Browsing Institutt for elektroniske systemer by Document Types "Research report"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Adaptations of Cnossos from octave bands to 1/3 octave bands
(SINTEF AS (ISBN starter med 978-82-14-);, Research report, 2021)CNOSSOS-EU is a new European calculation method for noise levels from road traffic, railway traffic and industry sources. The objective behind the EU directive that describes the method is to ensure that a uniform method ... -
Centre for Digital Life Norway - Annual report 2017
(Research report, 2018) -
CybAllaince WP4 Annual Report 2023 Innovation and Long-term Sustainability
(Research report, 2023) -
Digital Storytelling Tools - Final Report
(Research report, 2014) -
Feedback Protocols for Increased Multiuser Diversity Gain in Cellular ALOHA Networks: A Comparative Study
(Research report, 2007)Multiuser diversity (MUD) underlies much of the recent work on scheduling design in wireless networks. This form of diversity can for example be exploited by opportunistically scheduling the mobile user with the best channel ... -
Hazard assessment of glycyrrhizic acid from liquorice
(VKM report;, Research report, 2018) -
On wind Turbine failure detection from measurements of phase currents: a permutation entropy approach
(Research report, 2016)This article presents the applicability of Permutation Entropy based complexity measure of a time series for detection of fault in wind turbines. A set of electrical data from one faulty and one ... -
Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway (BirdWind) - Progress Report 2009
(Nina Rapport;505, Research report, 2009)From 2007 inclusive, NINA has received economic support for research on wind power and birds from the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) through the RENERGI-programme. The project is named Pre- and post-construction studies ... -
Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway (BirdWind). Report on findings 2007-2010
(NINA rapport;620, Research report, 2011)The BirdWind project (2007-2010) is now concluded. This report summarises the main findings. Several scientific papers are in the process of preparation for publication in international peer re-view journals; this report ... -
"Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway". Progress Report 2008
(NINA rapport;409, Research report, 2008)Nøkkelord : windpower, radar, bird, mortality, whitetailed sea eagle, GIS, ptarmigan, eagle owl, vindkraft, dødlighet, havørn, lirype, hubro -
“Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway”. Statusrapport 1. januar 2008
(NINA Rapport;329, Research report, 2008)NINA har siden 1999 hatt ulike forsknings- og utredningsaktiviteter knyttet til vindkraft og fugl (med spesiell fokus på havørn). Finansieringen har hovedsakelig kommet fra NVE og Statkraft, men også EBL, DN/MD, Norsk Hydro ... -
Taleteknologi og kunstig intelligens
(Research report, 2022)