• Programmering i sannsynlighet 

      Hollås, Mathilde Tangen (Master thesis, 2024)
      Denne studien har undersøkt programmeringsinnholdet i sannsynlighet i lærebøker for 9. trinn. Formålet har vært å få innsikt i hvordan programmering har blitt innført i sannsynlighetstemaet og hvordan programmering og ...
    • Programmeringsoppgaver i matematikk 1T 

      Bråten, Linnéa (Master thesis, 2024)
      I 2020 kom programmering inn i læreplanen for matematikk, blant flere fag. I tillegg fikk matematikk hovedansvar for programmeringsopplæringen. Ifølge Flø (2021, s. 3) handler programmering i matematikkfaget om at elevene ...
    • Programming a Computer to Play Human-like Chess 

      Rødsmoen, Maud (Master thesis, 2021)
    • Projecting onto Helson matrices in Schatten classes 

      Brevig, Ole Fredrik; Miheisi, Nazar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      A Helson matrix is an infinite matrix A=(am,n)m,n≥1 such that the entry am,n depends only on the product mn. We demonstrate that the orthogonal projection from the Hilbert–Schmidt class S2 onto the subspace of Hilbert–Schmidt ...
    • Projective Geometry 

      Langesæter, Henrik Snemyr (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Denne oppgavens tema er projektiv geometri. I oppgaven presenteres konseptet om et projektiv rom tilknyttet et vektorrom med eksempler på noen projektive rom. Man ser på avbildning fra et projektiv rom til seg selv, og ...
    • Projective spaces An extrension of affine spaces 

      Skiftestad, Tord (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Affine rom er geometriske strukturer hvor vi kan snakke om at to linjer er parallelle. Parallelle linjer er definert til å ikke skjære hverandre i noen punkter. Men inspirert av visuelt perspektiv i den virkelige verden, ...
    • Proof of the Equivalence of Weak Solutions of the Spatial and the Referential Formulations of Balance Laws 

      Kristoffersen, Maren Bråthen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Vi kan utlede en generell balanselov for alle ekstensive fysiske variabler ved å bruke prinsippet om at produksjonen av variabelen i et domene er balansert av fluksen av den samme variabelen over randen til domenet. Det ...
    • Propagating Variance in Reinforcement Learning Using Bayesian Regression 

      Münter, Rasmus A. Wichstrøm (Master thesis, 2019)
      I reinforcement learning kan bruk av bayesiske metoder føre til nesten optimale resultater på exploration-exploitation trade-off. For at disse metodene skal lykkes bør man ta hensyn til forholdet mellom forskjellige ...
    • Propagation of genetic variation in gene regulatory networks 

      Plahte, Erik; Gjuvsland, Arne Bjørke; Omholt, Stig W (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      A future quantitative genetics theory should link genetic variation to phenotypic variation in a causally cohesive way based on how genes actually work and interact. We provide a theoretical framework for predicting and ...
    • Properness conditions for actions and coactions 

      Landstad, Magnus B.; Kaliszewski, Steve; Quigg, John (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Three properness conditions for actions of locally compact groups on C⇤-algebras are studied, as well as their dual analogues for coactions. To motivate the properness conditions for actions, the commutative cases (actions ...
    • Properties of the closed testing procedure, with applications in pairwise comparisons and model selection 

      Nevjen, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2019)
      I denne oppgaven diskuterer vi metoder for multippel hypotesetesting generelt, og fokuserer spesifikt på lukket testing, introdusert av Marcus et al. (1976). Ulike lukkede testmetoder ble brukt for å kontrollere familywise ...
    • Prospective Teachers Solving a Percentage Problem: An Analysis of the Construction of a Praxeology 

      Strømskag, Heidi (Chapter, 2021)
      This study focuses on a team of three primary and lower secondary school student teachers struggling with a percentage problem. The conditions and constraints under which their inquiry unfolds and the very vicissitudes of ...
    • Provable Security of Authenticated Encryption Schemes 

      Engan, Sunniva (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven ser på den bevisbare sikkerheten til randomized counter mode (RCM) og Galois counter mode (GCM). Dette gjøres ved å bruke sekvenser av spill for å strukturere bevisene. Vi vil bevise at randomized ...
    • Proving Wedderburn's little theorem 

      Olaisen, Emil August Hovd (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Oppgaven handler om å bevise Wedderburn's lille teorem som sier at et hvert endelig integritetsområde er en endelig kropp. Oppgaven begynner med å bevise at endelige integritets områder er divisjonsringer. Etter det beskrives ...
    • PRST - Python Reservoir Simulation Toolbox 

      Røssland, Andreas Amlien (Master thesis, 2016)
      In this thesis I have developed a prototype for a software framework for the simulation of flow in porous media, based on the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolkit (MRST). The software -- Python Reservoir Simulation Toolkit ...
    • Pseudo-R2 for Generalized Linear Models - A Study of Various Pseudo-R2s for the Logit Model and the Log-Linear Poisson Model 

      Dising, Ingunn Elisabeth Holen (Master thesis, 2018)
      No equivalent measure to R2 for ordinary least square regression exist for generalized linear models to assess model fit. Therefore, this master's project addresses various pseudo-R2s for generalized linear models. Six ...
    • Pseudomoments of the Riemann zeta function 

      Bondarenko, Andrii; Brevig, Ole Fredrik; Saksman, Eero; Seip, Kristian; Zhao, Jing (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The 2kth pseudomoments of the Riemann zeta function ζ ( s ) are, following Conrey and Gamburd, the 2 k th integral moments of the partial sums of ζ ( s ) on the critical line. For fixed k > 1 / 2 , these moments are known ...
    • Psychosis and Psychotic-Like Symptoms Affect Cognitive Abilities but Not Motivation in a Foraging Task 

      ten Velden Hegelstad, Wenche; Kreis, Isabel Viola; Tjelmeland, Håkon; Pfuhl, Gerit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background and Objective: Goal-directed behavior is a central feature of human functioning. It requires goal appraisal and implicit cost-benefit analyses, i.e., how much effort to invest in the pursuit of a certain goal, ...
    • Pure-minimal chain complexes 

      Christensen, Lars Winther; Thompson, Peder (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We introduce a notion of pure-minimality for chain complexes of modules and show that it coincides with (homotopic) minimality in standard settings, while being a more useful notion for complexes of flat modules. As ...
    • Purely infinite crossed products by endomorphisms 

      Ortega Esparza, Eduardo; Pardo, E (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      We study the crossed product C*-algebra associated to injective endomorphisms, which turns out to be equivalent to study the crossed product by the dilated automorphism. We prove that the dilation of the Bernoulli p -shift ...