• Topology and Data 

      Brekke, Birger (Master thesis, 2010)
      In the last years, there has been done research in using topology as a new tool for studying data sets, typically high dimensional data. These studies have brought new methods for qualitative analysis, simplification, and ...
    • Topology and Data 

      Hatlem, Hans Olav (Master thesis, 2015)
    • Topology optimisation of Stokes flow 

      Bernstrøm, Erlend Hoff (Master thesis, 2015)
      In this paper we will investigate topology optimization of Stokes flow. We will construct two different algorithms for solving the problem. We will first construct the algorithms with using sobolev spaces. We will then ...
    • Topology Optimization for Unsteady Flow with Applications in Biomedical Flows 

      Hasund, Kari Elisabeth Skaar (Master thesis, 2017)
      In this thesis, we will apply a topology optimization method to unsteady fluid flow, using a density model and level set method, in order to optimize the shape of a coronary artery bypass anastomosis. The fluid movement ...
    • Toroidal topology of population activity in grid cells 

      Gardner, Richard J.; Hermansen, Erik; Pachitariu, Marius; Burak, Yoram; Baas, Nils A.; Dunn, Benjamin Adric; Moser, May-Britt; Moser, Edvard Ingjald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The medial entorhinal cortex is part of a neural system for mapping the position of an individual within a physical environment1. Grid cells, a key component of this system, fire in a characteristic hexagonal pattern of ...
    • Torsion, Cotorsion and Tilting in Abelian Categories 

      Rundsveen, Endre Sørmo (Master thesis, 2021)
      Vi beviser en korrespondanse mellom "Tilting"-underkategorier og Kotorsjon Torsjons tripler i abelske kategorier med nok projektive. Deretter vises det at disse triplene induserer en ekvivalens av underkategorier. Vi beviser ...
    • Tospråklige elever i møte med brøk – en casestudie av hvordan fire norsk-tamilske 7. trinnselever gjennomfører overganger mellom ulike representasjoner av brøkbegrepet 

      Thiyagarajah, Vanathi (Master thesis, 2020)
      Denne studien har som hensikt å bidra i forskningen som har med tospråklighet og matematikkundervisning å gjøre, og på denne måten få innsikt i hvordan opplæring kan tilpasses gruppen med tospråklige elever. Studien er ...
    • Totally Acyclic Approximations 

      Bergh, Petter Andreas; Jorgensen, David A.; Moore, W. Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Let Q→R be a surjective homomorphism of Noetherian rings such that Q is Gorenstein and R as a Q-bimodule admits a finite resolution by modules which are projective on both sides. We define an adjoint pair of functors between ...
    • Toward adaptive robotic sampling of phytoplankton in the coastal ocean 

      Fossum, Trygve Olav; Fragoso, Glaucia Moreira; Davies, Emlyn John; Ullgren, Jenny; Mendes, Renato; Johnsen, Geir; Ellingsen, Ingrid H.; Eidsvik, Jo; Ludvigsen, Martin; Rajan, Kanna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Currents, wind, bathymetry, and freshwater runoff are some of the factors that make coastal waters heterogeneous, patchy, and scientifically interesting—where it is challenging to resolve the spatiotemporal variation within ...
    • Towards a classification of multi-faced independence: A representation-theoretic approach 

      Gerhold, Malte; Hasebe, Takahiro; Ulrich, Michaël (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We attack the classification problem of multi-faced independences, the first non-trivial example being Voiculescu's bi-freeness. While the present paper does not achieve a complete classification, it formalizes the idea ...
    • Towards a data-driven system for personalized cervical cancer risk stratification 

      Langberg, Geir Severin Rakh Elvatun; Nygård, Jan Franz; Gogineni, Vinay Chakravarthi; Nygård, Mari; Grasmair, Markus; Naumova, Valeriya (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Mass-screening programs for cervical cancer prevention in the Nordic countries have been effective in reducing cancer incidence and mortality at the population level. Women who have been regularly diagnosed with normal ...
    • Towards a Parallel Multiphase Solver Based on Potential Ordering 

      Vikøren, Henrik (Master thesis, 2015)
      This thesis presents our work towards developing a parallel multiphase solver based on potential ordering. We begin the thesis by introducing the Fast Multiphase Solver, as developed by Natvig, Lie et al. . Then we, in ...
    • Towards a predictive conservation biology: the devil is in the behaviour 

      Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Engen, Steinar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      One of the most important challenges in conservation biology is to predict the viability of populations of vulnerable and threatened species. This requires that the demographic stochasticity strongly affecting the ecological ...
    • Towards a theory for fractional Mean Field Games in Hölder spaces 

      Bergset, Amund Skretting (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne masteroppgaven studerer vi et Mean Field Game-system i hele rommet drevet av en fraksjonell Laplace-operator -(-∆)^(α/2) med orden α ∈ (1,2). Vi beviser eksistens og entydighet av klassiske løsninger til ...
    • Towards joint disease mapping using penalised complexity priors 

      Conjard, Maxime (Master thesis, 2016)
      This thesis goal is to assess whether penalized complexity priors can be used successfully in a joint disease modeling framework and have similar properties as when used for modeling only one disease. Penalized complexity ...
    • Tracking of Horizons in Seismic Data Using a Hidden Markov Model 

      Henriksen, Sindre (Master thesis, 2020)
      Automatisert tolkning av seismisk data muligjør kartlegging av undergrunnen til lave kostnader. I denne tesen definerer vi en skjult Markov model for å forklare hvordan geologiske horisonter propagerer gjennom undergrunnen, ...
    • Transferable E-cash: A Cleaner Model and the First Practical Instantiation 

      Bauer, Balthazar; Fuchsbauer, Georg; Qian, Chen (Journal article, 2021)
      Transferable e-cash is the most faithful digital analog of physical cash, as it allows users to transfer coins between them in isolation, that is, without interacting with a bank or a “ledger”. Appropriate protection of ...
    • Transitioning to Active Learning Spaces – Perspectives from teachers and students in mathematics and statistics 

      Aga, Kristian (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:71, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Active Learning Spaces (ALSs) are spaces designed to facilitate for Active Learning (AL), often improving the benefits of such teaching methods. The impact of AL has been extensively researched, and evidence suggest that ...
    • The Transmission Problem on a Three-Dimensional Wedge 

      Perfekt, Karl-Mikael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      We consider the transmission problem for the Laplace equation on an infinite three-dimensional wedge, determining the complex parameters for which the problem is well-posed, and characterizing the infinite multiplicity ...
    • Traveling gravity water waves with critical layers 

      Varholm, Kristoffer; Aasen, Ailo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      We establish the existence of small-amplitude uni- and bimodal steady periodic gravity waves with an affine vorticity distribution, using a bifurcation argument that differs slightly from earlier theory. The solutions ...