization and verification of several security components of the cryptosystem underlying The Norwegian Internet Voting Protocol. The focus will be on vote submission and B-Integrity.
    • Formality and strong Massey vanishing for real projective groups 

      Quick, Gereon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This report presents a general panorama of recent progress in the arithmetic-geometry theory of Galois and homotopy groups and its ramifications. While still relying on Grothendieck’s original pillars [1], the present ...
    • Formation of singularities of spherically symmetric solutions to the 3D compressible Euler equations and Euler–Poisson equations 

      Hai-Liang, Li; Wang, Yuexun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      By introducing a new averaged quantity with a fast decay weight to perform Sideris's argument (Commun Math Phys, 1985) developed for the Euler Equations, we extend the formation of singularities of classical solution to ...

      Schjem, Thomas; Talmo, Vegard Mjøsund; Blokkum, Guri Kringstad (Chapter, 2023)
    • Formative assessment as a future step in maintaining the mastery-approach and performance-avoidance goal stability. 

      Hansen, Gabrielle; Ringdal, Regine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The study presented in this article examines which achievement-goal pattern students pursue in a formative assessment practice that facilitates mastery and learning opportunities. An explanatory mixed-method design with ...
    • Fourier Interpolation and Time-Frequency Localization 

      Kulikov, Aleksei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We prove that under very mild conditions for any interpolation formula f(x)=∑λ∈Λf(λ)aλ(x)+∑μ∈Mf^(μ)bμ(x) we have a lower bound for the counting functions nΛ(R1)+nM(R2)≥4R1R2−Clog2(4R1R2) which very closely matches recent ...
    • Fourier Interpolation with Zeros of Zeta and L-Functions 

      Bondarenko, Andrii; Radchenko, Danylo; Seip, Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We construct a large family of Fourier interpolation bases for functions analytic in a strip symmetric about the real line. Interesting examples involve the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function and other L-functions. ...
    • Fourier optimization and quadratic forms 

      Chirre, Andrés; Quesada-Herrera, Oscar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We prove several results about integers represented by positive definite quadratic forms, using a Fourier analysis approach. In particular, for an integer ℓ≥1⁠, we improve the error term in the partial sums of the number ...
    • Fourier series and Hilbert spaces 

      Kim, Jeongmin (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven gir en oversikt over konvergensen av Fourier-serier og dens anvendelse i Hilbert-rom sammen med to kjerner, Dirichlet-kjernen og Fejér-kjernen. Nødvendige teoremer som konvergenssetningen, Bessels ...
    • Fourierhyperfunksjoner 

      Maria Kristine, Skartsæterhagen (Master thesis, 2008)
      Oppgaven handler om fouriertransformasjon av generaliserte funksjoner, med spesiell vekt på fouriertransformasjon av hyperfunksjoner. Transformasjonen på hyperfunksjoner er deretter sammenlignet med Carlemans fouriertransform, ...
    • Fra kjerneelementer til klasserom - En studie av elevers muligheter for å lære matematikk i tråd med intensjonene i Kunnskapsløftet 2020. 

      Ness, Thale Lund (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne masteroppgaven har som formål å undersøke hvilken rolle Kunnskapsløftet 2020, som ny læreplan, spiller i undervisningen i skolen. Spesielt har jeg sett på hvordan læreren påvirkes av læreplanen, og hvilke muligheter ...
    • A fractal uncertainty principle for the short-time Fourier transform and Gabor multipliers 

      Knutsen, Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We study the fractal uncertainty principle in the joint time-frequency representation, and we prove a version for the Short-Time Fourier transform with Gaussian window on the modulation spaces. This can equivalently be ...
    • Fragmented tropical forests lose mutualistic plant–animal interactions 

      Marjakangas, Emma-Liina; Abrego, Nerea; Grøtan, Vidar; de Lima, Renato A.F.; Bello, Caroline; Bovendorp, Ricardo S; Laurence, Culot; Hasui, Érica; Lima, Fernando; Muylaert, Renata Lara; Niebuhr, Bernardo Brandão; Oliveira, Alexandre A.; Pereira, Lucas Augusto; Prado, Paulo I.; Stevens, Richard D.; Vancine, Maurício Humberto; Ribeiro, Milton Cezar; Galetti, Mauro; Ovaskainen, Otso (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Aim Forest fragmentation is among the principal causes of global biodiversity loss, yet how it affects mutualistic interactions between plants and animals at large spatial scale is poorly understood. In particular, ...
    • Free algebras through Day convolution 

      Chu, Hongyi; Haugseng, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Friezemønstre og triangulerte polygon 

      Vagstad, Sigurd Nybø (Master thesis, 2015)
      Friezes ble introdusert av Conway og Coxeter. De antyder at det finnes en bijeksjon til triangulerte polygon i en oppgavesamling. SL2-tilings med nok enere ble introdusert av Holm og Jørgensen, som viste at det finnes en ...
    • From Bilinear Regression to Inductive Matrix Completion: A Quasi-Bayesian Analysis 

      Mai, The Tien (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this paper, we study the problem of bilinear regression, a type of statistical modeling that deals with multiple variables and multiple responses. One of the main difficulties that arise in this problem is the presence ...
    • From classical tilting to two-term silting 

      Buan, Aslak Bakke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We survey some recent results generalizing classical tilting theory to a theory of two-term silting objects. In particular, this includes a generalized Brenner-Butler theorem, and a homological characterization of algebras ...
    • From panic to planning: extending the notion of presence to create sustainable digital learning environments 

      De Caro-Barek, Veruska; Støckert, Robin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The transition from physical learning spaces to fully digital learning environments in annus horribilis 2020 has challenged Institutions and educators in re-thinking teaching in a time of crisis. E-learning is now phasing ...