Now showing items 2165-2184 of 4068

    • Karakterisering av mekanisk respons etter sveising av to superlegeringer 

      Fjeld, Matilde Cassandra; Hulbak, Guri Sollien; Valle, Mari Røyne (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Prosjektet går ut på å karakterisere den mekaniske responsen etter sveising av to nikkelbaserte superlegeringer, Inconel Alloy 617 og Inconel Alloy 625. Dette skal gjøres ved å utføre to ulike metoder for materialprøving; ...
    • Karbondioksid, temperatur og relativ fuktighet som dimensjonerende inneklimaparametere for luftutskiftning i spinningrom 

      Jevard, Jostein; Tveit, Gaute Larsen (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Ventilation requirements in sport facilities are subject for discussion in Norway. According to SIAT (Centre for Sport Facilities and Technology), sport facilities often have to follow strict requirements regarding function, ...
    • Karbonfiberfelger til Formula Student 

      Sølvberg, Helge Ulset (Master thesis, 2014)
      Formula Student er en rekke ingeniørstudent konkurranser med røtter som strekker seg tilbake til 1978. Konkurransene går ut på å designe, bygge, teste og konkurrere med en en-seters formel bil. Revolve NTNU stiller i 2014 ...
    • Karbonfiberfelger til Formula Student 

      Sølvberg, Helge Ulset (Master thesis, 2014)
      Formula Student er en rekke ingeniørstudent konkurranser med røtter som strekker seg tilbake til 1978. Konkurransene går ut på å designe, bygge, teste og konkurrere med en en-seters formel bil. Revolve NTNU stiller i 2014 ...
    • Kartläggning av fysiska faktorer som begränsar laxbeståndet i Ljungan nedströms Viforsens kraftverk 

      Kristofers, Per Johan Jakob (Master thesis, 2014)
      Det här examensarbetets primära mål är att identifiera fysiskt begränsande faktorer, flaskhalsar, för laxen nedströms Viforsens kraftverk i Ljungan. För att identifiera flaskhalsarna i älven har Håndbok for miljødesign i ...
    • Kartlegging og prediksjon av vann- og energiforbruk ved norske ishaller 

      Reinfjord, Erlend William Hernæs; Andresen, Georg Sæterdal; Lindaas, Nicolai Helgerud (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Bakgrunnen for denne oppgaven er en mangel på konkret kunnskap rundt mange av sanitærprosessene i norske ishaller, deriblant vann- og energiforbruket til dusj og ispreparering. Med stadig økende krav til mindre energiforbruk, ...
    • Key insights of work life at a large Norwegian company 

      Engvik, Tommy (Master thesis, 2010)
      The goal of this paper was to identify key insights of work life for employees at the DNV department Well, Pipeline and Subsea, developing solutions for these insights and choosing one solution for more development as ...
    • Kinematic Feedback Control Using Dual Quaternions 

      Sjøberg, Alexander Meyer; Egeland, Olav (Chapter, 2018)
      This paper presents results on kinematic controllers for the stabilization of rigid body displacements using dual quaternions. The paper shows how certain results for quaternion stabilization of rotation can be extended ...
    • Kinematics and Dynamics of Flexible Robotic Manipulators Using Dual Screws 

      Cibicik, Andrej; Egeland, Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In this article, we present a new procedure for the derivation of the linearized kinematics and dynamics of a flexible industrial robotic manipulator. We introduce the Lie groups of dual rotation and dual homogeneous ...
    • Kinetic Theory and Shear Viscosity of Dense Dipolar Hard Sphere Liquids 

      Pousaneh, Faezeh; de Wijn, Astrid S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Transport properties of dense fluids are fundamentally challenging, because the powerful approaches of equilibrium statistical physics cannot be applied. Polar fluids compound this problem, because the long-range interactions ...
    • Kinetics of cyclically-induced mechanical twinning in γ-TiAl unveiled by a combination of acoustic emission, neutron diffraction and electron microscopy 

      Vinogradov, Alexey; Heczko, M.; Mazánová, V.; Linderov, Mikhail; Kruml, T. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The cyclic response and the microstructure evolution of the near γ-TiAl alloy are investigated by a blend of contemporary experimental techniques centred around in-situ acoustic emission (AE) measurements reflecting the ...
    • Kit preparation with cobot-supported sorting in mixed model assembly 

      Sgarbossa, Fabio; Calzavara, Martina; Fager, Patrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Kitting is a common approach of materials supply with mixed-model assembly, by which components are supplied to the assembly process in pre-sorted kits. With kitting, the kit preparation is a labour intensive process and ...
    • Klassifisering av dammer - Vurdering av oppstrøms forhold 

      Hojem, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2016)
      Etter innføringen av den gjeldende damsikkerhetsforskriften i 2010 har mange dammer i Norge blitt plassert i en høyere konsekvensklasse, da de ikke tilfredsstiller dagens krav til stabilitet. Dambruddsbølgeberegninger er ...
    • Knowledge Based Engineering and Metacognition for Creative Design 

      Taftø, Eivind André (Master thesis, 2016)
      This study focuses on the possibility of using Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) as a tool for the early creative design phase, using systematic design principles introduced by Eskild Tjalve. In addition, the concept of ...
    • Knowledge Based Engineering for Human Body Modeling and Simulation 

      Risnes, Martha (Master thesis, 2016)
      This thesis has been written to demonstrate the development of a Knowledge- Based Engineering (KBE) application of the musculoskeletal system of the human body. One of the main goals has been to establish what advantages ...
    • Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning in the Construction Industry 

      Kollmann, Ladislav (Master thesis, 2020)
      Nowadays, many construction organisations try to re-engineer their business processes in order to improve the performance and productivity of construction projects. At the same time, it is still unclear which techniques ...
    • Knowledge Management of University-Industry Collaboration in the Learning Economy 

      Hansen, Irina-Emily; Mork, Ola Jon; Welo, Torgeir (Chapter, 2017)
      Rapid transformation of technologies and markets challenge organizations to build structures and norms that promote learning and innovation. Up until now, however, knowledge management has not been a common subject for ...
    • Knowledge Transfer in Partnering Projects 

      Bellini, Alessia (Master thesis, 2016)
      The general purpose of this research was to investigate the perception of the link between knowledge transfer and partnering within the construction industry. From a comprehensive literature review and a set of qualitative ...
    • Knowledge-based Development of Innovative Products for Medical Applications 

      Tryti, Sindre (Master thesis, 2010)
      The purpose of this thesis is to address two issues concerning product development; one involving early-phase product development, the other involving management of knowledge. Early-phase product development deals with ...
    • Kompleksitet i jernbaneprosjekter - Rammeverk og veileder for kartlegging og analyse 

      Mjøsund, Helene Lien (Master thesis, 2018)
      I Bane NOR, som i resten av bygg- og anleggsbransjen, gjennomføres arbeid i stadig større grad gjennom prosjekterorganisering og prosjektene blir stadig mer komplekse. Det er større grad av mangfold i type elementer, og ...